bruh moment
- Pronoun
- she/they
does it happen to be in the context that you're mafia"mafia-aligned"

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does it happen to be in the context that you're mafia"mafia-aligned"
typing is hard huh skylar?
lol. immunity desu?feel free to side-eye me as much as you want tbh. i’m sure hiding something vital that makes me seriously doubt the existence of a mafia faction. but this thing is not my alignment.
i think she meant that she is number onetyping is hard huh skylar?
nope and that’s all i’m going to saylol. immunity desu?feel free to side-eye me as much as you want tbh. i’m sure hiding something vital that makes me seriously doubt the existence of a mafia faction. but this thing is not my alignment.
oh i get it, you're softing a mafia killpower role by saying thanatos instead of thanosthanatos
im sleebyoh i get it, you're softing a mafia killpower role by saying thanatos instead of thanos
wow holy shit this is an old-ass gamesure makes me think-Zero Moment started out as vanilla townie, but whilst dead, had the power to revive himself as a serial killer. He had both a regular killing power and a one-shot power to make himself deathproof for the night and following Day.
I may be reading too much into this but this feels like the same kind of infofishing that rari accused Negrek of. This isn't something VM implied at all prior to this, so why would this possibility come to mind at all? Is this a paranoid mafia fearing a bigger threat than was stated, and trying to verify if their fear is right or wrong?VM does your role stop your target from making an action, or is it solely a redirect? :O If you don't wanna disclose that, that's fine too!
Tofu, are you sure you're not misreading your PM or something and that your power doesn't give you like, additional extra badges or something?
In retrospect, these two posts feel almost TMI/openwolfy in how strongly they feel like an attempt to help a teammate cover up a questionable claim that was coming under more scrutiny than expected (which, in this reading, would implicate Tofu as well). There was nothing in Tofu's posts at that time that indicated anything like what Bluwii is suggesting (especially that discongruous "are you saying...?" when that's clearly not what she was saying), but sure enough Tofu ran with it.Oh, wait!
Are you saying you can redistribute extra badges that you've received from other people?Idk it just said "colorful scatter" was the move and I give away my badges through it. It made sense to me when I read it because it was like, I dead but my Pokemon isn't, so it helped me out? Maybe it's just to balance the power of my other role by making my Pokemon's role not really do anything, idk M&F's mind.
This vote was placed only a few hours before EOD, when Zori already had a wagon of 8 votes. I would expect mafia to try to bandwagon sooner so they look less like they're jumping on an established bandwagon, so this maybe leans town. (On the other hand, if mafia tried to kill Zori n0 and it didn't work for whatever reason, waiting this long could be mafia-ish if they were worried she was alien and they'd activated her? That's a lot of ifs though.)Pretty sure I'm gonna be Zzzing past eod time unfortunately, so Zori for lack of any better ideas :( Amphy nooooo!!
tbqh as w/w i’d expect him to give her this idea in scumchat, not in public. giving her ideas inthread only undermines her claim if she runs with it… which is what happened. i think blu is >rand v here, but.In retrospect, these two posts feel almost TMI/openwolfy in how strongly they feel like an attempt to help a teammate cover up a questionable claim that was coming under more scrutiny than expected (which, in this reading, would implicate Tofu as well). There was nothing in Tofu's posts at that time that indicated anything like what Bluwii is suggesting (especially that discongruous "are you saying...?" when that's clearly not what she was saying), but sure enough Tofu ran with it.
...tfw kyeugh left aanyway there's actually no point in not just saying this
we have mechanical confirmation that there exist mafia-aligned players tbh tbh
hmm. this is good information to have, thank you.or, well, i guess it's possible that it's a really bizarre red herring but. point is our role pm has the word "mafia-aligned" in it, in a context that makes me pretty comfortable just saying that it's confirmation