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where the fuck is stryke
Meow about we lynch an inactive player for lack of a better option?where the fuck is stryke

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where the fuck is stryke
Meow about we lynch an inactive player for lack of a better option?where the fuck is stryke
what does this meanYou guys will never know my powers because not even I know my powers
You guys will never know my powers because not even I know my powers
They meowst be pretty powerful, thenYou guys will never know my powers because not even I know my powers
pretty sure he's just saying he didn't read his role pmThey meowst be pretty powerful, thenYou guys will never know my powers because not even I know my powers![]()
i've gotten used to these things working in the most frustrating possible way so mf would probably say "well, technically your ability is you targetting yourself, so now it's you letting vm use it, yadda yadda eat shit"Ahahaha, I just realized... If RNP is telling the truth about his role, and I use my Attract power on RNP, none of the mafia would be able to target RNP and he would find out who all the mafia are.
i say this because that's a jojo reference and stryke is an assholepretty sure he's just saying he didn't read his role pmThey meowst be pretty powerful, thenYou guys will never know my powers because not even I know my powers![]()
Wait a meowment, it's a JoJo-reference? What part is that from? (I meowst admit that I'm currently binging JoJo very, very slowly and didn't chatch it someowi say this because that's a jojo reference and stryke is an assholepretty sure he's just saying he didn't read his role pmThey meowst be pretty powerful, thenYou guys will never know my powers because not even I know my powers![]()
Hm, I considered that momentarily, but mentally tossed it aside bc I realized that as far as we know (per the signup thread), the only way to get badges is for dead people to distribute them. So if both mafia and vig!Zori require badges to kill, we would just plain have no nightkills at all unless we yeet someone AND that person then distributes their badges to mafia or vig. That seems unbalanced to me, so I feel like Occam's Razor is that the mafia nightkill must not be badge-locked.a possibility I've not seen mentioned yet: there was no N0 kill because the mafia's nightkill has a badge cost.
I think I would rather wait for D2 and see whether anyone can confirm or deny his claim. I feel like the instinct to yeet people because their roles are "not a great loss to town", rather than because they actually seem scummy for any reason, has helped contribute to a lot of the past tcodf town losses so far.I admit I am most concerned about RNP's claim. Pardon my language, but surely this is quite the "bastard" role, is it not? If we have no other choices today, it seems our best option may be to vote RNP, since losing such a role would not be a great loss to the town if he is telling the truth, and it will only continue to be a source of confusion for us in the long run.
I can try too, although (bc of how my action works) I'm not sure whether it would trigger his thing or not. More tries from more not-that-useful people is a good thing, though, I think.I will volunteer to use my action on him if no one confirms it today, since my power is not all that useful on its own.
I definitely do not think an inactive yeet accomplishes anything, especially less than halfway through D1Meow about we lynch an inactive player for lack of a better option?where the fuck is stryke
If you target him, and I target him, your action is just going to be redirected onto me.I can try too, although (bc of how my action works) I'm not sure whether it would trigger his thing or not. More tries from more not-that-useful people is a good thing, though, I think.I will volunteer to use my action on him if no one confirms it today, since my power is not all that useful on its own.
(Although useful people should prob stay away from RNP in case he somehow really is galaxy brain mafia that kills everyone who targets him??????)
hey hey. the wolf winstreak died! town won ooctvt and i am still VERY hyped about it. maybe this could be the dawn of a town winstreak ...Unless M&F really wants to turn around the wolf winstreak, hehe!