Mr. Ultracool
Blasts off at the speed of light!
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s-so why would you vote to ... have him killed ...I just think UC could be outgroup and have a condition where his death helps mafia,
you go on to say that this read would implicate tofu but like ... aren't you TRing her ... in that world, this means nothing from bluIn retrospect, these two posts feel almost TMI/openwolfy in how strongly they feel like an attempt to help a teammate cover up a questionable claim
how was that bussing? we weren't wolves together.I meant on snomafia lol sorry for not being clear
hmm, one question - i think it's still possible for there to exist a normally-functioning (i.e. not passive, as hydrei was (?)) mafia roleblocker. in that case what happens if they target cop and then that roleblock gets Attracted to you?/would that leave cop wide open ... or am i overthinking thisSince we have only lost two self-aligned players and a roleblocker
Given your reasonings here, I'm worried now that more and more people are gonna hop on the Tofu wagon now to try to divert suspiciontbh call us tunneled or whatever but i’m really >:/ that this was one of the main things that happened yesterDay and that apparently no one else, except for maybe rnp, felt like it was worth going over the timeline and are now just saying “oh there are inconsistencies i guess” or actually TLing tofu coming out of it. and that even when skylar and i went to the lengths we did to lay things out no one is talking to us about it or doing anything beyond skimming our post and then doubting it based on skipping over or misunderstanding things that we’d already discussed
i kind of think that if tofu is v here that at least some mafia would have jumped on or agreed with us since it wouldn’t have been a hard thing to go “oh, this clicks” about and place a vote over. instead i can’t shake the feeling that the resistance/thread attempt to move past the topic is indicative of something
oh, ok, yeah. bussing is like, when you push your wolf partner under the bus - i.e. lynch them - to gain credibility.ok nvm not bussing. I meant sheeping? like blindly following someone?
hahaha. well, it doesn't really matter, i think the read already exists whether or not people jump in or not; it was based on the fact that a decent amount of time has already passedGiven your reasonings here, I'm worried now that more and more people are gonna hop on the Tofu wagon now to try to divert suspicionLike, if Tofu is w then a bus gives them bonus towny points, and if she's v then it absolves them of having tmi?
ahahah, thanks! appreciate it - i was tempted to rage about it more but it would be a little AtE-y so i restrained myselfAlso mewt forgive me if this is overbearing but you seem a little stressed out today ;o; Please make sure you look after yourself!!
er appeal to emotion
s-so why would you vote to ... have him killed ...I just think UC could be outgroup and have a condition where his death helps mafia,
mkay I think you meant this with the not engaging. Yes, I agree her copycat thing could as well be real as either alignment. Do you think she's possibly hiding her real badge cost ability or that she really doesn't have one? I think it maybe doesn't make sense as either alignment so she probably lied outright?first thing (about the cc) - said this earlier, but we aren't doubting that her role isn't in part real; duplicator makes fine enough sense for mafia to have. in re: the early claim, we talked about this in our other post;Well I was thinking about not asking for badges and the early claim. The way I see it is it's risky. Like RNP's supermiller claim, or because someone could cc her.
i also would argue that her comments about the badges are like ... NAI? fwiw the early claim/badgestance are clearly working, and i think it's plausible for scum to say "don't give me badges" if it a) isn't something they need, b) makes them look towny, or c) both.we think the early claim is sorta towny on its own, but not, like, especially so. and we're very much of the opinion that whatever town points it did win her were cancelled out and then some by this post, where she points to it as evidence of her own towniness. imo "if i'm mafia, why do i do THIS, huh!?" rarely feels good—very LAMIST vibes and i think these thoughts occur to wolves more often than town.
sorry if i'm being curt, but i'm honestly getting sort of frustrated because i feel like people aren't really engaging with what we've posted and instead keep glossing over it
does it matter?general q for the crowd, are we assuming 3p doesn't give out any badges then?
Oh I see. ty for explainingoh, ok, yeah. bussing is like, when you push your wolf partner under the bus - i.e. lynch them - to gain credibility.ok nvm not bussing. I meant sheeping? like blindly following someone?
tbh it may not help much but i pretty much was trying to channel my town game there, a lot of the pushes i made were based on things i actually saw (which is why i kept SRing my partner d1, who i genuinely thought looked scummy)
uh, i guess not? it just came up because we had just been talking about seshas giving out badges and people seemed to be assuming 3p distributed them.does it matter?
i'm guessing that she just doesn't have one? also, skylar and i were thinking that maybe she was purposefully avoiding claiming colorful scatter, but then later forgot that she'd omitted mentioning it, and then slipped and said the phrase (considering that she'd at first expressly only claimed a vanilla, unflavored badge distribution thing + her oneshot)Yes, I agree her copycat thing could as well be real as either alignment. Do you think she's possibly hiding her real badge cost ability or that she really doesn't have one? I think it maybe doesn't make sense as either alignment so she probably lied outright?
I was initially TRing Tofu off my VM-would-notice-something-IRL theory which you and VM later told me not to do... so I'm trying not to do that, which leaves me at null-leaning-SR on both Tofu and Bluyou go on to say that this read would implicate tofu but like ... aren't you TRing her ... in that world, this means nothing from bluIn retrospect, these two posts feel almost TMI/openwolfy in how strongly they feel like an attempt to help a teammate cover up a questionable claim
also i agree that this save is weird but it looks bad for tofu before it looks bad for blu tbh, don't really understand why you'd vote here based off of that
ok and now this post is just further entrenching my Blu/Tofu w/w thoughtsGiven your reasonings here, I'm worried now that more and more people are gonna hop on the Tofu wagon now to try to divert suspicionLike, if Tofu is w then a bus gives them bonus towny points, and if she's v then it absolves them of having tmi?
I think it'll be good to analyse just how the voting plays out, bearing this in mind!
Also mewt forgive me if this is overbearing but you seem a little stressed out today ;o; Please make sure you look after yourself!!
I have gone back and forth on my Ultracool reads over the course of the game, but for various reasons (including some gutreads I prefer not to elaborate on at the moment) I am feeling more town-leaning on him lately. If he is town, then his claimed role is pretty strongly valuable, so I don't really like this vote. Could be town disagreeing with my reads or could be mafia openly trying to get a valuable role yeeted.Hey sorry, I'm going to try to catch up on the posts today, so I haven't read them other than seeing Jack vote for Blu. I do think for today I want to vote Mr. Ultracool, based on my previous post's reasons and the fact that I want to trust my own reads above any wagons that might come up. I just think UC could be outgroup and have a condition where his death helps mafia, or helps them if they target him, based on his ISO. We're probably going to go kayaking today so I'm sorry if I can't be here to elaborate during the day, but if you are curious, he does mention several times in his ISO wanting to be targeted or killed by mafia, and I think it is/was too early in the game for someone to want to just sacrifice themselves without another motive. I'll try to check in later, but also might be in sleep-land at EOD.
Good point.i kind of think that if tofu is v here that at least some mafia would have jumped on or agreed with us since it wouldn’t have been a hard thing to go “oh, this clicks” about and place a vote over. instead i can’t shake the feeling that the resistance/thread attempt to move past the topic is indicative of something
i know mewt responded to this, but i just wanted to tack on that while we do genuinely believe tofu is w and would prefer to yeet her for that reason above all others, we also think the discussion surrounding her has been pretty weird, and i think there’s a lot to glean from her flip due to that. resolving this just seems like the way to go imo.hhh I already made the mistake of bussing mewtini once and still think that tofu being mafia doesn't make sense. Like sure, there's been the inconsistencies but does that make her scum for sure?
i think i understand what you mean, but just in case i don't - can you talk a little more about why?ok and now this post is just further entrenching my Blu/Tofu w/w thoughts
feels like he is trying to lay groundwork/sow doubts in advance so that when Tofu flips, he will more easily be able to steer wagonomics discussion in an unfruitful direction (or maybe so he won't even need to steer bc others will do that for him!)i think i understand what you mean, but just in case i don't - can you talk a little more about why?ok and now this post is just further entrenching my Blu/Tofu w/w thoughts