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Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [N3]


Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [N3]

Numerous gym leaders, some from far abroad, were to attend a reunion in Goldenrod City. There was going to be discussion on corruption within the Pokémon League -- cases where gym leaders have helped to cover crimes up or, worse, committed crimes themselves and had another gym leader cover for them.

In a meeting of this sort, safety is paramount. But is it enough?

48 hours for night actions.
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Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [N0]

The weather had been very cloudy for the last few days in Goldenrod City. Although no rain fell, thunder strikes were heard.

The morning after, the extent of damage caused by the lightning was highly visible -- one of the city's main water supplying stations was completely fried. Near the area, Falkner's body, just as badly burnt, was found, along with his Pelipper, affected even moreso due to elemental weaknesses.

The damage had caused countless buildings in the city to lose water supplying. With this dramatic a situation to deal with, the gym leaders put large efforts at helping out with the structural alterations that would allow for other stations to keep the supply coming for the time being. The citizens were given several messages to cut down on water.

Only much later that day did somebody wander into Bugsy's room, to find him slit right in half. As the sunset fell, however, there was little time to investigate.

I liek Squirtles (Bugsy) is dead. He was not mafia.

Superbird (Falkner) is dead. He was not mafia.
Falkner's Pelipper activates Rain Dish. Day One will be skipped.

6 hours before I just move along to the night phase.

If you'd like, you can already start sending your PMs for N1. And for the record, if you'd like to abstain from using your role powers, it'll be much faster if you send me a PM saying you'd like to do so.
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D1]

Oh boy, I'm so forgetful.

48 hours for night actions.
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [N1]

Soon, the Gym Leaders would come to regret their lack of investigation, as multiple deathes came to be the following day.

Noises had been heard near Lance's room in the fancy Goldenrod Prime Hotel. The door was locked, if a tad weakened; Janine's Muk had little trouble punching it in half. Much of the room was charred, and there were still embers everywhere. The former Champion of the Elite Four's body was so badly burned, only the head remained mostly unaffected, preserving the expression of stark shock, with a twinge of regret.

A countout would later show that Jasmine had also gone missing. Predictably enough, she was lying in her room, literally torn apart.

Glace (Jasmine) is dead. He was not mafia.

Phantom (Lance) is dead. She was not mafia.

48 hours for discussion.
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D2]

Well, this is bad. I'm not sure what we should do, though... random lynch?
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D2]

Why would you resort to randy lynching? It's quite possibly the worst method of lynching. Not only is it painfully inaccurate, if you do happen to kill an innocent (hint: you probably will) you give the mafia a better chance of winning.
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D2]

Mai is Mafia, if her immediate suggestion of a random lynch isn't evidence enough.
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D2]

Why not? We're four innocents down already, and abstaining will get us nowhere. If you have a defense for yourself then say so; we're just doing this on the off chance (that seems to be getting significantly larger every day) that you happen to be mafia. There's no information for lynching but it could be unnsafe not to do so. This makes sense, but seeing as you spoke up I'll put a vote for Flower Doll.

She's usually inactive; this should make her less so.
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D2]

Yeah, but you, an experienced Mafia player who'd likely know better, immediately jumped to a random lynch so that we wouldn't try to discuss anything or report two nights' worth of information. That's evidence enough to lynch you.
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D2]

I agree with the need for discussion; however, the day is almost up. I'm voting Flower Doll for now, as they've not posted or been too helpful yet.
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D2]

Or maybe OrngSumb is mafia, and is using this as an opportunity to get us to kill another innocent...
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D2]

Well, we're voting Flower Doll now. Who is currently online, so should speak up!
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D2]

I was typing a post but my sis and our cousin needed the computer I was on. So I had to boot up another computer. So while you were telling me I should speak up, I had to retype my whole post.

So I have two moves (as I assume most Gym Leaders do), Bounce and Insomnia. Bounce let me target someone, and if they were to be killed, I'll be killed instead (a bodyguard of sorts). Insomnia, if I used it, would target a random person and allow me to talk with them during the night.

I used Insomnia the past two nights, targeting Zapi and Grass King, both of which can vouch for me.

(Not lynching you yet though, Mai; generally inactive-lynch proposers aren't often Mafia)
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D2]

I can indeed vouch for Flower Doll's second ability, but only for last night. If Zapi decides to post, she would also confirm this story.
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D2]

Oh, sorry. Those sorts of things happen to me far too often... I'll take my vote back and abstain, but are we still going to lynch someone?
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D2]

Well since you decided to abstain, that leaves a three way tie between Flower Doll, Chief Zackrai and yourself, Mai. So it basically comes down to, just abstaining, or voting on someon else, most likely someone inactive.

Either way, I shall abstain.
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D2]

Lynch Mai. She's Mafia. I can prove it with her death if you vote for her. And if not, then go ahead and lynch me tomorrow.
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