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Just thought I'd get it out there a day early and wish everybody a happy Easter.
Signed Ryan aka David Bowie/Ziggy Stardust/ Major Tom/ The Starman
Easter! Yay! I like easter. I don't really know why. But good stuff always happens to me on easter! For instance, this morning the ground didn't slap me in the face! That always happens. And I got a ref in ASB for my first battle! And even better, it's a ref with a cool name! Umm... Oh. And I'm possibly getting dumplings for lunch. I'm not sure. I just like easter.
Aah, happy Easter everyone! I just got a small basket filled with candy, some money, and a basketball, which I really wanted. My little brother's out looking for eggs, and everything so nice right now. We're also getting my dog something (probably a small toy), since Easter is the day we got him.

900th post yeaaaaaaahhhh.
Happy Easter everyone!
I've had a reasonably good day - my sister and I have been studying/essaying all day, but binging on Malteasers the whole time, so it's not too bad.
Easter hasn't been a big deal for me ever since I got too old for Easter egg hunts, but I had purple and yellow frosting on my cinnamon roll this morning :3
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