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Heavy Lobsta Vs. Dr Frank

Lars The Turtwig

Will probably not come back.
Format: 2v2 Double
Style: Set
DQ: 1 week
Damage Cap: 37% (Because I can)
Banned/Restricted: Direct Healing, Two turn attacks, Surf, Dive, Waterfall, etc, and OHKOs (chills limited to 3/Pokemon)
Arena Name: The Bottomless Pit
Arena Description: A five meter by five meter pit that is surrounded by a variety of rocky outcroppings. As the name suggests, the pit is bottomless, so any fall is an instant KO. However, the pit seems to exert a spiritual force that prevents anybody from coming within two meters of it. This makes it so a Hariyama couldn't simply drag a Pachirisu to the edge and throw it in (though there is nothing stopping the Hariyama from throwing the Pachirisu from outside the two meters). Surrounding the pit are rock ledges, pillars, and small dips and rises in the ground, a long with many pebbles, and a few boulders. There are four pillars surrounding the pit. In relativity to the pit, each one rests in line with one of the four main cardinal directions. This is where the Pokemon are first sent out. If any Pokemon proceeds down the ledges at a fast pace, there is a 25% chance they will trip and scrape themselves against the rock, causing the Pokemon to take the same amount of damage they would take from a rock-type attack with a power of 40. Rock, Ground, Flying, and Ghost types are immune to this.
Additional Rules: No water-types that can't survive out of water.

Heavy Lobsta's Dewds:

(Catastrophic) Absol (F)
Ability: Super Luck

(Diggz) Diglett (M)
Ability: Sand Veil

(Head-Shot) Remoraid (M)
Ability: Sniper

(Galapagoose) Zangoose (M)
Abillity: Immunity

Dr Frang's Miniens:

[Tyrogue]Van Dam(M)
Abillity: Guts


Coin flip of DOOOOOOM decided:
-Franklin Sends Out
-LOBSTA sends out and issues commands
-Franklin issues commands
Re: Heavy Lobsta Vs. Dr Frank <--(Yay, not dot)

Okay then, hmm, let's see...

I'll send out Voron the Magnemite, aaaannd... Van Dam the Tyrogue. Phew, glad that's over with.

And, err, Lars the Turtwig referee sir, you forgot Voron's ability (Sturdy). Not that it makes any difference in the arena, but still...
Let'sa GO!

Right then, Diggz, I'll use you for obvious reasons, and Galapagoose. All three of my remaining Pokemon have type disadvantages, so I'll use my newest teamie.

OK Diggz, let’s start by using your speed to your advantage and Uproaring. No sleeping for you or Goosie. Next you’ll still be uproaring. If not, use a Toxic on Van Dam. On the third action, if not uproaring use Earthquake.

Now Goosie, you’ll be beginning with a Taunt on Voron. Follow up with a Sunny Day, unless Van Dam used either Hi Jump Kick or Brick Break in the previous turn, in which I want you to use Disable. Finally, use Fire Punch on Voron in the last action. If Diggz stops uproaring and uses Earthquake use Detact.

Diggz: Uproar ~ Uproar / Toxic (Van Dam) ~ Uproar / Earthquake

Galapagoose: Taunt (Voron) ~ Sunny Day / Disable (Van Dam) ~ Fire Punch (Voron) / Detect

Let's try teaming up here. VD, take the first move and use Fake Out on Diggz. Let's have it 'Uproar' all it wants later. Voron, put out some rock 'n' roll and Metal Sound the Goose. VD, Vacuum Wave the Goose and Voron, follow up with Thunder Bolt. Lastly, VD, try to neutralise Diggz bEarthquake with one of your own, and Voron, see if you can replace that unbearable sun with a little Rain Dance.

Van Dam: Fake Out (Diggz) ~ Vacuum Wave (Galapagoose) ~ Earthquake

Voron: Metal Sound (Galapagoose) ~ Thunder Bolt (Galapagoose) ~ Rain Dance
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