• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Hello hello!


Top coordinator in training!
Hi everyone, nice to meet you! I'm Dawn, a nearly 21 year old biology major, grocery store lackey, and Pokemon fan. I was introduced to this site by my buddy Shadow Serenity.

I'm terrible at these things. Let's see, uh...I got into Pokemon around age 9..It was kind of amusing because I thought it was stupid at first. My friend got into it though, and she was showing me the cards and stuff. I fell in love with a Vulpix one and she gave it to me. I begged my mom to get me a GBC and a copy of Pokemon Blue, and after that I was hooked.

So here I am! I joined mainly because I'm not so good at competitive battling, and I'd love to make some friends, get some tips and play with others. However, I fail because I have no wifi at the moment. I'm hoping to get it set up soon. I've got Diamond, Platinum, and Heart Gold ready to go!

So yeah, this was long. Sorry! See you around. =]
Hi! Normally, people would warn you about the carnivorous welcome mats, but no need to worry. I replaced them with vegetarian welcome mats, and hopefully, it'll stay that way. Just don't bring sugar by them. They freak out. There are two bins inside and outside the cave to throw your sweets in so you don't get mauled.

Anyway, I have some tea. The cod is poisoned temporarily, however. But I have a lot of fresh cod if you want some.

Anyway, enjoy your stay, and don't accept cod from anyone else for now.
I've been refreshing this since I told you about it so I could be the first one to reply. And I fail. xD

I don't remember if you saw in the chat or not, but I said I didn't like it at first either, because it was a fad. xD That didn't last very long though. But I didn't know you started the same way.

Anyways, Xero forgot to mention to watch out for the welcome mats. They bite. And that's my job.

Just kidding (Do I qualify as a stalker yet?).

*Slaps mat with yardstick, andwhile the mat is stunned, I throw it out of the cave*

Erm.... What mat?
Oh my, I'd love some cod! Seafood is good. You know, the non-poisoned kind.

Don't fight..You might entice the floor mats? xD
*While I listen to Dawn, a mat jumps up, and gobbles my entire yardstick*

I need to take these back to Era...

*Packs up mats, and loads them onto a truck*


*Walks back in the cave, and carnivorous welcome mats come back*

Well, hi! I'm Superbird, resident bird lover here. And apparently the only sane one here also...*looks at SS and Xero* Well anyway, would you like some refreshments? Beverages, fish, and pastries all freshly available for a first-timer. Then you have to pay for them.

So hey. If you want to get better at Competitive battling, I'd strongly suggest the Crystal League, which will get you ready for the Chrome League.
O_O Oh ehm gee! They're ninja carnivorous welcome mats! The only solution is to...SET THEM ON FIRE. Go Rapidash. =D

Edit: Thank you Superbird! Sorry, we posted at the same time it seems. xD I enjoy birds as well. Who's your favorite? Thanks for the advice also (and the free food!) I'm excited to jump into things...I just need to get my wifi all set up.
Nah, Xero's tried to burn them before. It doesn't work.
Now, this is where an original or witty greeting should go. Unfortunately, the only such thing I have has been stolen by everyone else. *Glares at everyone who mentioned poisoned cod*
Here. Have a dawn.
Haha, thank you either way! It's lovely to be greeted with such randomosity. And that picture is so freaking adorable. :3
Haha, thank you either way! It's lovely to be greeted with such randomosity. And that picture is so freaking adorable. :3

It only gets better. :D

I just hope those ninja mats never get a hold of any throwing stars, or we're all in trouble, not just the newbies.
Oh yes. It'll be worse than the impending zombie apocalypse. Also, root for Dawn. DO IT. I'm special? -Rolls around!-
Too late. She lost. Too much Swift. Sorry D:
Incidentally, I don't believe anyone has reccommended the Animé-Style Battling section yet? They should have. Also I reccommend the Safari Zone not to get more business for my area nope no way.
It only gets better. :D

I just hope those ninja mats never get a hold of any throwing stars, or we're all in trouble, not just the newbies.

Actually, one did. It's in my invisible indestructable box over there.

Oh yes. It'll be worse than the impending zombie apocalypse. Also, root for Dawn. DO IT. I'm special? -Rolls around!-

TWO. MORE. YEARS. TILL OUR DOOM. I'm insuring it.

*Points to another box filled with zombies*

Either Butterfree has too many hobbies, or I brought a lot more stuff. Bumpedvmy head a while ago, so I can't remember, DAMMIT
Oh, you know, I suggested she join here to add further activity to the Wifi league, but the ASB section is worth checking out. I won't brag about that, though. xD *rolls around*

I think you brought too much stuff, Xero. That being said, we could always just find some pirate welcome mats and let them and the ninja welcome mats duke it out for a while. That might solve everything. Or, you know, make it that much worse. :D
Welcome to the cave! I'm blade, and I'm getting my wi-fi set up around christmas. It'd be great to battle you (or anyone else fo that matter).

Also, my Invisible Shiny Garchomp, Invisi-Chomp, should take care of those ninja mats.
D'aw, oh well. Maybe I'll have better luck here with the pirate and ninja mats. I sense the impending realization that I will probably be robbed by the pirate ones...

Thanks everyone! I'm looking forward to this, and now that I'm slightly awake, I've been checking out the different sections - Safari zone looks so fun! I might sign up there before I catch some more Z's.. (Had a friend over last night, you know how that goes. xD)
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