• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Hello, I'm Cj Blazer


Where have I been at?
Greetings, my name is, of course, CJ Blazer. You can call me CJ, Blazer, or CJB.

I am a roleplayer and a novelist. Im also a member of Pokeboard. It was my forum wife Espeon who invited me to join.
Well anyways i hope to have fun around here.
Oh hi! I'm Cubone, the TCoD's official... Cubone. (I gotta make a new title for myself.) Would you like some tea and cod? Liquified pie and swordfish? Oooh! How 'bout a foam sword? I won't lie. They taste good :3 And by the way, I wouldnt double post. The Edit button is your friend.
Late hello to you, person!

If you have any questions, come ask Spunky, your resident DBZ freak and person..To..Ask questions...?

Have a foam sword.
Yes, foam swords are nice!
*Hands him one*
Well, anyways, welcome to TCoD! There's a lot of different threads and topics to choose. There's ASB, Mafia, Forum Games, Creativity (which includes LP's, Poetry/Fanfiction, etc.) and, of course, Pokemon discussions.
Hope you have a nice stay! :3
Don't forget ROLEPLAYING!

Anyways, hi. FyreSkai you say? That's not my name! I'm Ever, resident Buttercat.
So um, enjoy your stay!
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