• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Hello people

The Phantom Latios

Master of Dragons
Um...hi. My username is The Phantom Latios. I've gone to the Cave of Dragonflies website and always saw this forum link, so I decided to join. I've joined other forums, and my username usually relates to something about Latios. I live in the U.S., and I have been a pokemon fan for 7 years.
Hello. I am here to give you a greeting, reccommendation, and tired memes of greeting threads.

Greeting: Hello! Welcome to the Cave, enjoy your stay.

Reccommendation: Check the Animé-Style Battling section. Also the Safari Zone and Roleplaying sections.

Memes: Don't eat the seafood, it's poisonous. Have some beverage and seafood. Watch out for the carnivorous welcome mats. Here's a foam sword. Something about invisible Garchomp. And yeah.
Hi. I'm Superbird, this forum's resident bird lover. If you need anything, just ask me.

Also, the vegetarian welcome mats are just as deadly as the carnivorous welcome mats. Just give them sugar.

*pours bag of sugar on Squornshellous Beta and lets loose vegetarian welcome mats*

I am absolutely fed up of people pouring sugar on me and letting loose the welcome mats. It happens all too often.

(Once is far too much)
Do you have a foam sword? These mats are vicious. I think OH AAAARGH THEY GOT MY NECK AAAARGLEBLARGLE... oh no... I'm dying... my last request is that you don't give my ASB Pokémon to anyone annoying...
*uses a revive and full restore on Squornshellous Beta*

Now run.

*Calls Hitmon Army to deal with Welcome Mats*
Well. THAT was unpleasant.
*Calls on Shedinja to deal with the mats*
See, it's perfect! The mats can only learn normal-type moves, so they can't to a thing to Shedinja. Their Bite and Crunch are modified versions that don't involve dark energy, too.
Hello! Welcome to TCoD! As they have said beware the sugar crazed welcome mats! There was a bucket were you could put your sugar, but it seems they got that too. Make good use of that foam sword!

Hi I'm Enkoe, somewhat weird and annoying.

Beware of the welcome mats, and also the omnivorous mats that are eating people's legs. The foam sword should help, but here's a radio that will call on my SUPER AWESOME Giratina that will kill the mats for you.

Also, beware of King Magikarp, who eats northerners. (I'm a northerner! :O) Isn't he pretty close to evolving?

Oh, and there's an Invisible Garchomp lurking. If you see a floating hat in the air, run away.

In other words, ENJOY YOUR STAY

I am River, the local Bannersmith. That was my most recent production of boredom. I wish you luck in your quest against the spasmic welcome mats as well as eternal peace on the forums.
BACK UP NOTE: I warn you, no matter what you do to the King Magikarp he will always come back because he is a Magikarp. They are always going to be around whether you like it or not.

Try to avoid

Carnivourous welcome mats, they eat you
Vegitarian welcome mats, they eat sugar
InvisiChomp the invisible Garchomp, who stalks you
Cursed floorboards, who make you fall over
King Magikarp, who eats northerners
and Blaziken, Sceptile and Empoleon duking it out, if you get caught in the crossfire...well, let's just say medical insurance won't cover it.

You can deal with all these problems using any of the following weapons. *pulls lever and a wall slides away revealing several weapons*
The foam sword, shotgun, flamethrower and pet Houndoom, or the radio to call in the HitmonArmy (Every fighting type there is) or the Lati-Cops
Well, hidey-ho, good neighbor. (Sp?)

Anywho, I'm Magnemite, semi-commonly-to-an-ironic-extent-because-I'm-a-guy-and-not-a-girl *deep breath* called Maggy, which i don't really mind anymore. I am also the proud (yet unofficial) spokesman for the new forum/ website called To Be Continued..., which is a forum about continuations/ variations of video games.
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