• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?



To the sweat drops down my balls~
Hello, I joined these forums out of my interest of pokemon and the fan base.

I enjoy Role playing pokemon, though usually more adult themes.

I would love to meet some people and hopefully make some friends, If you can break through my shell ^^;
Hi! Welcome to the Cave. I'd highly recommend the Animé-Style Battling section, it's really fun. You'll enjoy it here, I'm sure.

On the subject of shells, I certainly have one of my own. But I'm quite nice when you get to know me! Haha.
Hi! Welcome to the Cave. I'd highly recommend the Animé-Style Battling section, it's really fun. You'll enjoy it here, I'm sure.

On the subject of shells, I certainly have one of my own. But I'm quite nice when you get to know me! Haha.

Cool, I'll check it out, though I get enough violence in my life day to day, I don't know if I need more ><.

I've looked over the forums and you all seem like very nice, Caring people, other than a few jerks I've seen.
I hope you aren't talking 'bout me or else I'll beat the shit out of you

err I mean welcome. As Squorn said, the ASB section of the forum is a very neat place. Go check it out!
Hi there! I'm the Omskivar. We shower you with tea and hail you with cod, and the cups that held the tea. I'll vouch for the ASB. Come on in and have a blast!
Breaking through shells is as simple as using Shell Break.

Lame puns aside, Welcome! I'm Blade, as I like to be called. I'll have to agree with Squorn and Omskivar, ASB is indeed awesome.

Have a great time here!
Welcome! I'm Lili, just your average Pokemon and Pony and Hiddles lover. Um, I don't really know what else to say, but, uhm, enjoy your stay!
Wow, thats a bretty bad mistake, but the computer I#m now typing on has a broken backspace, and I'n not going to reload the page for ever little thing.
Anyhow, I hope youy have a good time here on the cave of dragonflies forums.
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