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Help Hiram Farm get a grant from the Pepsi Refresh Project!

So. We didn't make the top ten last time. All is...

not lost!

Yes people, we're going again, and we're starting exactly where we left off! You too can experience the excitement of seeing such a good cause climb up the ranks right from the start! The setup is exactly the same as last time; you can still vote once a day all month, top ten get funding, etc. So get voting!

Me too. But you had better enlist some other people. The project has already fallen to 17th.
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I don't use any of those silly social networking things, but I'd be happy to mention it on my website, for whatever that's worth. I'll go make the update as soon as I get back from obligatory family stuff.
I don't use any of those silly social networking things, but I'd be happy to mention it on my website, for whatever that's worth. I'll go make the update as soon as I get back from obligatory family stuff.
After reading the update on your site, there's one thing I'd like to point out: you don't need to sign up to vote. You can vote with a Facebook account if you have one.
I've been voting every day since the first (walker says the reason we lost in june was cause I didn't sign up, woe~), and I got both my parents voting, and my mom put it on her facebook, and my dad passed it around the office...

And now we've dropped to twentieth.

I know they're all good causes and all, but I wish we could anti-vote. :( Or at least spend all our ten votes on the same thing.
I know they're all good causes and all, but I wish we could anti-vote. :( Or at least spend all our ten votes on the same thing.

You can go ahead and vote for whatever, just don't vote for stuff in the 50k group. The other groups don't affect how we do at all, and if you voted for one of the 250k groups, then made a comment to the effect of "here's a vote from hiram farm," some of their voters might see it, and come over and vote for us as well.
Sadly it looks as if you won't get into the top ten this time either...
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