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Help me with my NaNoWriMo attempt! (requires little or no real effort!)

I'm going to just say you should add Joker. (Preferably the Heath Ledger version, since he's the best of them, personally.)

Otherwise... hm. Maxwell from Scribblenauts? He'd be able to summon weapons and guns and Cthulu and such.
Hm, maybe. I like Ledger's Joker because he's the only one that makes sense (falling into a vat of chemicals turns you into a clown! hahaha no)
The Joker could work. Never did get around to seeing The Dark Knight, but I have watched plenty of the '90s Batman series and some of the newer ones. *adds him*

Never played Scribblenauts, though.

In other news... my "work on something for a while and then suddenly lose interest for no apparent reason" thing has struck again. I've pretty much lost all interest in actually writing this. I guess that could change by the time November comes around (it wouldn't be the first time I lost interest in something, then randomly got back into it a while later), but as of right now it's probably not going to happen.

But you guys can keep suggesting characters if you want, just in case I do end up wanting to write it again by the time November 1st rolls around.

Of course, I doubt I'll actually get to 64 characters, unless I get another random surge of them like in the first week or so (maybe if a bunch of the read-but-don't-reply'ers suddenly came out of nowhere and posted suggestions?)
I just had a surge of ideas.
Pick and choose.

Gollum (Lord of the Rings)
The Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Beatrix (Final Fantasy IX)
The Dark Knight (Monty Python and the Holy Grail)
Puss in Boots (Shrek series)
Wolverine (X-Men)
Scott Summers (X-Men)

So...um...pick two from that, I guess.
The Dark Knight (Monty Python and the Holy Grail)

Wasn't he actually called the Black Knight? Eh, close enough. I'll add him, Puss in Boots and *flips a coin* Wolverine.

Yeah, that's seven suggestions from one person, but... that's actually allowed now. Since there's only a week of October left (as of an hour and 20 minutes ago), I'm now bumping up the amount of suggestions allowed per person to seven.

Adding a couple more of my own, also: The Burger King and Aaroniero.

Oddly, the thought of writing a Burger King fight scene (where the King kicks some ass, of course) was actually what got me back in the mood to actually write this. Who knows how long that'll last, but... disregard the "not going to write this" message, for now anyway.
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I have some more suggestions....

Scar (The Lion King)
Shego (Kim Possible)
Meowth (Pokemon anime)

Yeah, I don't really watch Kim Possible, but Shego's a cool character.
Scar (The Lion King)

Scar should work. *adds him*

Shego (Kim Possible)

Never watched Kim Possible before, so I'm completely unfamiliar with any of the characters--I've heard some of their names before, but I'd need to Google just to figure out what they look like.

Meowth (Pokemon anime)

Normally, unevolved Pokémon wouldn't make the cut due to the too-weak and that's-a-species-not-a-character rules.
But since you're suggesting a specific member of the species instead of just "Meowth" in general, and I'm okay with loosening up the too-weak rule a bit if it means getting closer to filling up the list... he's in. *adds him*
Well, my little sister heard about me allowing 7 characters per person, and she thought up a couple more to add in: Demyx from the Kingdom Hearts series and Nightcrawler from X-Men.

Demyx's addition, of course, means that there are now 6 Kingdom Hearts characters in the tournament... so no more KH characters are allowed in after this point.
Damn, I was about to add Axel, Xemnas and more Org XIII people ><. Any way, what about Link? Or Illidan from Warcraft or Arthas?
Damn, I was about to add Axel, Xemnas and more Org XIII people ><. Any way, what about Link? Or Illidan from Warcraft or Arthas?

Well, there's always a chance I'll "un-lock" all of the locked series at the end if I still have empty slots to fill. And plus, with Roxas, Lexaeus, and Demyx all participating in the tournament, the rest of the Organization will probably show up in the audience.

Not familiar with Warcraft at all (well, I've watched people play the original Warcraft a few times years ago, but that's it... I suspect you're probably talking about characters from WoW, which I know nothing about.)

Link should work, though. *adds him*
Well, my little sister heard about me allowing 7 characters per person, and she thought up a couple more to add in: Demyx from the Kingdom Hearts series and Nightcrawler from X-Men.
I love your sister. So much. <3

You have Ichigo, so there must be Rukia.
And you can't have a Link without a Ganondorf. And a Zelda.
Well, Illidan and Arthas did appear in Warcraft 3 as main characters

When I say "the original Warcraft," I mean the very first game in the series; I don't know anything about any of the sequels. And even the first one I'm not all that familiar with, since I only saw some other people playing it a few times back in... maybe 6th or 7th grade.

You have Ichigo, so there must be Rukia.
And you can't have a Link without a Ganondorf.

Rukia and Ganondorf would both work. *adds them*

(I'd laugh my ass off if the random number generator just happened to match up Rukia with Aaroniero in the first round... of course, I'd probably re-randomize that match if it did, because I'm going to try and avoid repeats of fights that already happened.)


EDIT: Oh, and in case anyone's interested, here's an old picture of Zamkolo that I found the other day when poking through my DeviantART account.

Who is Zamkolo, you ask? Well, he's the guy who's organizing the tournament. What appears to be his fingers are not really fingers at all--they're just the tips of ten more tentacles, five on each side of his body, which he puts through the sleeves of his robes to make it seem like he has humanoid arms.
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Hm. I say... add Meta Knight. He works, right?

Or Rorschach. (Seriously. You don't need to know his backstory.)

Or Linebeck from Zelda Phantom Hourglass, because he's cool.


Come on. Ever play the Moonwalker game for the Genesis? Make him fight like that.
Hm. I say... add Meta Knight. He works, right?

Or Rorschach. (Seriously. You don't need to know his backstory.)

Or Linebeck from Zelda Phantom Hourglass, because he's cool.


Come on. Ever play the Moonwalker game for the Genesis? Make him fight like that.
Hm. I say... add Meta Knight. He works, right?

Meta Knight would definitely work. *adds him*

Or Rorschach. (Seriously. You don't need to know his backstory.)

Or Linebeck from Zelda Phantom Hourglass, because he's cool.

As said before, I'm completely unfamiliar with Watchmen and its characters... it's not that I don't know his backstory, it's that I know nothing about him besides his name and what he looks like.

Also, I've never played Phantom Hourglass (heard that the whole game runs on the touch-screen and avoided it. Heh. Yeah, it's probably not a bad game--it is Zelda, after all!--but I hate touch-screen controls, especially when you're forced to use them.)


Come on. Ever play the Moonwalker game for the Genesis? Make him fight like that.

This is a ridiculously awesome suggestion. I may have to look over some videos of Moonwalker to make sure I have everything down before November comes around, but I do seem to remember that he could turn into a robot at some point. *adds him*

Holy crap... only 15 slots left!
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