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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Hexagonal Paths

"Mud Shot!" You yell. The Mudkip then proceeds to hit the Shinx with the ground-type move. The Shinx attempts to dodge, but still gets hit by a couple shots.
"SHIIIIIIIIIINNXX!" The Shinx shoots a Thunderbolt at Muddy.

Fight Back
(no, I would have noted that)

"Pokéball, GOGOGO!"

You toss the Pokéball at the pitiful blue lioness cub. It wiggles from side to side a bit before sitting still

Obtained one (1) Female Shinx and one (1) Thunder Stone!

...Now what? Continue or leave with two extra Pokéballs?


2 Pokéballs
1 Female Shinx
1 Thunder Stone
Hmmm. I'll head into the Desert with..uh...Autumn Sarah and ma trusty Nidoran, Spike. And sure, I'll buy the extra balls.

You wander around, looking, when suddenly a male
runs up. You have no time to contemplate whether its a fox or cat when it engages battle! (the generator still loves you, werefish)



2 Pokéballs
1 Male Shinx
1 Thunder Stone


Being cowardly, you flee from battle. It takes you awhile, but you come across a male

...I'm out of time type it later
Taking time to thank our god, the generator, I order Muddy to tackle it, taking care to stop while its not too tired, so that it doesn't faint.
I'd like to go to Sparkling River with Zak Marine and my trusty Wailmer, Sash (Note that he is a water pokémon, so surf). Also, the 3 extra balls!
I'd like to go to Sparkling River with Zak Marine and my trusty Wailmer, Sash (Note that he is a water pokémon, so surf). Also, the 3 extra balls!

[Midnight the Safari Zone manager steps between Feralisquee and Mewtwo] Mhm, you are, are you? Then you won't mind if I see some identification...?

Oh, can't pull up your PC? What a shame. Could be because /you're not registered yet/.

Read this thread. tl;dr: no go read the thread. You need an account to play the areas.

While I'm here, Mewtwo... [gives the area a good onceover] Your rarities look fine - you haven't even given out more than one starter, which is what I catch most people on, so, awesome. Although you did note werefish5's shinx as a female in one post and a male in the second? And, just by the by, what's your shiny rate? (1/200 or over, riiight? :3)
Thanks for noting that. I've been a little out of it lately (what with ISTEP+ having just ended and for those of you who have NO IDEA what it is, its the standarized test. I think it stands for Indiana Standarized Test... something something) I didn't catch that. Also, thanks for catching the poacher! *shot*

Yes, my shiny rates are 1/200 and over. I've lost my generators, so I can't remember what I've made it.
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