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Hey Yo!

Also, it doesn't matter about the sticky, I just think that we should keep it alive for as long as possible, at least for another 10 pages.
I know Arylett, I never actually thought this had much of a chance of being a sticky...and if you don't want your name on the title I don't know what else.

Well we could have The Styliboybox or something...

We could try and get a mod to move this if they don't think introductions is a good place for this...all the discussion we've made is too precious to lose.
Philly!!! NO CPR!! You begin sexual harassment once you start CPR! I don't want this thread scarred for life
Oh, please. You wish, besides, I don't find this thread at all attractive in a sexual manner. I like this thread as a friend.
That's not what I said about Arylett at all. If we were both magnets I would be north and she would be north, but My north hates what her north does to... NEVER FUCKING MIND! GOD!
Wow. How interesting. Remind me to burn all records of you ever existing before I kill you. That way, no one has to be scarred for life...

Wow Philly... I don't even know how to interpret that...

Also ahaha Arylettboy, you just keep on amusing me~ ;;Gives *20;; And please, just leave this thread here. Leave it here, don't ask for it to be moved, no sticky. Just leave it the way it is.
What if mods come and complain(not likely, mods don't tend to go to introductions :))

And they move/delete/whatever it.

*friend hugs thread*
Yeah this does actually get the award for best introduction thread of all time.
Yes yes.

OK sorry everyone but stop posting here, mods seem to have a problem with it.

*probably last post*

Edit: Since I told myself for this to be the last post...

To ijy: Who cares about the mods? They can delete the thread, they can ban people god dammit.
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