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Hi all


New member
A short history of Me: long, long (i.e. six years) ago I was extremely active in the online Pokécommunity, particularly the realm of fan fiction, though I dabbled in spriting and competitive battling as well. I was even, at one time, somewhat-friendly acquaintances with Dragonfree herself (though I'll keep my old username to myself, because I was around twelve and kind of obnoxious). Since then, I've become much more involved with Real Life and let my participation in Pretend Life lapse, but found that I miss the general forum camaraderie. So, I'm back.

After reading through some of the threads, I get the feeling I'll fit in decently: I'm a gay, liberal, atheistic Stanford student majoring in Symbolic Systems (computer science with heavy splashes of psychology, logic-based philosophy, and linguistics) with a minor in Creative Writing (my first love). I adore Harry Potter almost as much as Pokemon, and pop music to around the same extent. My other random likes: Jesus Christ Superstar, anything that's creative with its narrative structures (Fight Club, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Cloud Atlas, etc.), swimming/water polo, and sexual/relationship psychology.

Hm. This is pointlessly long, but that's pretty characteristic of me, so I guess that makes it a good introduction. :P Regardless, I'm glad to be here and hope to see you all around.
I believe you'll fit in well. You describe half of the population on TCoD! But welcome! If you like creative writing you should check out the Role-Playing section! Or even become a ref in ASB(Anime Style Battilng) as they get to write descriptions of the attacks! I hope you enjoy your stay! :D
*reads computer science, psychology, philosophy, creative writing and Jesus Christ Superstar love*

I don't know who you are, but you seem pretty awesome! :o I must admit to being rather curious about who you were way back when.
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