• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Hi, what's up? I'm Celebi 25.

Celebi 25

Nadal rocks!!...Djokovic sucks!!
Hello! I'm Celebi 25, also new here! My brother is I liek Squirtles, and I like tennis,music,pancakes and funny people. I want to learn more about ASB, pokemon battles and the types of pokemon.:sunglasses:
You're ILS's sister?! Welcome to tCoD, where we occasionally eat cod and drink tea, though we're starting to become sick of it. I guess we can switch to pancakes, since I'm pretty sure everyone here likes them. And there are plenty of funny people, so you'll like it here.

Speaking of tennis, I've been wanting to get into it recently. We have a tennis team at my school that I've been wanting to join just to learn how to play since it'll give me an excuse to run around outside like a maniac hitting balls.

Also, what kind of music do you listen to?
Hi welcome to TCOD, where we all love tea...although pancakes? ehh....how about donuts?

Everyone's nice here, and we hope you'll have fun here! there are roleplays, Safarii Zones, Mafia games, ASB, and of course, Pokemon discusions! Have fun here!
No. Pancakes are good.
Welcome! As DarkAura said, ASB is good. If there's anything you need, just send a VM my way. Have fun here!
Hi! I don't know you, but if you're ILS's sister you can't be that bad :P I'm Omskivar, or just Omski. Have some cod. I'd offer you some tea but it's MY TEA ALL MINE ehehe...anyway, welcome to TCoD!
No salmon, just coffee and french toast. it's our new menu.

welcome celebi 25! MY ASB TEAM WILL DESTROY YOU!!!!! Well, probably not though. XD
Thanks you guys! @ Lili: The music I like is ABBA, Pop, Rock and funny types. Who are rooin for Nadal or Djockovic? @ DarkAura; Sure dounts are good. @ Defective Turret: Yum and thanks! @ my bro: GeeeZZ!! Someone needs a hug!!! :/
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