• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?



New member
Hi, I'm Amanda-Beth I'm 25 almost 26. I like pokemon animie, more so presinnoh and I watched every episode Kanto, Orange Islands and Jhoto. I was busy when Hoen and Battle frontier happend from what i saw was ok. I need a nap after watching Dawn. I don't get why there are so many new pokemon in Best Wishes also new series seems to forget there are older fans. I'm disabled by birthday is November 23. I hope I introduced myself well.
Welcome new person, avoid welcome mats and other memes that might leave you short a limb... And someone here will offer refreshments I'm sure.

Anyways I'm currently Hawke, but most people know me as Phantom. I'm one of our many resident Whovians.

You might like ASB. (Anime-Style-Battling)

You need any help navigating the forums or anything, feel free to ask.
Animie? You meant anime, I'm assuming.

I'm Mewtini, otherwise known as Indigo. Welcome. And here's pink lemonade.

No fish, guys. *glares at anyone who is about to bring fish*

Anime Style Battling is fun; Role Playing is a thing too. I'm regularly involved in both. There's Mafia, as well. And then the WiFi League, which hardly gets any traffic. And some other games that I'm probably forgetting.

We have Serious Business (colloquially referred to as Srs Bsns jokingly), which is for... serious business, surprise surprise. Things that are touchy like religion and gender issues go here. We have the Coughing Cupboard, for putting out your troubles and getting feedback and sympathy, and the Laughing Cupboard for happy things.

And there's the Creativity forum, for getting feedback on creative works.

Aaaand Rules and Announements and boring stuff, too.

Yeah, off the top of my head, that's uh... that's it. Welcome and stuff.
*quietly puts large container of fish away*

Anyway, welcome.
Mafia's fun. I've also been told that ASB's fun, but I don't do that. So, enjoy your stay.

*gives cookie*
*Grumbles as she as well puts her tray of fish away*

Anywho, hi there, I'm Ulqi, otherwise none as Arctica.
I'm everyone's friend, so I'm a pretty cool cucumber. I don't usually blow my top or any of that mess, so yah, I'm really easygoing for the most part.

Have a fun time here, yeah? ;)
(looks at salmon in hand. Whistles nonchalauntly and throws it at a random person)

Welcome! I'm DarkAura, mafia fanatic and Pokemon lover. Since everyone explained everything at the top, i'm just gonna say hi.

So welcome and hi! Hope you enjoy it here! =D
*defies Mewtini*
I'm 2 years older than you!

Anywaysies, welcome to TCoD! Please do excuse my silliness. I'm Ever, the resident Forum Games Addict! Would you like to eat some tea or drink some cod drink some tea or eat some cod? Or perhaps you would prefer coffee and salmon? Hot chocolate and halibut?

My personal favorites here are Forum Games (fwee x3), Role-Playing, and Creativity. Please do enjoy your stay, and make sure you don't add any sugar to that tea of yours ;D

Smell you now!
I wonder why it's inevitable that everyone is going to have a fish-based reference in their welcome posts when someone tells everyone else to put the fish away? It seems like it's merely asking for trouble. In fact, I think I'll be unique in that I won't bring any fishy references to the thread at all.

In light of that decision, do ignore the giant guppy costume I'm wearing; there's a play happening somewhere, and I'm determined to crash it.

Welcome to the forums, Amanda. It's a strange place, as I'm sure you can see, full of rabid pokemon fans, not-so rabid pokemon fans, debaters and beardy-weirdies. Most of us are pleasant to people, old or new, and enjoy each-other's company. I'm sure that there'll be something for you to enjoy around here. The site is strangely appealing.
Eats the cod and salmon. Looks at person who said anchovie pizza like they are nuts. Why is their bait on the pizza? Thanks for the cookie I'll save it for later. Foods I like most foods expect pork. I'm alergic to mulberries and olives. I will drink anything execpt tea, coffe and achol. I've got a bit of temper but a forum setting it's easier to control.
Hi! As Mewtini said:
Anime Style Battling is fun; Role Playing is a thing too. I'm regularly involved in both. There's Mafia, as well. And then the WiFi League, which hardly gets any traffic. And some other games that I'm probably forgetting.

We have Serious Business (colloquially referred to as Srs Bsns jokingly), which is for... serious business, surprise surprise. Things that are touchy like religion and gender issues go here. We have the Coughing Cupboard, for putting out your troubles and getting feedback and sympathy, and the Laughing Cupboard for happy things.

And there's the Creativity forum, for getting feedback on creative works.

Aaaand Rules and Announements and boring stuff, too.

Yeah, off the top of my head, that's uh... that's it. Welcome and stuff.
We also have Forum Games. I am a Forum Games addict.

Zoroark: have you yet figured out the tea and cod thing?
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