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home of the Shiny

"I can see that," Houdja said, his speech muffled by the apple. He finally took a bite. "I want a toy sometime," he said. "But not now. I don't want to be too demanding.
Mikiozu drew an X with her tail, noticing that the Mew was pretty tired from the flying around she did, not to mention the scouting out and transforming. She looked at Dreams' light blue fur, then at her normal shiny blue fur. "Pretty."
"How's the game going?" Houdja ate the little portion of the apple that filled up the average Wynaut like him. "Will someone finish my apple for me?" He got back to digging.
Jello waited paitently for Mikiozu to make her move. "So, where exactly are you guys going?" Jello said to no peticular pokemon.
"I don't think so!" Mikiozu said, putting a X in the bottom right coner of the grid. She licked her fur. "Hey, I'm not a cat! Humph. Ah, well." She said to nobody in particular.
Dreams heard that Houdja wanted something huggable, and landed in front of him. "I'm huggable!"
"Now what do I do?"
She saw five options before her: the upper left corner, the far right middle thing, the middle bottom, the far left middle thing, and the lonely lower left corner to the right.
"So many choices..." Then she got it!
"I'll make my move right... here!" And with that, Jello drew a massive chain chomp around the entire grid.
"I win!...kinda."
After a couple seconds she started to look a little guilty for using such a horrible maneuver.
"Then you can be a substitute until Watermelon gets back!" Houdja cuddled Dreams like he himself was a teddy bear.
Mikiozu laughed at the Chain Chomp grid. "That's cute! And a nicely-drawn win at that! Way better than an X or an O would've been." Mikiozu felt happy being with friends like these. "What do ya wanna do now, Jell? If I can call you that, of course. Don't wannabe rude or anythin'."
Jello thought for a moment on what they should do. "I got nothing."

For a second, everything was strangly silent. Then Jello's stomach growled.

"^_^; I had no idea that I forgot about lunch! I say we look for something to eat. And yes, you can call me Jell. That's the coolest nickname anyone's ever given me."
Watermelon finally found a soft but tough berry hanging on a tree. She flew back and placed it in front of Houdja. "And you can eat it when you get hungry!" she said before landing and watching the baby Pokémon.
"Thanks!" Houdja immediately grabbed the berry, releasing Dreams and hugging his new toy. "I like it..." he said dreamily.
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