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home of the Shiny

Name: Kris
Pokemon: Persian
About this pokemon: A regular shiny Persian, but she stands on her hind legs. She is headstrong, but brave and powerful as well. Nobody knows what is going on inside her head sometimes.
More?: Female.

Also, if you have already filled all of the positions and just forgot to post it, ignore this post.
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"Moving on? Okay!" Houdja skipped happily behind Mikiozu. "I want ice cream," he said. "The snow made me hungry."
If there is an extra space available I would like to join.

Name: Bella
Pokemon: Latias (If allowed)
About this Pokemon: She is fiery and a little immature at some times and loves to play tricks but can be patient when she wants.
More?: Was previously owned by a trainer but escaped shortly after she was caught.
"Ice cream?" She rembered about having to take some from a city every once in a while. She loved it too... But isn't ice-cream snow? Nah, if it was, he would've taken eaten it. but it's on the ground, so maybe not... Yeah, not. "So, Rose? Where're we goin' now?"
Dreams giggled and flew off into the clouds to ind a suitable home,keeping away from the sight of humans, but sparkling just below the clouds - kinda like Ho-Oh does - to give them a sight.
Bella -Invisible- almost flew into dreams but took a quick dive down before she did but couldn't get control of her self and landed on the ground shaking the earth like some earthquake and turned visible.
Jello was amazed at how they had dispatched those humans. She then looked at the Houndoom that had helped her and said "Wow, you and your other friends have some skills. And also, you never did tell me your name." Soon after that, she felt a slight rumble from the ground. She passed it off as nothing but she then saw something that would change her mind.
"Thanks! By the way, my name's Mikiozu. Pretty long, so you can call me Miki if you want to." She said, flashing a smile. "Hey, Jello? You allright there? Yoo-hoo?" She waved a paw in front of the Jigglypuff's face, not knowing what she was looking at.
Dreams looked down and saw a cave. Just in case, she turned into shiny Staravia and went behind a tree, then turned into shiny Houndoom, if anyone lived in the cave. She went in, and no one lived there! there were common Pokemon in the forest, and it was the perfect place to live! Dreams here, telepathically speaking! I need a flying Pokemon over to the left. Then when you see a treehouse, he or she needs to go right. When he or she arrives, I'll leave and go back for the other ones. The flying Pokemon you send can carry as many shiny Pokemon he or she can hold. I need the Pokemon to come so no one takes the cave I found in the forest! It's the perfect place, the cave is a perfect size, everything! When you get to the cave, you will see a Shiny Houndoom, that is me. Please hurry!
Soon after Mikiozu waved it's paw in front of Jello's face, she popped back to reality. "Oops, I guess I was daydreaming or something," Jello said with a silly grin plastered onto her face. "So, Mikiozu is your name? That's interesting. But I'm wondering. What are all you guys doing out here? Making pixie stix?"
I'm psychic! said Houdja, grinning as usual. I can move small Pokemon if you need me too. If I were a Wobbuffet I'd be more useful but not yet!
I can carry the Azurill! Watermelon telepathically said, then called, "Wherever you are, Azurill, come and ride on my back!"
Lets just hope you can get here in a timely manner! I need to get these acursed paws off the ground!
((Never mind. Pretend I never said anything about the Azurill.))
Watermelon began soaring quickly, following Dreams's instructions. The Masquerain carefully banked right at the place that the Mew had mentioned, looking carefully that it was a tree house. Nodding to herself, she landed in front of Dreams. "I'm he-ere!"
"Alright, thank you. I shall go back to get the others!" she said as she turned into Staravia to get into the air, and then her old Mew self as she got right below the clouds, sparkling.
(You guys/girls can join)
Rose had been thinking about what if they had not gotten away
from those humans. She was too deep in her thoughs to heard anyone.
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((Since you went to English class, zuea, use what you've learned. I don't want Surskitty to come over here again.))

What should I do? asked Houdja. Should I help other small Pokemon like me?
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