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home of the Shiny

Before Jello could answer, she was carried by the one that asked the question. "Aaah! Where are you guys taking me?!"
Dreams showed Mikiozu where the humans were,and shoewd her a pile of snow to hide behind. I hope this works! she telepathically said to Mikiozku.
Matrix was frozen in a block of ice. A burst of fire, a flash of lightning and chunks of ice sent Matrix flying backwards. "What? A human?" A strange aura surrounded Matrix, slowly it expanded until it covered the entire area of melting snow. "Thi-is should slow them down."

((Attacks were Tri Attack, Trick Room))
Torment shrugged, and didn't move.
"I'd like to fight humans. Maybe confuse them and make them attack each other? That'd be fun!"
Houdja brought up a veil that protected all of the Pokemon from certain things. He jumped out of his snow pile and started bouncing around cutely.
"All right, here we go! And Jigglypuff, don't worry. I'm not going to do anything to ya, or let ya get caught by these humans! By the way, what's your name?" Mikiozu fired her Flamethrower, which scorched the humans. "Whoops. Oh, well. Bonus points!" She snickered. Just as she thought, the humans searched for the source of the attack. "Go, go, go!" She commanded.
Dreams telepathically communicated with the other shinies. The humans are looking for the source of the attack.Hurry and flee,but look before you leap,if you know what I mean!
Wonder how I'm gonna bring this Jigglypuff with me, while trying to escape at the same time. Oh, well. Mikiozu decided to check to the area before dashing off as fast as she ever did before, with the Jigglypuff in tow. She got away, and worried that the her friends might not make it. She wanted to go back and get them, but she was afraid. "There're my friends! What am I thinkin'?" Mikiozu whispered to no one in particular. "You stay here." Mikiozu put the Jigglypuff in a safe spot and dashed back to her friends and help them excape, even if she got caught.
Houdja nodded mentally and leaped out of his snow mound. He fled, but bumped into a tree. The Wynaut soon regained his composure and hopped back up, running away in the right direction.
Watermelon flitted excitedly behind Houdja, speeding up so that she was at the front of the line. She flew into the treetops, letting her lime green color blend in with the summer leaves so that she was harder to target. It had stopped snowing now, and the ground was wet with slowly melting ice.
Jello sat there and watched the Houndoom run back for the others for a second and then she said, "My name's Jello! You're pretty nice to strangers! Let me return the favor!". She then curled up into a ball and rolled towards the Houndoom to help it with whatever it was going to do.
Dreams flew into the clouds to spy on everyone,make sure they were heading the right way and weren't hurt. She saw the humans stumbling around; and Houdja headed their way! Houdja,turn right,then when you see a tree with a ginormus trunk,turn left!
Got it! Houdja swerved right and came to a thick tree before turning to the left. Thanks Dreams! He jumped into the air before going the now-correct way.
Watermelon followed behind Houdja, using Whirlwind on the humans behind to either distract them or push them away.
"All right, looks like everyone's moving along great. What the--?" Mikiozu noticed that after Watermelon used her Whirlwind attack and blew the humans away, they got up pretty quickly. "Oh, man! Oh, yeah. Hiya, Jello! Thanks for coming with me. You didn't hafta, though. I don't want you to get caught if I slip up or anything." But, Mikiozu had her tail sticking up, and the humans saw it. "Hey look! A shiny Houndoom tail!" the smallest of them said. He had thick-rimmed glasses and a blue coat. "Let's get it!" The biggest one, who looked pretty tough said after. The middle one just stood there. "What'd I tell ya'?" She pushed the jigglypuff out of the way. She growled and bared her fangs, but if a human saw a shiny, fangs weren't gonna be enough.
Dreams used confusion on the humans. "Whoa,what the-" said the one with glasses before she sent them literally flying.
"I would hate to be in their position right now." Mikiozu said, look at the knocked out humans. "Thanks a lot, Dreams! Anything I could do for ya?" Mikiozu said, wanting to return the favor to her. She seems like someone I don't wanna find the bad side of. She didn't wan't to fly when she was younger, and she really doesn't want to fly after that. Out of the question. Totally out of the question.
"Nah! You don't have to do anything!" she said,taking off to find other shinies being chased by humans,or at least spotted by them!
Eventually, everybody escaped. "I hope that never happens again! But if it does, i'll rip 'em from limb to limb! Even though that's not really my style. But I really can't trust humans." Mikiozu shuddered at the word. No human would ever be trustworthy. Not one. "Anyway, let's move on! Once we know where we're going, that is."
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