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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Homework survey!~

1. How often do you forget due dates on library books?
E. I don't often borrow books

2. How often do you hand your Library books in late?
E. I don't often borrow books

3. Now would you buy this product?
A. Yes - If I were younger i'd probably buy several and label them as "distracters". Throw one somewhere, set the alarm off, the people/person go "huh?" and go to check the noise out, and then I can sneak past them~ ,,xD

How much would you expect it to cost in a store?
Either B. or C. - ((Most likely B.))

I'd hope A. though, because that means being able to buy more distracters! ,,>D
A, A, C (I'd probably lose the bookmark like the day after getting it, but I might buy it. Depends on my mood, where it's available, etc), E
Okay (Wow I post here too much... :sweatdrop:) If I get enough results I can reprint the new results for the actual convention
tl;dr: The cut off has been extended to wednesday, I think~
Oh, and you can post after the cut off, it just won't count
thanks again to all!~ You bunch are life savers when it comes to survey homework :grin:
EDIT: 'kay, the deadline has passed, you can still enter, it just won't count. thanks to all who participated!~
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