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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

How did your religious beliefs (or lack of them) come about for you?

You best be shitting me.
That's stupid and I'm not sure I believe you.

That's okay, I'm not sure I believe them either. Fortunately only one of the three actually succeeded in getting pregnant. I believe one of the conversations was something like,
Her: "I can't believe I keep not getting pregnant."
Me: "...you want to get pregnant?
Her: "Well, yeah!"
Me: "Um, why?"
Her: "So I can get an abortion."
Me: "Wha...?"
Her: "I mean, I've never had a major surgery so an abortion is the way to go."
Me: O__o -Walks away slowly-
I don't believe that, not for one second. Abortions are emotional difficult situations (hence why therapy is normally involved). No one would be that stupid. And the person who's like that (if they even exist) seems lie they would at the very least care about their image.
Concurring with Ketsu. Though I can't understand why you'd lie about that, I find it more likely that you're lying than that anyone would deliberately try to get themselves pregnant just so they could have an abortion, purely because they'd never had a major surgery before.
Trying to get back on topic.

I was born Roman Catholic, went to Catholic school since K, decided I was atheist around seventh grade. A lot of shit had happened that made me question religion, and the more I questioned the less sense it made. But when I say I was Catholic, I was freaking crazy. I was an alter server, I was in the choir when I wasn't on the alter. Went to mass five times a week, (serious, every Friday with school, then two masses Saturday and two on Sunday) I was even a youth group leader and lead Bible classes.

I was raised a devout member of the Roman Catholic Church. I went to private catholic school since I was in kindergarten. (Graduated from a school of the LaSallian rite, taught by Christian Brothers) (graduated in 2009) Which meant I took a minimum of two theology classes a year in elementary and middle school, in high school a minimum of four (two a semester), aside from a life of religion. That's thirteen years of uniforms and cramming Christian dogma down my throat. Two relatives are priests, my grandfather is a respected member of the Eastern Orthodox Church, and one of my best friends is joining the priesthood; my grandparents even run a food shelf "Trinity Mission" which I am still a part of. I was an alter server for twelve years, received four of the seven sacraments (Baptism, Eucharist, Confession, and, sadly, Confirmation). I also took a theology class in college as well as three philisophy classes..... I've also taken a World Religions course (Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, and Judaism)((that one was actually taught at my Catholic high school... they removed the class soon after... guess why)) and a in-depth class on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. My move to atheism was hardly an uneducatd decision.

I had always doubted. The more classes and the more I learned the more I started to question. It started when my mother got cancer when I was in 7th grade. I thought what God would do this to someone? It's a question that I understand is asked quite often. The Church had no answer than "God's will". I believe that I was agnostic for most of my life, unsure of what to believe. The more questions, what I've seen, what I've lived through, they make no sense in a world with a loving God. I've lost friends to war, I saw the towers fall, my mom almost died, my best friends mom as well. I volunteer freaking everywhere I tried other religions, most in study, a few by practice but none made any sense. The last straw was when my church's priest was diagnosed with dementia and lost his mind, and the new priest was amazingly corrupt, and an alcholic to boot. The old priest was a good man, a man worthy of respect. Now he doesn't know who he is anymore. The last mass I ever served was one he attended nine months after being diagnosed. He couldn't follow mass anymore. He would stand, and yell at the nurse with him that he wanted to leave because he was scared. He became aggitated and hit her. I almost cried when I saw this. I was really close to that priest and to see him like this. Such a good man and a man of great faith, how could his god allow that? And this new priest was power hungry. Within two years he basically took over the Diocese, becoming the main priest for four churches. He was cruel and cared only for himself. Not only that but he told me, after twelve, almost thirteen years of service, that I could no longer be an alter server (note for those who aren't Catholic, there are ADULT servers) because I was female.

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