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How do you sit?


You're probably sitting now, so how are you doing it? :D Do you sit that way all the time?

I get restless if I sit 'normally' - right now I'm sitting on one leg with the other knee below my chin, and then my fist on my knee and my chin on my fist. Either that or I'll sit with both knees near my face (how do you explain that? >_> Think L but with less possibility of falling over).
I sit with my legs tucked half underneath me. I need to change which side they're sticking out every few minutes. I never get comfortable.
With one leg crossed over usually. Not like all girly and stuff, so like one leg is actually on top of the other... can't do it with my right leg atm though, it's very dead

And at school, usually with both legs totally stretched out.
I sit with my back against the chair, often with my feet standing on the seat if it is a sofa.
I'm sitting...with my legs crossed like when you were 6 or something at school without the crossed arms because it's cold. Usually I sit normally.

Like that!
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it utterly depends i can sit utterly retarded and not notice

also nice top you're wearing
I sit with my legs crossed, like how you'd normally sit on the floor, but I'm on my computer chair. One leg is on top of the other, it's more comfy than sitting on both feet.
I sit this way most of the time, except in school, where I keep my toes on the ground and end up wiggling my heels a lot.
Right now I'm lying down, but usually if I'm sitting, I'm either slouching or I have one leg tucked in and I'm sitting on top of it (kind of hard to explain.

Also, sitting cross-legged/indian style is seriously the most uncomfortable thing ever. I literally cannot do it anymore without erupting in pain, and even back when I could, I hated it. Why you would ever choose to sit this way, I can't imagine.
Depends. I sit like L whenever possible, that is, either squatting on my feet or with both knees drawn up to my chest. In settings where this is impossible due to furniture constraint or unusual social awkwardness, I stretch my legs out as far as possible and slide down in my chair until I'm more or less reclining. Often I cross my legs as well. In any case, my legs are long, so it's uncomfortable for me to keep them drawn up under a desk. I pretty much have to sit in the front row in class so that I can sprawl out, or in the second row with an empty seat in front of me (footrest!), or else I'll be uncomfortable the whole way through. I may also put one or more of my feet up on my chair in class, depending on my mood; typically, I sit as is most comfortable (both feet drawn up) for tests, as this is most natural to me. I think better when I do it, and I usually don't notice that I am until someone remarks upon it, as is frequent.
I sit with both feet tucked underneath me most of the time; I'm sitting that way right now. When I can't do that, I'll sit with one leg crossed over my knee. My legs tend to be really fidgety when I'm not sitting on my feet though.
I'm really restless, so I have to change position every once in a while. Currently my left leg is in a normal sitting position, but my right foot is squashed under my left thigh. I often find myself sitting like L, however, and sitting cross-legged on my small chair isn't that uncommon either.
Either "normally" or with one leg crossed over the other.

Except on sofas. Sofas are for slouching/lying on. Not sitting :3
Legs crossed with ankle at knee; also my feet are tangle in the legs of the desk. I usually have my feet propped up on something or in something (for instance, my one foot is in the dog's bin of toys).
I sometimes sit with my legs in the shape of a 4, sometimes with my left knee under my chin, sometimes I sit all cramped up with both feet on the chair.

I normally sit with one foot on tip-toes, and the other foot on top of it.
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