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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

How was your school day?

Umm, no. It's short for Acadenic Club, which is like Jeopardy only in team form.
Let's see...

AP Wolrd History: Not very exciting. Listened to people complain about the band test we had had yesterday. Received mountain of homeowrk.
GATS English: Teacher wasn't there, which was good considering I hadn't done the reading because I'd been to busy practicing for the band test. Halfway through the class, I felt unbelievably lonely in this class. Like i did on eighth grade when I though that all hated me. Received second mountain of homework.
Personal Finance: We actually did something vaguely interesting, heaven forbid.
Algebra II: Kept my mind occupied. Received hill of homework.
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