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How was your school day?

It was okay, I suppose. First day back, though...

I just went to the tutor base, everyone starts coming in and the teacher arrives. She gives us our timetables and the results of the Science GCSEs we took last year, then we go for assembly. Headteacher and Year Head talk about being nice to the new Year Nines and stuff, then we go back to the tutor base for a while until break.

After break, first lesson, which was actually period three. I had Graphics. The group is fine, I suppose. Except for one girl who is always really mouthy and stuff towards me for no apparent reason. Next it's Drama, which is awesome by default was pretty good.

Second lesson (P4) was graphics. We just wrote notes on what we'll be doing over the course and stuff.

Lunch. Scrom nomnom. Obviously, I ate lunch. Delicious.

Third lesson (P5) was ICT. We just sat and listened to the teacher going on about the thing we're be doing. Hooray.

Fourth lesson (P6) was maths. The teacher launched straight into it, giving us a load of factorising and bracket expanding and stuff to do.
Our school is too slow to get going. :(

English--hi I'm a new teacher here I will be teaching you English for the next three years
History--hi I'm a new teacher here I will be teaching you History for the next three years; what do you know about America in 1919-41?
I.T--hi you will be doing spreadsheets and databases (again) for coursework go Microsoft
Physics--hi I know most of you and could get straight into the work but instead tell you what
you have already heard several times about science GCSEs
Biology--hi I don't know any of you we will sort out textbooks and crap today \o/

Not bad I guess...
AP World History: Took quiz on reading, the unification of China. Was a bit hard. A lot of people complained. Tooks notes on reading. Got of on tangit. Talked a bit about immigration and Sara Palin.
GATS English: Did a bit of grammar, went to library, discussed reading about another way teaching students besides the one currently in use. Talked a bit about AP World History and how the school is trying to eliminate all AP courses. And GATS, but that's illegal.
Personal Finance: Boring. Very boring Took notes over what the workbook basically said. Made poster in groups.
Algebra II: learned really easy mathematical stuff. Had Code Red. Third interruption we've had in that class.
Extra Rehersal for Band: Marched around the block. Failed at right flank corner a couple times. Got to go home early.

All in all, very boring day. I apologize for not being more exciting.
School was boring on the first day. We just took tours and intros and went to an assembly and stuffs. Lunch=Uber-Pwnage though. I HATE my science-health class. I honestly swear me and my trusted friend who's also a nerd are one of only a few sane one. And that's counting the teacher. For example, one conversation that went on:
Teacher: What are some good inwards qualities?
Person A: Posture. (And he pronounced it Pahs-Tur, not Pahs-Tyur. It sounded like Pasta. Same kid got pissed just because teacher said his name wrong during attendance. Yelled at the teacher.)
Teacher: Ummm.... That's not inwards. Think of something doing with personality.
Person B (A sensible kid): A sense of humor.
Teacher: GREAT ONE! (Fake smile.)
Person C: A sense of humor.
Teacher: Ummm... We just said that.
Person C: (After not her turn, she whispers,) No! No one said that yet!! -_-
And we learned SLANT, the stupidest lesson ever: Sit up, Look at speaker, Attention, Nod, Track. Apparently that's how we get attention of people. Oh gawd, why such a bad transition? I had the greatest science teacher ever last year... Karma must be evening me out.
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today I got to school at 7:10, had one lesson, went to a friend's house and watched movies for four hours, went back for another two lessons, went home.

I hate you, world lit. I could have slept until eleven :(



For me its college, not school. And it was tiring, even though we didn't have proper lessons. And it rained on us while we where having a tour of the college.
Welsh: Reading loads of short stories. Stories about a little girl getting piano lessons have got to be interesting.

Geography: New teacher explaining what our project for this year was. Something that we already knew. <_<

English: Romeo & Juliet, nothing special.

Maths: Let's spend the first 1/4 of an hour deciding where everyone sits, why don't we? As soon as everyone sits down, it's 'open your books and solve these problems.' it's the first lesson of the year, why can't we start off slightly slower?

Chemistry: The teacher has a grudge against my family, but the lesson was pretty uneventful. Extremely boring because we were learning about atoms, protons, neutrons, and electrons...
...which we learned years ago.

EDIT: I forgot, I got my first Science GCSE results, I got a in Biology, and a* in Physics and Chemistry.
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R.E.: It was okay, we got our mock GCSE paper back and I did pretty well with a B. Better than most of the class anyway, who got Cs, Ds or worse... then we had to make targets for the next exam, which wasn't too fun.

Food Studies: I'm behind on coursework, so I spent a while actually doing a little work today. XD It has to all be done by next Thursday, which I think I MIGHT manage... but I have loads of other stuff to do. *moans* There was a new seating plan this year too, so I'm not on a table with all my friends any more, but at least I'm sitting next to one (why did my teacher put me there? we'll just talk all lesson, miss! >>) and the others are sorta nearby.

Maths: Brilliant, we did something challenging and interesting - something to finally engage my brain, the Pythagoras' Theorem. I love Maths lessons because of our teacher; he's amazing and strives so hard to get us to do well. I've always been a bit under-confident, so he drifted towards me across the class and said quietly, 'You don't know how well you've done', referring to our Statistics GCSE last year. We were all going for the big goal to get a B (bearing in mind this is after a year of study, we're set two under the 'more intelligent' and overbearing set one, and we were all predicted Cs. Nobody expects us to get over a C except him) and I managed to get one. I was pretty happy with this, but it turns out I was two marks off an A, something that really, really surprised me. But I'm glad I pleased him, and myself, I'm so glad I got it. Plus it was the joint second highest in the class~ Finally I manage to beat my friends. XD

English: Started our prose study, Victorian education. Seems to be pretty interesting so far, but we're still practising for an essay. I don't like the teacher, either, I prefer my other English teacher... but we only have her once a week. ;_; Woe is us~

Geography: Okay. It's pretty hard stuff, but whatever. I'll still try hard. Shame I'm sitting next to an always silent friend and in front of a bully, but yeah...
Brilliant, we did something challenging and interesting - something to finally engage my brain, the Pythagoras' Theorem.

okay I swear I will stop after this but

Pythagoras' Theorem at fifteen?
Another conversation with during science class:
Teacher: What are some good qualities about yourself?
Person A (Same Person A as last time): Well, I like Chrystler. You know, they make really good cars and they're...
Teacher: Umm... Those aren't qualities about yourself. Those are qualities of auto makers.
-_- I really have to get out of this class. Also: The Pythagorean Theorem at 15? I agree with opaltiger; we learned that last year. Odd.
Music Major: Only got through about half an hour before nice assembly time. SCHOOL'S BEEN STARTED FOR EUGHT DAYS AND YOU JUST DECIDE TO DO AN ASSEMBLY FOR THE FRESHMEN. NICE.
Algebra: What are you talking about? No Algebra thanks to nice assembly-time.
Theology: Test. That's it.
Lunch: We learned how to sizzle like bacon for freshman week. I kid you not.
English: Amusement.
Bio: Lab safety regulations.
World Civ: I LOVE THIS CLASS. Yay. Except it was too quiet.

Though I did learn that my Algebra teacher was my World Civ teacher's principal in grade school. O_o
Latin: Flora cibus amant. That means Flora likes food, to you non Latin scholars.

Though the weirdest thing all day was when I went to my locker and one of the teachers said, 'Ms. Dallas, how does you?" I was baffled. (And yes, my last name is Dallas. No relation to Texas. ^^)
It was... so-so. I probably failed two tests. But at least it was Friday, so it wasn't all bad. Also, I didn't fall asleep this time in class~ Huzzah for getting more hours last night! I'm on my way, definately, on the road to not-sleep deprivation.

Also, after school my English/Latin teacher and I had this most interesting conversation and that definately was something I enjoyed~ (I really like having conversations with people.) Probably the best part of the day, to be honest.
Man, four out of five of my teachers this year are awesome.

Social Studies teacher: Absolutely hilarious. The class is cracking up half the time due to his great sense of humor. Definitely awesome.
Science teacher: The "cool" teacher. You know the one I mean. He's nice, doesn't give much homework, and gets along well with the students. He also gave me a CD of lullaby arrangements of Pink Floyd songs. If that's not awesome, I really don't know what is.
Language Arts teacher: Eh, it's hard to explain what makes her so great. She gives off a vibe of "fucking kids, I'll give them a bunch of essays, and then I just want to get home" but... in a good way. I don't know. D: But she does make fun of people in the class, which is always entertaining. And it seems like she knows her stuff.
Chinese teacher: Same teacher we had before, that everyone in our class loves. While we were taking our final last year, she gave out at least three kinds of candy during the test. One of which was Reese's cups. :D And when we were done (it was a short exam, so we had a lot of time to just sit around), she gave us origami to do. Nuff said, basically.
Math teacher: The odd one out. She's incredibly easily offended, (last year during lunch a kid drew a picture of Jesus on his plate using ketchup and she gave him a detention), really fucking boring, and so far hasn't taught us anything at all. We've spent all seven days of math so far making shapes out of paper, looking at optical illusions, and making mobius strips. While this is kind of awesome while it lasts, I can't help but feel that we're wasting time.

so it goes to say that overall almost every day is pretty awesome, with the exception of math class. I love my school :D
The whole day for me was... awkward. I just started my school (on a Friday) and well... I'm not good around people I don't know. The whole time I keep feeling like someone was watching me behind me back... But, I did learn somethings in class...
I.T. - Pretty boring. I hate theory lessons.
German - Learning stuff about the environment.
P.E. - What was the point of all that? I understand running a few laps of the gym as a warmup, but for the whole lesson? /exaggeration
Physics - I have the fun physics teacher back! He's funny because of his mustache. Anyway, he tried to get us to remember the order of the first twenty elements. Pretty annoying since the only reason we did it was because one person didn't know that //hydrogen was the first. >_>. Most people only knew "Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium' by the end. That wasn't the whole lesson, that was about radioactivity.
Dinner: Half way through I got called in my the head of year. (the one that has a grudge against my family) I was worrying loads about what it was until it turned out that he was getting the best people in the year together to ask if they wanted to go on a trip to Oxford next week.
Biology: Had to look through a microscope at something. (don't know the English word for it.) I was left with a tattered microscope. The label on it saying 'Bioleg 3" had gone orange. Either from age, or just the tape that was put over it after it lost it's stickiness.
Latin: So boring that I expect the teacher was falling asleep.
German: Review. For the "new kids."
Science: We put CDs in the microwave. I got to keep one!
Lunch: Awesome.
Math: I beat the teacher in our algebra pre-assessment.

SS Not much happened. We reviewed rules a lot, and wrote something down. DING.

I'm going to skip to Art, last period every other day~

Art MY TEACHER KNOWS WHAT ANIME IS. Best class ever. I have to replace it with other meanieface lessons after half the year is up. D:
@Murkrowfeather - What's SS? Also, I like your choice of username.

Biology - Teacher wasn't there for he fist quarter of the lesson, after that we did the same thing as yesterday.
French - I think I've lost all of my books. But I didn't tell.
English - Of Mice and Men. We were doing Romeo & Juliet last lesson, why do we change so often?
Geography - Glaciers
Dinner - Annoying boys from the year below me bulling me. Their excuse was 'we won't get a chance after today because the 'hard-on collider' is going to implode the Earth tomorrow. >_>
R.E. - Going over the homework we had to do over the summer.
My day?

Had Chinese for an hour (it was so-so), went to see my psychologist, came back and had Swedish for an hour (we talked about Classical Antiquity which was basically just everyone naming various Greek gods).

So technically I was in school for two hours today. Go me.
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