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How was your school day?

why are you calling P.E. games
Don't you do anything that isn't some form of game? If so, ugh. I feel so sorry for you, especially when I love what we do in P.E. that isn't games. :|

No, Games is the required subject that I have to do, P.E is an optional G.C.S.E choice.
No, Games is the required subject that I have to do, P.E is an optional G.C.S.E choice.


so my school's just odd in that P.E. refers to both the course and the mandatory subject (which makes sense seeing as we get educated in the mandatory subject too) I suppose

or logical because we don't just do games

Chemistry--thermal decomposition of limestone was boring; him being the first chemistry teacher I've had to acknowledge the existence of neutrinos, quarks, antiparticles and so on was awesome.
Biology--hi I'll be standing in today work from these pages in the textbook thanks
Latin--annoyingly easy test on posse, velle and the pluperfect
I.T.--practical applications of I.T. :|
French--boring as hell since we only did stuff we did two years ago to 'recap'. No thanks
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Right then, let me think.

R.S.: Just sat and listened to teacher speak.
Latin: Failed a test by two marks.
Geography: Did maps on the U.S.A.
Chemistry: Sat and copied what the teacher wrote on the board. And talked about the black hole thingy that is almost impossible to destroy the earth.

So, totally uneventful day. Apart from the three of us that failed the test had to go back at Lunch to take a mini test.
I was thinking the same thing.

The Metro still won't stop going on about it...
the teacher called the LHC a 'black hole thingy'? ugh.

M'k so hall march in the morning, got to show off saxophoning
Precalculus: Boring. I don't see why I can't just skip this class and take calculus calc already. attn: I understand what an asymptote is. shut up.
Jazz Band: Awesome as always. we've had a string of substitutes that don't know anything about conducting, so the band has been on its own recently.
Journalism! /somebody/ wasn't there today. deadline for articles is a this friday and I still haven't started.
AP World History: Slept though most of it; class moves too slowly.
1: ICT - More databases and spreadsheets. Tantalisingly fun :/

2: Graphics - Precisely drawing the CBS logog, even thoguh it doesn't exist over here. Yesterday was funnier. We had to draw three quadrilaterla,s two of which magically had five sides.

3: French - Stuff about schools which we already did in about year eight.

4: RE - I swear our teacher is an extremist. "Scientists believe that the big bang bla bla bla" in a really unenthusiastic voice, and then suddenly "Meanwhile, theists say that God did whatever! They're sure there must be a God if the Universe is so perfect!" in a really excited voice.

5: Drama - More stuff about showing status. It was hilarious if only for one of the boys i was working with. Drama = yesyesyes.

CNiall said:
why are you calling P.E. games
Don't you do anything that isn't some form of game? If so, ugh. I feel so sorry for you, especially when I love what we do in P.E. that isn't games. :|

Pretty much. In our (Fredie and I) school, the mandatory subject of Games is just sport, because it's so important or whatever.
Lunch And solitude prevails again! Yay! No more strangers looming over me whilst I nom on breakfast cookies. :3
Language Arts *grumblegrumblehiss* Oh, how I despise Language Arts. You see, my print writing tends to be in all caps, with capital letters bigger than lowercase ones. But can I do that in LA? Nooooooo. So now I have to reteach myself the concept of writing in lowercase. x.x Also, we're required to write in pen, and - the worst part - DOODLING IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. X-X
Art Normally I would be happy about Art, but we need to do a painting. Blargh. I also sit with the two most annoying little brats ever. They fail at drawing, though that has nothing to do with it, think the Jonas Brothers are hot (Seriously, what?), and share the common misconception of Pokemon being adorable fluffballs who attack with spit and cuteness and have quite clearly never heard of any Pokemon even the least bit intimidating. (Tyranitar exists, you know. x.x) They are also incredibly stupid and persistent and really want to tell me some secret I don't care in the least about. Way to ruin the best class of the day, kiddies. The other girl is a paint-hog, but other than that she's okay.
Buuh I always called Games PE
Still do

hmm well when I was in year 11 I did basketball, badminton and fitness and fitness wouldn't come under "games" unless "throw the hugeass medicine balls at David" is a game so...

for my PE period this year I go bowling
Pretty much. In our (Fredie and I) school, the mandatory subject of Games is just sport, because it's so important or whatever.

ew. our school still does too much sport imo (that said I can't stand it so I'm more than a little biased) but we do get some reprieve in the form of non-games (more specifically, cross country and basic weight training). :/
Ack. Cross country. I can't run. At all.

Weight training? I don't need it, because I'm sort of way underweight.

Either way, both could be useful.
Ack. Cross country. I can't run. At all.

Weight training? I don't need it, because I'm sort of way underweight.

Either way, both could be useful.

I don't really care how useful they are since I love both of them so :)

don't really understand what you mean by the bolded bit but never mind!
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Okay day. Fire drill during PE. Stood out like a sore thumb as one of the few standing at the assembly point with a PE kit on, but so did the other three PE groups who were going at that time too.

Maths was ridiculous. We had to find the LCM of three random numbers the teacher thought up. One of them had a prime factor of 43. Needless to say, I ended up trying to figure out 1,130,000 (they weren't all zeros ;/) multiplied by 43 and then I gave up. I think she was going to give us detentions if we didn't get at least some different questions done because we were meant to have revised. But I didn't get the other questions so I messed them up too so yeah I'm pretty much ****ed :)
Let's see, today...
I was sad/thoughtful during the day because I had remembered a past event that my friend told me something I didn't know about it, technechally it was a good thing that she told me but my twisted mind proved that theory wrong....
And in English we have to write a poem so I wrote one about the one person I love. Yeah. Everyone can read it, it'll be in the hallway, and I hope he sees it. He knows I like him (we're good friends), he'll see who wrote it, and -BAM- instant realization.

It's about how I can love and hate at the same time, because of all the pain involved and I thought, "If he can read this, maybe I can tell him how bad I feel without really tellimg HIM at all."

If that's sick or anything please tell.
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