• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?


Hello, Skylark~! I'm Mini_Moonwalker, that other nerd who likes Pokemon! :D *shot* Welcome to the TCoD Fourms!

Want some coffe and salmon? Or tea and cod? Milk and cookies? I haz it all. :3 And I see you're trying out the ASB already, so I won't suggest it again~

Your hotel room is your profile, the pool is the threads, and the gift shop is the Art Request Thread~! Hope you enjoy your say at DoubleTree Resort TCoD Fourms~!

Enjoy~! Oh, and before Prog_Metal gets over here, all the welcome mats are carnivorous. None are safe. None.

Now, I send Friend Requests to each new member, so tell me if you gotz mine, okay? :3

...Eh, sorry if I'm to weird. 'Tis a bad habit, I guess. :3
Hello, Skylark~! I'm Mini_Moonwalker, that other nerd who likes Pokemon! :D *shot* Welcome to the TCoD Fourms!

Want some coffe and salmon? Or tea and cod? Milk and cookies? I haz it all. :3 And I see you're trying out the ASB already, so I won't suggest it again~

Your hotel room is your profile, the pool is the threads, and the gift shop is the Art Request Thread~! Hope you enjoy your say at DoubleTree Resort TCoD Fourms~!

Enjoy~! Oh, and before Prog_Metal gets over here, all the welcome mats are carnivorous. None are safe. None.

Now, I send Friend Requests to each new member, so tell me if you gotz mine, okay? :3

...Eh, sorry if I'm to weird. 'Tis a bad habit, I guess. :3

I recieved the friend request and accepted :D Don't be sorry for being random, I like random. Random is goood. Carnivorous welcome mats eh? Those'll be fun :sunglasses:

Welcome! Hope you enjoy ASB.

Thank you :)
Sure, the welcome mats are carnivorous, but you can wipe your feet with this plain-old nothing special mat over here (NOT a welcome mat).

Anyway, I would offer you coffee and salmon, but I see Moonwalker has already done that. So...uuhhh...enjoy your stay!
I recieved the friend request and accepted :D Don't be sorry for being random, I like random. Random is goood. Carnivorous welcome mats eh? Those'll be fun :sunglasses:

Thank you :)

...I see the start of a beautiful friendship. :D

HA. 'Gotcha, Prog. :x And still, be careful with that mat. Prog is a veeeeerrryyyyy sneaky guy...

I'm watching, Proggy Buddy. O\_/O
Sure, the welcome mats are carnivorous, but you can wipe your feet with this plain-old nothing special mat over here (NOT a welcome mat).

Anyway, I would offer you coffee and salmon, but I see Moonwalker has already done that. So...uuhhh...enjoy your stay!

Oh hai there :) Thanks for the welcome *walks towards the regular plain mat and trips, falling face first into the mat*

...I see the start of a beautiful friendship. :D

HA. 'Gotcha, Prog. :x And still, be careful with that mat. Prog is a veeeeerrryyyyy sneaky guy...

I'm watching, Proggy Buddy. O\_/O

I may regret what I've just done :sweatdrop:
Mini_Moonwalker said:
And still, be careful with that mat. Prog is a veeeeerrryyyyy sneaky guy...

If the mat doesn't say "Welcome" then it is safe. The mat I mentioned earlier is fine.
Oh hai there :) Thanks for the welcome *walks towards the regular plain mat and trips, falling face first into the mat*

I may regret what I've just done :sweatdrop:

D: Oh noes, I've worded everything wrong.

..Eh, it happens alot to me. :x
I see. *was hoping for something speeshul to happen*

Anyway... you've piqued my curiosity. To how many people have you offered this "welcome" mat?
I see. *was hoping for something speeshul to happen*

Anyway... you've piqued my curiosity. To how many people have you offered this "welcome" mat?
I'll answer since Prog's offline. :x

Prog's offered the welcome mat to basically everyone. :3 It's his thing, you know?
Be afraid of the welcome mats. The bite mark on my ankle still hasn't healed...wait, they already said that...Tea and Cod? Coffee and Salmon? Red Bull and Crabcakes? Milk and Cookies? Milkshake and Choclate Bars? Anything at all?....wait, they did that to....

Pichu Chris says hi
Be afraid of the welcome mats. The bite mark on my ankle still hasn't healed...wait, they already said that...Tea and Cod? Coffee and Salmon? Red Bull and Crabcakes? Milk and Cookies? Milkshake and Choclate Bars? Anything at all?....wait, they did that to....

Pichu Chris says hi

Haha. You're funny. Hi :3
I am a bit of a joker, but most of mine are inside jokes that you would have had to known me at Turquoise to understand. Like the HitmonArmy, a Wigglytuff that's afraid of the phrase "Okie Dokie" and some other stuff.
Dang it, I'm late!

Hello! I am Superbird, one of two people who offers coffee and salmon to guests to the forum, not the standard Tea and Cod. Would you like some? And can I take your baggage?

Anyway, this is the TCoD forums. DO NOT wipe your feet on the carnivorous welcome mat, no matter what anyone may tell you. Other than that, please enjoy yourself.
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