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hurt 'n' heal


Ben Wade's Assistant Coach
alright so here's the deal. first poster (in this case me but we'll get to that later!) posts a list of 8-12 things which all fit a common theme, like starter pokemon or movies or colors or whatever. each one starts with 100 points.

on your turn you "hurt" one by subtracting TEN points from it, and "heal" another by adding FIVE (you do not subtract ten or add five, do not make this mistake or i will cry)

you hurt your least favorite, you heal your favorite. when one hits 0 points (or -5, whatever) then it's dead and is removed from the list. if you are the person who finishes off a list you can either let the next person choose the next theme/list, or post it yourself (but if you choose to post it yourself, then just post that you're gonna do it then edit it in so it isnt like 3 people all makin lists at once)

also please specify in your post which one you are hurting and healing

OKAY SO I'LL START WITH SOMETHING WE ALL KNOW. kanto pokemon league excluding janine

[100] Brock
[100] Lt. Surge
[90] Misty
[100] Erika
[105] Koga
[100] Sabrina
[100] Blaine
[100] Giovanni
[100] Lorelei
[100] Bruno
[100] Agatha
[100] Lance
[100] Blue

HURT misty
HEAL koga

(so next person, copypaste the list, -10 from one of them, +5 to another, just specify who you altered at the bottom of your post. <3)
Last edited by a moderator:
Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches.

[100] Brock
[100] Lt. Surge
[90] Misty
[100] Erika
[105] Koga
[100] Sabrina
[100] Blaine
[100] Giovanni
[100] Lorelei
[100] Bruno
[90] Agatha
[105] Lance
[100] Blue

Hurt Agatha, heal Lance.
Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches.

[100] Brock
[100] Lt. Surge
[90] Misty
[100] Erika
[110] Koga
[100] Sabrina
[100] Blaine
[100] Giovanni
[100] Lorelei
[90] Bruno
[90] Agatha
[105] Lance
[100] Blue

Hurt Bruno, heal Koga.
Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches.

[100] Brock
[100] Lt. Surge
[90] Misty
[100] Erika
[110] Koga
[100] Sabrina
[100] Blaine
[100] Giovanni
[100] Lorelei
[90] Bruno
[80] Agatha
[105] Lance
[105] Blue

hurt agatha, heal blue.
Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches.

[100] Brock
[100] Lt. Surge
[90] Misty
[100] Erika
[110] Koga
[100] Sabrina
[100] Blaine
[105] Giovanni
[100] Lorelei
[90] Bruno
[70] Agatha
[105] Lance
[105] Blue

Hurt agatha, heal giovanni.
Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches.

[100] Brock
[100] Lt. Surge
[90] Misty
[100] Erika
[110] Koga
[105] Sabrina
[100] Blaine
[105] Giovanni
[90] Lorelei
[90] Bruno
[70] Agatha
[105] Lance
[105] Blue

Hurt Lorelei, heal Sabrina.
Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches.

[100] Brock
[100] Lt. Surge
[80] Misty
[100] Erika
[110] Koga
[105] Sabrina
[105] Blaine
[105] Giovanni
[90] Lorelei
[90] Bruno
[70] Agatha
[105] Lance
[105] Blue

Heal Badass Blaine, hurt Ms. Tea.

(I misread the title as Hurt and heal bitches...)
Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches.

[100] Brock
[100] Lt. Surge
[80] Misty
[105] Erika
[110] Koga
[95] Sabrina
[105] Blaine
[105] Giovanni
[90] Lorelei
[90] Bruno
[70] Agatha
[105] Lance
[105] Blue

Hurt Sabrina, heal Erika.
Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches.

[100] Brock
[105] Lt. Surge
[90] Misty
[100] Erika
[105] Koga
[100] Sabrina
[100] Blaine
[100] Giovanni
[100] Lorelei
[100] Bruno
[60] Agatha
[105] Lance
[100] Blue

Hurt Agatha, heal Lt. Surge.
Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches.

[100] Brock
[105] Lt. Surge
[90] Misty
[105] Erika
[105] Koga
[100] Sabrina
[100] Blaine
[100] Giovanni
[100] Lorelei
[100] Bruno
[50] Agatha
[105] Lance
[105] Blue

Hurt Agatha, heal Misty and change the figures a bit because Steele missed Zangviper's post. :p
Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches.

[100] Brock
[105] Lt. Surge
[85] Misty
[105] Erika
[115] Koga
[95] Sabrina
[105] Blaine
[105] Giovanni
[90] Lorelei
[80] Bruno
[50] Agatha
[105] Lance
[105] Blue

Hurt Bruno, heal Koga, fixed a few errors from the last posters.
Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches.

[100] Brock
[105] Lt. Surge
[85] Misty
[105] Erika
[115] Koga
[85] Sabrina
[105] Blaine
[105] Giovanni
[90] Lorelei
[80] Bruno
[55] Agatha
[105] Lance
[105] Blue

Hurt Sabrina, heal Agatha, actually one of my favourite elite fours
Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches.

[100] Brock
[105] Lt. Surge
[85] Misty
[105] Erika
[115] Koga
[85] Sabrina
[105] Blaine
[105] Giovanni
[90] Lorelei
[70] Bruno
[55] Agatha
[105] Lance
[110] Blue

Hurt Bruno, heal Blue.
Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches.

[100] Brock
[105] Lt. Surge
[85] Misty
[105] Erika
[115] Koga
[75] Sabrina
[105] Blaine
[105] Giovanni
[95] Lorelei
[70] Bruno
[55] Agatha
[105] Lance
[110] Blue

Hurt Sabrina, heal Lorelei.
Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches.

Hurt Misty, heal Giovanni.

[100] Brock
[105] Lt. Surge
[75] Misty
[105] Erika
[115] Koga
[75] Sabrina
[105] Blaine
[110] Giovanni
[95] Lorelei
[70] Bruno
[55] Agatha
[105] Lance
[110] Blue
Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches.

koga should actually be at 110 - you hurt for 10, you heal for FIVE, someone healed him by 10.

[100] Brock
[105] Lt. Surge
[75] Misty
[105] Erika
[110] Koga
[75] Sabrina
[105] Blaine
[110] Giovanni
[95] Lorelei
[70] Bruno
[45] Agatha
[105] Lance
[115] Blue

hurt agatha and heal blue
Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches.

[100] Brock
[105] Lt. Surge
[75] Misty
[105] Erika
[110] Koga
[75] Sabrina
[105] Blaine
[110] Giovanni
[85] Lorelei
[70] Bruno
[50] Agatha
[105] Lance
[115] Blue

Hurt Lorelei, heal Agatha
Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches.

[100] Brock
[105] Lt. Surge
[75] Misty
[105] Erika
[110] Koga
[75] Sabrina
[105] Blaine
[110] Giovanni
[85] Lorelei
[75] Bruno
[40] Agatha
[105] Lance
[115] Blue

Hurt Agatha, heal Bruno.
Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches.

Yo Zim, Koga is supposed to be at 115. I healed him twice, and I'm doing it again 'cause he's that fucking cool.

[100] Brock
[105] Lt. Surge
[75] Misty
[105] Erika
[120] Koga
[75] Sabrina
[105] Blaine
[110] Giovanni
[85] Lorelei
[75] Bruno
[30] Agatha
[105] Lance
[115] Blue

Hurt Agatha, heal Koga.
Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches.

[100] Brock
[105] Lt. Surge
[75] Misty
[105] Erika
[110] Koga
[75] Sabrina
[105] Blaine
[110] Giovanni
[85] Lorelei
[75] Bruno
[35] Agatha
[105] Lance
[115] Blue

Hurt Koga, heal Agatha
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