• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

I... *blows up*


Back from the dead.
:scared:I did it to get rid of the header. I don't usually post in Welcome threads, but that header is a damn stalker!
Hi! Have tea and cod in a joke that is getting quite old but I persist in it anyway because when I arrived I was greeted by it.
Um. Hi sir, may I take your luggage for myself?
Ahwell, thats one less family i can provide food for.

'A part of River goes into every intoroductory thread... mainly the Cod'
I have a question. I'm planning on making an RP. However, I'm on my DSi, and my laptop is getting repaired. On another forum, my RPs need to be split into two posts, and I understand that double-posting isn't tolerated here. Should I PM an admin or mod about this? *Slaps head in stupidity*
Well, seing as i joined only a week or so ago, you should read the section of the rules on double posting. I think that theres a list of exeptions on there somewhere.
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It said that you can if you're making an update. I'm guessing that counts as an update, considering it's part of the first post, or something. If it can't be that way, I'll have to lock the topic, because I have no access to a computer, and if a mod merges the posts, I can't edit it due to text limits. If I can't do that, I'm going back to PPN, and roleplaying there.
I think that if you make a note on the post it might not get merged. But then again, I dont know.
Kali the Flygon and I are discussing some things, so I don't know the outcome, though I'll probably just put a note there saying not to.
I'm pretty sure you just make one post. It's not like we have a text limit in posts. ((That I know of. I've never reached it))
If it looks like you had a reason to double-post beyond "I don't know where the edit button is", then no one is going to bother you. Or if they do bother you, let me know and I will complain at them.
Sorry to barge in, (welcome by the way) but James I think I can confirm I have never heard of "complaining at someone"..... I am totally using that somtime it's freaking awesome.

But new person welcome to TCoD, where welcome mats bite and apparently we eat fish with our tea.... or is it fish-flavored tea.... wouldn't that be fishwater? Nasty.... Uh, don't drink the water.
Because multiquote won't work,

@Brock- But teh DSi does. I'm using a DSi.

@James- Nice to know I have a mod on my side.
When I get on my DSi I don;t have those issues.

I'm on mine right now.

It just messes my my codes and stops me from quoting properly sometimes.
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