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Suggestions I can has comments?

Re: Why hello there! Heard you like old poses and stuff!

TCoD sprites I'd like some crit on.



Yes, Poliwrath is really uninspired.
Re: Why hello there! Heard you like old poses and stuff!


Wowee...let's see how many sprites I splice together to create this beast:

Sceptile(frame 2), Grovyle(frame 1), Totodile(HG/SS frame 2), Croconaw(HG/SS), Feraligatr(D/P + HG/SS frame 1), Rhydon(HG/SS frame 1), Delibird(HG/SS frame 1), Tyranitar(D/P), Ursaring(D/P frame 1). The pallete was ripped from Turtwig's Platinum sprite.

Let's see...10 sprites, 11 counting Turtwig.
I really like your splices; the pieces are blended together well and they look almost like their own Pokémon, the dragon-lizardy thing, too. (That thing is adorable and also awesome.)

Also, your scratch revamps on the first page are excellent, especially in the shading and the outlines and such. I don't really like the colors inside Lapras's mouth, though; the gray and the red blend together and it's hard to tell what's going on. But that's minor.

The Scyther revamp is pretty good, but I think it could be a little more Scyther-y. The foot and head are a little rounded and could probably be made a little sharper and flatter. Same with the scythes, but not as much as the head and the foot.

Also on the Scyther revamp, and on some other sprites as well, I notice a lot of dark outlines, which is good but I think some of them are dark in awkward places. The top edge of Scyther's right scythe could have a lighter outline, and underneath the dragon-lizardy thing's right arm, the dark outlines from the arm and the tail kind of mix together and make a big blob of dark. It's a very minor thing but maybe take a look? =)

Pfft ahahahaha I can't believe you still have this and I can't believe I still remember how you got it.

Anyway, I do really like your spriting. In the Munchlax sprite, I like how you seemed to give really poor quality to the eyes, since that's what it would've looked like back then. I also like the Fire/Dark Exeggutor, and the Electric Torterra, they're really creative ideas.

Originally I just wanted to post the first part, but then I decided that I should probably post something else so I said positive things.
@Sandstone-Shadow: Dark outlines you say? I guess I'll take a look into that. I need to compare them with some of the official sprites. And on the splice, I tried to fix that, but it's hard getting the outline to look right when its in such a small and dark area to begin with.

@shadow_lugia: Uh...okay? O.o Not really sure what you are talking about with the Scizor, but anyways... Thanks for the positive comments!
It was from this thread that died a really long time ago. I commented that the Platinum sprite for Scizor looked terrible and you tried to spruce it up. If you want to see that conversation, it's on the last page.
Oh hahaha I completely forgot why I made that, other than the fact that the sprite did look horrible. Can't believe it's been two years now.
And on the splice, I tried to fix that, but it's hard getting the outline to look right when its in such a small and dark area to begin with.

Understandable, I've run into those problems a lot myself. Sometimes there's nothing you can do, but it looks nice if you can fix it. =) But either way it's still a cool sprite.

I made this to show off in a thread on Toho Kingdom about the possibility for more Smilies. They added my Mudkip one, so I'm hoping this one gets added as well.

Oh hey, it has transparency!
Wow, you have fantastic skills. Honestly, I haven't seen one sprite I didn't like. You honestly are very talented in this. I see all the hard work you put into these, even the small sprites.

Wow. Just...wow. Plus, you avatar is amazing and full of win. :3
Wow, you have fantastic skills. Honestly, I haven't seen one sprite I didn't like. You honestly are very talented in this. I see all the hard work you put into these, even the small sprites.

Wow. Just...wow. Plus, you avatar is amazing and full of win. :3

Thanks! I really like putting detail in the sprites when possible, and I try to aim to look as official as possible as well.

And Vegeta is always win. :D
Thanks! I really like putting detail in the sprites when possible, and I try to aim to look as official as possible as well.

And Vegeta is always win. :D

Welcome, and that's a great thing to be going for; official as possible. :3

Of course he is. Why wouldn't he be? :D

A friend requested I did Rankurusu so...I did!


just some transitional stuff:


I was trying to help someone out with shading.
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That's great! It looks just like it could be in R/B. I'm going to say it again - you are WAY TO TALENTED. <3

Once again, very nice!
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