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I guess I'm back, then?


New member
I don't expect anybody remembers me, 'cause I never really posted all that much, but I was here up until about a year ago and vanished because my computer kind of died on me. To put it in simple terms, the part of the computer that lets it connect to the internet got screwed up somehow... not completely broken, but screwed up enough that I couldn't reliably get on the internet. I couldn't do much to fix it, so I kind of stopped coming here and most other forums (It's really hard to post on a forum from a PSP or a Wii, and my old laptop... The batteries were absolutely shot and, due to a faulty plug on the back of the computer, the power supply was intermittent at best). I went out and bought a new laptop a few months ago (Well, new to me... I love eBay :D), and finally remembered this place, so here I am again. Sort of. I'm a bit of a lurker, so if just being here reading things counts as being back, then I guess I'm back.

As an introduction for myself, as I'm probably going to need one... To put it simply, I'm just a really big nerd. My life consists of video games, work (I have a job ;_;), building and fixing computers, and every once in awhile I'll hang out with my equally nerdy friends and do all the same stuff with those guys. Yes, even the work part. One of my friends had a job at the same place as me for awhile. That was awkward, and even embarrassing at times. 4chan memes have no place outside of 4chan, let alone at work. But yeah... As far as Pokemon specifically goes, in case anybody really cares, I've been playing them on and off since Red and Blue first came out. I'm pretty sure I actually bought my copy on launch day, after talking my parents into driving me downtown because there was this new game that was out that I really wanted to play. Yes, I'm that old. Why I'm here, I have no idea. I seriously don't remember how I found this place, or when, although two years ago comes to mind. If anybody remembers the database crash, I was here for quite awhile before that, although mostly just lurking as usual. I rather like it here though, so if it doesn't bother anybody too much, I think I'll stick around :)

...And there you have it. A disorganized and aimless introduction from yours truly, with a good old "And there you have it" paragraph after it that serves no purpose whatsoever except to let you know that I'm probably done typing at this point. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go back and lurk in the shadows for awhile. I've probably got a few interesting topics to catch up on since I was here last.


P.S. - Also, that little header when I signed back in, that was asking me where I was for the last two weeks? It's been more than two weeks. Just a heads-up on that ;)
Sorry, don't know you.......... YAY, someone else who's life consists of videogames and computers!!!
Hello, my name is Zoltea, I am the friendly Jolteon who can tell you almost anything about the pokemon world that isn't even in the games.
Hey, I remember seeing some of your posts. Welcome back.

Your name amuses me a tiny bit, it must be said. I must be really easily amused, but still. If it's meant to be a play on words, that is. Hehe. Um. Yes. Have a good time.
I remember you! You're the lurker who has a pun for your username and posts really, really big posts when you actually do post.

Well, welcome back~
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