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Im applying for a trip to Greece (I live in north america... OK YES CANADA) and i would pay ~2000 dollars for it. 10 days. Its more then two times the number of days, at the opposite side of the world, and its like 1000 dollars less expensive.

Just listen to Linoone's advice. Really, you could do so much more with 3000 dollars.
I got nominated for the CYLC, but the tuition costs $2000, plus $1000 and additional expenses (first-last day lunch, souveniers,etc.). But I have some ideas (like in the school tourneys and stuff I set up a Wii booth and charge $5 per play), so please suggest original ideas.

I got that thing too. I think my basic idea was "screw it not worth it." If you really want to go, you can start a lawn-mowing business. It isn't original, but you can make a buttload of cash from it.
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