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If Pokémon were Real


Among the few morons with straight A's.
If Pokémon were Real

I know you've already thought of this question, but think of how Pokémon would really affect the real world. Life probably wouldn't be like it is in the games or anime. We'd probably be scared of the bigger Pokémon, there would be huge religions honoring Arceus, Ho-Oh, and Mew (Ho-Oh is included because it revived Suicune, Raikou, and Entei), and some crazy scientists would definitely try to create real Pokémorphs. In fact, governments would probably fund the creation of Pokémorphs to use as weapons, and during wars we'd use Pokémon instead of weapons.

Some things I think would happen:
  • Lots of experiments involving Pokémon and humans
  • Towns being destroyed by Pokémon
  • More kids killed by "pets"
  • Overall, a lot more death and injuries
  • Battles would be more dangerous to human trainers
  • Some people probably wouldn't even try to keep Pokémon because they'd be afraid
  • We'd probably still have Contests to replace dog shows and stuff
  • We'd finally know which Pokémon tastes the best
  • New allergies
  • Some idiot would try to steal an egg from a mother Pokémon
  • Only 5-25% of the human population would be able to train Pokémon like trainers
  • More wars
  • Scarier fossils
  • Instead of excitement at new Pokémon, fear
  • No one in their right mind would leave their houses at night

...You know, this would actually make a pretty good story. Anyways, that aside, any other ideas about what it would be like?
Re: If Pokémon were Real

I like how you included 'new allergies'. I never thought of that before, but it makes total sense - a Combee's pollen, Gloom's different powders, etc.
Re: If Pokémon were Real

What happened to love?
I would get Pokemon and love them... and battle!
But yeah, new allergies, new wars but I would go out at night to catch a Noctowl. I ran into a Noctowl once and it was bedtime before I could even save so I STILL don't have it... DX
Re: If Pokémon were Real

When I imagine pokemon, I don't see them in our time period, but pretty close. I see them more in a pseudo-futuristic world where peace is there but relationships with different countries could still spark up a war. I also see pokemon in war alot but not replacing weapon's, aiding soldiers greatly as to much where a war in the sky could be caused with pidgeotto's would be flying and possibly turrets mounted on their backs, somewhat like a piercing. Tank's though I could see being almost completely replaced with Venasaurs.

Overall, alot of deaths.

But I do see it very close as how the games show the world. This would be caused by gradual transformation of the world for pokemon. Of course, an inventor must have created a device that captures an item and shrinks it to fit within the device, which would then evolve into the common term, a pokeball.

Pokemorphs would happen to an extent. Human body shape I doubt would change vastly. See, I could easily see someone create a cloned human whose DNA was injected with Ditto's and would go off in a killing spree, quite like in terminator 2, or, someone who wanted who wanted to figure out what it would be like to be in someone else's shoes.

So um yeah. That's about it.
Re: If Pokémon were Real

If Pokemon were real the world would be magical and brilliant )<

you forgot scary, like everyone's been saying, pokemon can do a lot more damage than real animals to civilization. those who live by lakes that have gyarados will live in fear
Re: If Pokémon were Real

I think everyone's also been forgetting about togetic and chansey etc that are pretty much champions of joy. And that there at least four benevolent legendary pokemon.
Re: If Pokémon were Real

My views:
-There would be pokemon that have been bred and domesticated for centuries (ponyta-line, growlithe-line, skitty-line and miltank come to mind). For example, pet growlithe would have minuscule glands for creating fire.
-Trainers would be +30 years old, have studied animal-training for years and have raised their first pokemon from birth.
*if wild pokemon prove too dangerous to catch, trainers would just breed all of their pokemon.
-Pokemon league would be a center of betting.
-There would be limitations on who can own pokemon, and which pokemon can be owned. (Only military could have gyarados in their possession, for example. Compare to laws concerning weapons.)

Theological questions, ('The Legendary Dilemma')
-Are legendaries literal gods which should be revered?
-Could they breed, and does that mean that they are just like other pokemon?
-Where have they come from?
-Did Arceus create the world?
-Did pokemon evolve or were they created by Mew? (Compare to Evolution theory vs Creationism)
-What are humans?
*are humans pokemon too? (the ??? type perhaps)
~Proof: Some people are psychic, (depending on continuity) people can withstand some attacks of the pokemon (for example being burnt by a firepokemon or electrocuted by electric pokemon- this applies only if we accept the anime's views)
~Opposing views: humans can't readily learn any attacks, pokeballs won't (?) work on them (who knows really, that would also have to be considered- if they work, that means that humans and pokemon share a feature. Maybe pokemon have evolved from a different niche of bacteria, and therefore form a whole new branch)
*If humans are pokemon too, would romantic relationship with 'humanshape' pokemon be considered acceptable?
-Would training pokemon be considered an insult to the legendary gods, because they are practically 'enslaved'?
-What if someone manages to catch a legendary?
Re: If Pokémon were Real

People would probably idolize Gym leaders, Elite Four members, League Champions, Frontier Brains and any other well-known trainers. There'd be merchandise of the well-known trainers, and children would probably be given toys of Pokémon to play with.
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Re: If Pokémon were Real

don't forget the "guard dog" type pokemon. though i don't really know of many that would fit the bill entirely. this is just for the domesticated kind of pokemon
Re: If Pokémon were Real

Battling would be illegal outright. Pokemon rights and stuff. therefore nothing would be different. Just a new set of animals to eat, domesticate, hunt and model toys after.
Re: If Pokémon were Real

I think that people would learn to speak pokemon languages. Like i know that the pokedex says something about a Jynx language. Also, I think that, like what Eeveelution said, less advanced place where food is scarce would most likely eat pokemon? (Torchic=precooked KFC?) Pokemon like Machamp and Alakazam would be employed, too. Pokemon would actually revolt over humans for world dominence! That'd be funny!
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Re: If Pokémon were Real

If pokemon battling was illegal, it would go underground and be the focus of criminal betting. >: D!
(What about the thing of 'pokemon want to battle'? Isn't preventing them also violating their rights?)
Re: If Pokémon were Real

I would probably have my favorite Pokemon with me all the time and never in it's pokeball.
Re: If Pokémon were Real

In my point of view, the most "cataclysmic" views of this question would apply if Pokémon were introduced in our timeframe. Our society is largely based of the superiority of Man over Animal, and almost Man over Nature. Society sees itself as ruler of the world and beyond, and Pokémon would fill the roles of current animals only with greater efficiency/danger.

However, suppose that Pokémon had existed all along. Humans would have seen them as the superior beings since the start of their existence. Pokémon would keep watch on humans to assure the inventions of the latter wouldn't interfere with the survival of the former. As they advanced to civilization, Pokémon would always be present, and even during experiments (from the Renaissance to the equivalent of ours "nowadays") cientists would remember that they were experimenting with (at least, if not more) equivalents of human beings. That, I believe, would lead to a balanced mix of the real world and what you see in the anime or games.
Re: If Pokémon were Real

If Pokémon suddenly became real in this world, chaos.

But if they existed all along, they'd have time to form Pokémon Training and everything else you see in the series. In the 8th movie, there was a war using Pokémon, and that happened in the past. In the present Pokémon World, you don't see that (unless the evil teams count, but ten year olds can beat them ;) ).
Re: If Pokémon were Real

If Pokemon were real it would be the apocalypse.

Even though I love the Pokemon Dusknoir if it was real and you saw it then your about to die.
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