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If you could kill any person in the world...

I couldnt kill anyone. There are, however, a large number of people who Id like to have a rather stern conversation with )<
Some fucking Nazi. I am Communist, and want all Nazis to be shot with AK-47s.

Out of all the reasons to hate the Nazis, "I'm a Commie" isn't one of the best.

Oh and I don't really dislike anyone enough to kill them, I hope. Although if I was given the opportunity to do it without ramifications, I'd probably go for someone in the BNP; the world would be no worse off with one less racist elitist.
Fred Phelps and everyone who truly follows him (Not the poor, brainwashed children, though. I'd give them a chance).

I would also kill a certain woman I know who's a cancerous, evil bitch to the highest degree and pretty much lives to make everyone around her miserable.
I couldn't kill anyone. Not when I think of the reprocussions and the other people who'd end up involved in some way, through mourning or what not.
hmm, let's see, a prick I once knew called Azeem Rehman just for being a downright prick
and yes, if you couldn't tell by the name he's from one of those foreign countries that i never figured out which one
Zim Del Invasor said:
A starving African child.
That one wins.

I came here expecting to see George Bush George Bush George Bush George Bush George Bush George Bush George Bush George Bush.
You'd kill people over politics? That's quite disturbing.

No. There's no one there I want to kill for political reasons. I want to kill Sarah Palin because she is an ignorant tool. She advocates the slaughter of bears and wolves. She offered $150 for each left front leg of a freshly killed wolf. I want to kill the talk show guy because he was an arrogant clusterfuck. And the black conservative woman because she was an ignorant, arrogant, clustertoolfuck. Not for political reasons.
i'd like to break sarah palin's kneecaps and then kill her bit by bit.

and then snipe watermeleon just for old time's sake
i'd like to break sarah palin's kneecaps and then kill her bit by bit.

and then snipe watermeleon just for old time's sake
hahaha watermeleon, good times.

Anyway there's plenty of people I'd like to punch in the throat but I don't want to kill anyone really <:)
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