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I'm a new kitty. Mew.


Warriors fanatic and proud of it! >=3
Hi. I'm obsessed with Warriors by Erin Hunter and is Fluffy's little sister. My real name is Alexandria, but I like to be called Alex. My little brother is Blahet, who Fluffy says is dead on this forum, and I also like pie. I'm about to be in 6th grade, Blahet 5th, and Fluffy 7th. Am I annoying you yet? X3

Edit: I also love Eevees and why won't the header go away?

Edit2: Ok it's gone.
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Aaaaaaaah, a younger little kitty here.

Well there's a lot of warriors fans here, you should see what they're up too. There's a also a warriors fan club.
;;Sneezes;; Hello Featherfur! Welcome to (aachoo!) the forums, hmm, hmm. I'm Arylett and I'm very allergic to kitties, I'm sorry to say. But none the less, I still welcome you to the forums! (Achoo!)

May you have a very jolly time filled with many delicious sugary treats! (Or should I say cat nip?) :D
I actually have had a catnip leaf before. It tasted like grass, but the after taste was minty. 83 Sugary treats are better though. X3

Yay for the other Warriors fan!

You're Fluffy's little sis, eh? Nice to meet you!

Expect a welcoming song after I figure out where ZC is hiding. ^^
*wonders who ZC is* *sees signature* I knew that! >_>

Course I'm not Fluffy's sister! Where'd you get that idea!? >_>

And yes, I am a Warriors fan. And proud of it! *points to user title*
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