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IN FRONT OF THE AVATAR [Pictures of your computer]


has gone on an epic journey to find herself.
So, I saw the 'Behind the Avatar' thread, and I was like, 'Well, I can't really put up a picture of me.' So, I thought I'd make this thread. Now, I'mma go find a camera so I can take a picture of my lovely Tablet PC with hardware malfunctions.
Behold... part of the widest laptop screen in all of existence. And hey, you can see part of my Buffy shrine. :D

Mikeputer 2: Electric Boogaloo

Bought it on Friday after a Coke spillage mishap with Mikeputer 1 on monday >> It has no volume dial WHICH IS VERY DISORIENTING but it does have an SD slot so it was easier to upload pictures of it. And it has a numeric keypad so I can make all sorts of interesting characters. þÄÍÿ▒§█

also just about every surface on it shows fingerprints like a motherfucker so it looks all smudgy and aaargh
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New one, since now I have an actual desk.

lol @ my bagpuss mug, "FOR MEN!" deodorant and awesome crystal solitaire set. :D


(don't tell me you weren't asking for it)

I'd post a picture but I have no camera. Just imagine a really messy bed (I don't use my desk at uni, and I don't even have one at home) covered with pens, pencils, notepads, sketchbooks, textbooks, games consoles, hats, headphones, socks, DVD boxes, cutlery, mugs, inhalers, CDs and more, depending on how long it's been since I've had a tidy-up. It's... pretty bad.
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