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I'ts Not Lupus:House Club

100th episode? Aaaaa I remember when there was only one series and I still watched the show in French. MEMORIES.
I'm at episode eight of series four now and the new ducklings are growing on me like mould. But good mould.

AM I THE ONLY PERSON WHO LIKES TAUB. Seriously. Frustratingly enough I've only found one slashfic with him so-far, and seeing as I manifest my love of people through the reading of slashfics I am very disappointed.
You there. The one who posted. Go. Go and find me Taub fanfiction. Go. Go.

Oh and thought I'd share this with you guys (I didn't make it, though I wish I had):
Nuuu Wiiiiilsooon ;~;
Actually, from what I can tell of S5, that's pretty much what's happening. Only with more Thirteen screentime.

I've only found two Taub slashfics, both of them with Kutner, and both of them fairly short, very dialogue-heavy and on FF.net (here and here). It's a bit of a shame that the House/Wilson LJ comm updates multiple times a day, but there are some pairings with hardly any fics at all. Don't get me wrong, I love H/W, but I love reading other stuff, too. The world needs more Chase/Wilson because it's really great.

I wish they'd develop Taub's character more. I just find him somewhat uninteresting, and I love Kutner, Thirteen and Amber to bits (I didn't like her on my first watch, but I adore her now), so he's very overshadowed. But he's short, which gets him lots of love.
Nuuu Wiiiiilsooon ;~;
Actually, from what I can tell of S5, that's pretty much what's happening. Only with more Thirteen screentime.
That's cool and terrible at the same time.

I've only found two Taub slashfics, both of them with Kutner, and both of them fairly short, very dialogue-heavy and on FF.net (here and here).
Yeah, I found those earlier, but thanks anyway! And yes, side-pairings and non-canon ones need more love.

But he's short, which gets him lots of love.
Mini-stud <3
From what I can tell (from people's LJs/blogs/what-have-you), S5 has lots of House/Cuddy hintage, loads of Thirteen screentime (not all of it good) and not enough Wilson. Which isn't great, but House as a show has done a lot worse and come out the other side. Like the Tritter arc. Man, what was that about? Every time I see those episodes, I am filled with inconcievable amounts of WTF. This, one of the funniest (though painfully unfinished) House fics (very H/W-centric) I've had the pleasure of reading) sums it up rather nicely:

“Well, now that’s settled, Cameron, what about you? What has your size-zero panties in a wad?”

The non-testosterone member of the team shook her head. “Well, for one thing, I had to listen to them. I guess it brought on a weird dream.”

House leaned forward eagerly. “What was I wearing?”

Cameron glared. Oh good. Three glares in one morning and he’d barely had to try.

“It was about this crooked cop,” she went on, “and House did something to piss him off.”

“Nothing unbelievable so far,” Wilson contributed.

“So he decided to get revenge. He tried to get us to talk about you and none of us would, so he started harassing us. First he impounded Wilson’s car and then he froze all our accounts.”

“Never happen,” Foreman said. “My lawyer eats guys like that for breakfast.”

Cameron frowned at the interruption. “There were no lawyers.”

Chase snorted. “Well, that’s just stupid.”

“Finally, he gets Wilson to agree to testify against House in court. House goes home and swallows a bottle of pills with scotch-“

“Sounds like a typical Friday night,” Wilson muttered.

“-and Wilson walks in, finds him OD’d on the floor, lying in a pool of vomit, and turns around and walks out.”

“Oh, thanks a lot, Jimmy!” House shook his head sadly. “After all these years of undying Beau Geste loyalty you leave me to die all alone on the floor covered in puke.” He stuck out his egg-covered tongue.

“Hey, what are you complaining about? I was the dream asshole!” Wilson looked outraged at the thought. “I might kill you one day, House, but trust me, I’d never leave you without finishing the job.”

“Take it easy, Wilson,” Chase soothed. “It was only a dream. Not like any of that would ever happen.”

“You should fire whoever writes your dreams,” Foreman said in disgust.
AM I THE ONLY PERSON WHO LIKES TAUB. Seriously. Frustratingly enough I've only found one slashfic with him so-far, and seeing as I manifest my love of people through the reading of slashfics I am very disappointed.
You there. The one who posted. Go. Go and find me Taub fanfiction. Go. Go.
Anyway you are not alone, man. Taub-he's grown on me.
Anyways, while I wait for my devildry of a computer to get fixed, I just wanted to show you guys two things:
Where I am when not here...=P
And this little tidbit:

PLEASE LET ME JOIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love House. Like love it. Like I have to watch three episodes a day or I can't sleep. PLEASE!
Again, not alone here. Same goes for me, I seriously spend a hell of a lot of time watching,reading,drawing all things House-y.
In simple terms, yes. You can join. :)
Damn FOX peoples. Ah well, I'll just live off of reruns.

Oh, don't we all. Unfortunetly, I have not been able to get a single box-set, because I'm, apperently a minor.
That, and something involving the Everybody Lies T-shirt I got for Christmas~

That, m'colleagues, is the Wilson pic involving a moose on a jew. *sigh* Please be gentle with the impaling.
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Yaaaaay @ Wilson's eyebrows <3 He's adorable~

And that seriously sucks about not being able to buy the DVD sets; could you get a parent or older sibling to get it for you?

(totally random but every time I post after you it takes ages because I have to watch the Nidorina vs. everyone animation at least once)
Yaaaaay @ Wilson's eyebrows <3 He's adorable~

And that seriously sucks about not being able to buy the DVD sets; could you get a parent or older sibling to get it for you?

(totally random but every time I post after you it takes ages because I have to watch the Nidorina vs. everyone animation at least once)

It's not that...It's that my grandmother thinks House *and I mean the show, not the character* is scary, and...well, here we are.
Also, awwwwh, that's- that's actaully touching.:3
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The Cuddy/Cameron pairing makes absolutely no sense at all - they exchange about four words per season (more if you count the bonus scenes on the DVD where they just swear at each other for no good reason for about ten minutes) and really don't seem to like each other at all, but of all the House femslashy pairings, theirs is the most commonly written. (not that I'm complaining because I am extremely shallow when it comes to fictional people)

But that pic is adorable. Okay, they all are. Especially the House/Chase one. I absolutely love that artist <3

And that annotated picture of the cast is hilarious; who's the girl on the far end with the crazy hair?
...I love Cuddy's jazz hands far, far too much.
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