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Come on, choose one. There are seventeen types: If each month has a type, five types are going to be left out, and the five types will feel unloved. If each month has a pokemon, six hundred and thirty-seven pokemon will be left out, and everyone can feel unloved.

Fine then. How about regions?

There aren't enough regions. Just leave it to Sableye and Mawile. Hoenn may be awesome, but it doesn't need a month.
beyond that, so we've got...
January is Absol,
February is Gardevoir,
March is Breloom,
April is unclaimed,
May is Shuppet,
June is Stunfisk,
July is Riolu,
August is Magikarp,
September is Eevee/Lutions,
October is Meowth,
November is Mawile/Sableye,
December is Golurk,

August was already claimed for magikarp.
Meowth, choose another month. Meanwhile, February, April and October are still up for grabs. Get 'em quick, peoples!
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There aren't enough regions.

January and July are Kanto month.
February and August are Johto month.
March and September are Hoenn month.
April and October are Orre month.
May and November are Sinnoh month.
June and December are Unova month.

There aren't enough regions. Just leave it to Sableye and Mawile. Hoenn may be awesome, but it doesn't need a month.
beyond that, so we've got...
January is Absol,
February is unclaimed,
March is Breloom,
April is unclaimed,
May is Shuppet,
June is Stunfisk,
July is Riolu,
August is Magikarp,
September is Eevee/Lutions,
October is unclaimed,
November is Mawile/Sableye,
December is Golurk,

August was already claimed for magikarp.
Meowth, choose another month. Meanwhile, February, April and October are still up for grabs. Get 'em quick, peoples!

Why does Magikarp get a month >:C

Fine April then
Meowth can have october, since LotF already has Breloom.
One more left! Someone get april! (Who hasn't got one yet!)
We have a list! January for Absol, February for Gardevoir/Gallade, March for Breloom, April for Arcanine, May for Shuppet, June for Stunfisk, July for Riolu, August for Magikarp, September for Eevee, October for Meowth, November for Mawile/Sableye, and December for Golurk. Quite a nice selection there.
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I am now participating. Just made an avatar.

also, I am a bit saddened at the lack of a month for a dragon-type pokemon.

EDIT: Can february be Gardevoir/Gallade month?
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