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Jack_the_Pumpkinking vs. Kratos Aurion (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

All right then. Well, it actually doesn't affect my plans either way as long as it's still running under fourth-gen mechanics, because as it stands now taunt can't be reflected by magic coat. If Gohma protects against the taunt, double-edge; if she finds some other guaranteed way to avoid it, screech. Keep this up until taunt sticks, and if there are any actions left then just keep up the double-edges until the end of the round.

Taunt/Double-Edge/Screech ~ Taunt/Double-Edge/Screech ~ Taunt/Double-Edge/Screech
Okay, Gohma. Chill on the first and third actions if you aren't Taunted (either before the Taunt, or if it wears off by the end of the round) and hope it misses, a lot. If Taunted, Mega Drain for energy.

Since Norway ought to be moving faster than you, if Taunt misses on both the first and second actions, or if for some reason it's worn off by the second (not that it would), use Defense Curl on your second action before she can try Taunting again.

Chill/Mega Drain ~ Defense Curl/Mega Drain ~ Chill/Mega Drain
1vs1 single
Style: Set
DQ: Standard week
Damage cap: 60%
Banned moves: OHKO's; each Pokemon limited to one direct-healing move
Arena: Witches' Province

A magical corner of the world, inhabited primarily by witches and warlocks. The arena itself is in the center of a typical forest, with your standard-issue witch's cottage just on the arena's outskirts. Puffs of multicolored smoke have a habit of escaping the cottage's chimney, and can cause hallucinogenic effects on Pokemon that inhale them (which will be primarily or solely Flyers, since the smoke isn't heavier than air). This causes them to be moderately Confused but have random stat boosts to any combination of Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, and Accuracy which are cumulatively equal to +6.

The arena itself, being so infused by magic, has some odd effects on Pokemon battling within it. At the end of each round, one of the following effects will occur:
18% chance that one Pokemon will receive a +2 boost to one stat (either Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, and Accuracy) (3% each stat)
18% chance that one Pokemon will receive a -2 penalty to one stat (3% each stat)
12% chance that both Pokemon will receive a +1 boost to one stat (2% each stat)
12% chance that both Pokemon will receive a -1 penalty to one stat (2% each stat)
5% chance that one Pokemon will be given the effects of Magic Coat
5% chance that one Pokemon will receive Magic Guard in addition to its normal ability (this lasts for one round)
5% chance that Magic Room will go into effect (this is a Trick Room-like Gen V effect that removes all effects of items)
5% chance that one Pokemon will receive Magic Mirror in addition to its normal ability (all stat-lowering moves are reflected back to the user) (this lasts for one round)
5% chance that both Pokemon will recover 40% Health
5% chance that both Pokemon will recover 40% Energy
10% chance that nothing will happen
Team Jack_the_Pumpkinking

Queen Gohma (Female)
Ability: Overgrow
Health: 82%
Energy: 16%
Status: Urgh, my head... Tongue burned, cannot talk well; Giga Drain forgotten; special defense +3, defense -1, accuracy +2, Magic Coat in effect.
Attacks Used: Chill / Mega Drain ~ Defense Curl / Mega Drain ~ Chill / Mega Drain
Healings: 1/1

Team Kratos Aurion

Norway (Female)
Ability: Guts
Health: 75%
Energy: 55%
Status: Ha ha! Attack -2, speed +1, special defense +1, Focus Energy in effect, Seeded.
Attacks Used: Taunt / Double-Edge / Screech ~ Taunt / Double-Edge / Screech ~ Taunt / Double-Edge / Screech
Healings: 0/1
Item: Lucky Egg

Round 9 Begin!

Remembering that she used the same tactic just a couple of rounds previously, Norway looks at her trainer questioningly but then obeys her commands, spitting out several choice insults mixed with dark energy, managing to expertly insult Gohma's bulb, her family, her entire species and the entire Bulbasaur evolution family in just a few short sentences. Gohma feels that same rage clouding her mind and tries to fight it, but to no avail; soon it is all she can do not to charge at Norway and rip her limb from limb. Instead, she closes her eyes and concentrates - to some degree - and the stream of green energy emitting from the flowers on the vine (it's now quite healthy and thriving, with big pink flowers) thickens considerably for a few seconds, bathing Gohma entirely in a soothing light.

Norway growls in frustration over not being allowed to burn away the vines like before, and then begins running, quickly accelerating to top speed; she rounds on Gohma, now with a motion blur, and charges straight at her. Gohma attempts to brace herself for the impact but is largely unsuccessful; she is thrown backwards, though she takes some comfort in that Norway has clearly hurt her head in the process of the attack. Once again, she closes her eyes and causes the vines' energy draining to go into overtime, basking in the light and healing that it brings. She shakes her head to try and clear it, but to no avail.

Norway finally looks up at both of the Bulbasaur and decides the one on the right looks more solid; shaking her head to try and get the images to resolve into one, she begins another charge. As she runs, she watches the world merge back into a cohesive whole and realizes that she aimed at the wrong plant-toad; she veers sharply to the left and impacts sharply with Gohma's side, which by virtue of sheer unpreparedness renders the attack considerably more effective. Even as Gohma struggles to her feet she is once again increasing the vines' output, delighting in stealing Norway's very own life energy; suddenly, as though doused with cold water, her head clears and her irrational rage lifts.

While Gohma is celebrating the return of clear thought, the golden sheen that covered her skin suddenly fades away to nothing; bth Norway and Gohma realize that this is the time when something usually happens with the little cottage, and look fearfully around. Their concerns come to naught, however; the cottage sits there, puffing out the same multicolored smoke as always, nothing out of the ordinary happening at all.

Round 9 End!

Team Jack_the_Pumpkinking

Queen Gohma (Female)
Ability: Overgrow
Health: 52%
Energy: 22%
Status: What, no magic smoke? Tongue burned, cannot talk well; Giga Drain forgotten; special defense +3, defense -1, accuracy +2.
Attacks Used: Mega Drain ~ Mega Drain ~ Mega Drain
Healings: 1/1

Team Kratos Aurion

Norway (Female)
Ability: Guts
Health: 64%
Energy: 31%
Status: My head... Attack -2, speed +1, special defense +1, Focus Energy in effect, Seeded.
Attacks Used: Taunt ~ Double-Edge ~ Double-Edge
Healings: 0/1
Item: Lucky Egg

Damage / Energy Calculations
Taunt - 3% energy (accuracy roll 23, needed 100 to miss)
Mega Drain - drained 2% energy (Norway), restored 2% health (Gohma) (accuracy roll 5, needed 100 to miss)
Double-Edge - 13% damage, 3% recoil damage, 7% energy (accuracy roll 50, needed 100 to miss)
Mega Drain - drained 2% energy (Norway), restored 2% health (Gohma) (accuracy roll 4, needed 100 to miss)
Double-Edge - 20% damage, 5% recoil damage, 8% energy (accuracy roll 56, needed 100 to miss)
Mega Drain - drained 2% energy (Norway), restored 2% health (Gohma) (accuracy roll 82, needed 100 to miss)

- Magic Coat is only a round long? Huh, you learn something new every day.
- Wow, that's (the second Double-Edge) the first Critical Hit we've had in a while.
- Things like Taunt are going to reduce in effectiveness with repeated use. It lasted the full three actions this time, but isn't likely to last too long next time.

Arena Notes
- This round, nothing happened.
- There is a tree with a Squornshellous-Beta-shaped hole in the side growing just outside the limits of the battlefield.
- Many of the trees at the outskirts of the field have various marks carved into them by Norway's teeth.

Next Round
- Pumpkinhead Attacks
- Kratos Aurion Attacks
- I ref
Whoops, somehow this thread unbolded itself on the ASB forum list thingy before I read it. Derp.

Okay, uh... extremely weird tactic time! First, use Worry Seed to both remove her ability and stop her from being able to Rest, then use the ever-wonderful Toxic. End with a Chill. If she does something that would block Worry Seed, just Chill all round; if she Taunts you, replace all Chills with Mega Drains for energy.

Worry Seed/Chill/Mega Drain ~ Toxic/Chill/Mega Drain ~ Chill/Mega Drain
Magic coat lasts for an action, not a round.

Substitute 10%, torment her and then chill.

Substitute ~ Torment ~ Chill
1vs1 single
Style: Set
DQ: Standard week
Damage cap: 60%
Banned moves: OHKO's; each Pokemon limited to one direct-healing move
Arena: Witches' Province

A magical corner of the world, inhabited primarily by witches and warlocks. The arena itself is in the center of a typical forest, with your standard-issue witch's cottage just on the arena's outskirts. Puffs of multicolored smoke have a habit of escaping the cottage's chimney, and can cause hallucinogenic effects on Pokemon that inhale them (which will be primarily or solely Flyers, since the smoke isn't heavier than air). This causes them to be moderately Confused but have random stat boosts to any combination of Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, and Accuracy which are cumulatively equal to +6.

The arena itself, being so infused by magic, has some odd effects on Pokemon battling within it. At the end of each round, one of the following effects will occur:
18% chance that one Pokemon will receive a +2 boost to one stat (either Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, and Accuracy) (3% each stat)
18% chance that one Pokemon will receive a -2 penalty to one stat (3% each stat)
12% chance that both Pokemon will receive a +1 boost to one stat (2% each stat)
12% chance that both Pokemon will receive a -1 penalty to one stat (2% each stat)
5% chance that one Pokemon will be given the effects of Magic Coat
5% chance that one Pokemon will receive Magic Guard in addition to its normal ability (this lasts for one round)
5% chance that Magic Room will go into effect (this is a Trick Room-like Gen V effect that removes all effects of items)
5% chance that one Pokemon will receive Magic Mirror in addition to its normal ability (all stat-lowering moves are reflected back to the user) (this lasts for one round)
5% chance that both Pokemon will recover 40% Health
5% chance that both Pokemon will recover 40% Energy
10% chance that nothing will happen
Team Jack_the_Pumpkinking

Queen Gohma (Female)
Ability: Overgrow
Health: 52%
Energy: 22%
Status: What, no magic smoke? Tongue burned, cannot talk well; Giga Drain forgotten; special defense +3, defense -1, accuracy +2.
Attacks Used: Worry Seed / Chill / Mega Drain ~ Toxic / Chill / Mega Drain ~ Chill / Mega Drain
Healings: 1/1

Team Kratos Aurion

Norway (Female)
Ability: Guts
Health: 64%
Energy: 31%
Status: My head... Attack -2, speed +1, special defense +1, Focus Energy in effect, Seeded.
Attacks Used: Substitute (10%) ~ Torment ~ Chill
Healings: 0/1
Item: Lucky Egg

Round 10 Begin!

Norway quickly begins moving, her eyes glowing bright white as her life-energy streams out and begins taking form, producing a Rattata-shape; the bright glow slowly fades to reveal an almost exact clone, though its eyes are glowing brightly. Gohma doesn't move; she is allowing her natural healing mechanisms to restore her energy. She stays in this state for several minutes.

Norway looks at her opponent and then sets about her task with glee; raising her voice, she begins insulting her opponent. "Hey Goh~ma! What are you doing? Just standing there? Pahahaha! That's not an attack! Come on, face me like a Pokémon!" and so forth. Gohma looks away in embarrassment; Norway is right, that's a pointless tactic. Maybe... what did her trainer say? Toxic? Well... yeah, that works. She begins gathering several types of toxin from her body, allowing them to mix in her mouth. She shudders very slightly - even for a poison-type, this stuff tastes unpleasant - before spitting it at Norway. Unfortunately, the Rattata clone runs into the path of the toxins, which coat much of it but, unfortunately, can't have the desired effect - Substitutes don't have circulatory systems, they can't be poisoned.

Now Norway decides to rest and recover in the same way that Gohma did earlier. Gohma herself gapes - what, so the Rattata can do it, but she can't? - but then follows suit, though feeling slightly foolish as the Torment lingers. Very little happens for the next few minutes, both battlers standing in one place with their eyes closed and the Substitute chasing its own tail - but then, eventually, both Pokémon open their eyes and prepare to attack some more. Gohma is surprised by what she sees though - Norway is surrounded by a faint but definite pink aura, which makes Gohma slightly reluctant to attack directly for fear that Norway might try to be nice to her. The pink aura also seems to pain the vines, since their buds are closing and no longer emitting energy and the roots are withdrawing.

Round 10 End!

Team Jack_the_Pumpkinking

Queen Gohma (Female)
Ability: Overgrow
Health: 52%
Energy: 36%
Status: Please don't try to be nice to me. Tongue burned, cannot talk well; Giga Drain forgotten; special defense +3, defense -1, accuracy +2, tormented (one more round).
Attacks Used: Chill ~ Toxic ~ Chill
Healings: 1/1

Team Kratos Aurion

Norway (Female)
Ability: Guts and Magic Guard
Health: 51%
Energy: 32%
Status: My head... Attack -2, speed +1, special defense +1, Focus Energy in effect, Seeded.
Attacks Used: Substitute (10%) ~ Torment ~ Chill
Healings: 0/1
Item: Lucky Egg

Damage / Energy Calculations
Substitute - 10% health (Norway), 5% energy
Chill - restored 10% energy (Gohma)
Torment - 4% energy (accuracy roll 26, needed 100 to miss)
Toxic - 6% energy (accuracy roll 76, needed 85 or above to miss)
Chill - restored 10% energy (Norway)
Chill - restored 10% energy (Gohma)

- Hurk what happened D: I don't know how I missed this but uh sorry guys D: I'd say it won't happen again but...
- As she was Tormented on the second action, Gohma used a random other one of her commands... the Substitute would have blocked both, though.
- For the record, the Leech Seed will still be alive beyond the next round - I just couldn't think of a way to describe Leech Seed suddenly stopping.
- Bonus points for whoever can identify the Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy reference and where exactly it's from.

Arena Notes
- This round, Norway got Magic Guard.
- There is a tree with a Squornshellous-Beta-shaped hole in the side growing just outside the limits of the battlefield.
- Many of the trees at the outskirts of the field have various marks carved into them by Norway's teeth.

Next Round
- Kratos Aurion Attacks
- Pumpkinhead Attacks
- I ref
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Sorry, I've been distracted. Norway should still have magic guard reflected in her stats, yeah?

Chill, screech, chill. If she tries to block the screech then chill that time, too. If the sub is destroyed and she tries to poison you, protect.

Chill ~ Screech/Chill/Protect ~ Chill/Protect
Attack that Substitute with Razor Leaf and then Magical Leaf, which ought to knock it out. After that, implant the real Norway with a Worry Seed.

If for some reason the Sub isn't destroyed by the third action, Razor Leaf it again.

Razor Leaf ~ Magical Leaf ~ Worry Seed/Razor Leaf
1vs1 single
Style: Set
DQ: Standard week
Damage cap: 60%
Banned moves: OHKO's; each Pokemon limited to one direct-healing move
Arena: Witches' Province

A magical corner of the world, inhabited primarily by witches and warlocks. The arena itself is in the center of a typical forest, with your standard-issue witch's cottage just on the arena's outskirts. Puffs of multicolored smoke have a habit of escaping the cottage's chimney, and can cause hallucinogenic effects on Pokemon that inhale them (which will be primarily or solely Flyers, since the smoke isn't heavier than air). This causes them to be moderately Confused but have random stat boosts to any combination of Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, and Accuracy which are cumulatively equal to +6.

The arena itself, being so infused by magic, has some odd effects on Pokemon battling within it. At the end of each round, one of the following effects will occur:
18% chance that one Pokemon will receive a +2 boost to one stat (either Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, and Accuracy) (3% each stat)
18% chance that one Pokemon will receive a -2 penalty to one stat (3% each stat)
12% chance that both Pokemon will receive a +1 boost to one stat (2% each stat)
12% chance that both Pokemon will receive a -1 penalty to one stat (2% each stat)
5% chance that one Pokemon will be given the effects of Magic Coat
5% chance that one Pokemon will receive Magic Guard in addition to its normal ability (this lasts for one round)
5% chance that Magic Room will go into effect (this is a Trick Room-like Gen V effect that removes all effects of items)
5% chance that one Pokemon will receive Magic Mirror in addition to its normal ability (all stat-lowering moves are reflected back to the user) (this lasts for one round)
5% chance that both Pokemon will recover 40% Health
5% chance that both Pokemon will recover 40% Energy
10% chance that nothing will happen
Team Jack_the_Pumpkinking

Queen Gohma (Female)
Ability: Overgrow
Health: 52%
Energy: 36%
Status: Please don't try to be nice to me. Tongue burned, cannot talk well; Giga Drain forgotten; special defense +3, defense -1, accuracy +2, tormented (one more round).
Attacks Used: Razor Leaf ~ Magical Leaf ~ Worry Seed / Razor Leaf
Healings: 1/1

Team Kratos Aurion

Norway (Female)
Ability: Guts and Magic Guard
Health: 51%
Energy: 32%
Status: My head... Attack -2, speed +1, special defense +1, Focus Energy in effect, Seeded.
Attacks Used: Chill ~ Screech / Chill / Protect ~ Chill / Protect
Healings: 0/1
Item: Lucky Egg

Round 11 Begin!

Norway, very quickly even for a Rattata, runs around in several circles and then curls up on the ground, pulling herself into a resting position. Gohma glares at her, still angry that she's allowed to do so while Gohma can't, and then begins her own attack; several leaves tear themselves free from the base of her bulb, then fly with tremendous speed towards Norway; the Substitute leaps into their path, however, and they leave a mark - with an impossibly sharp edge, the leaves cut massive slices into the clone, leaving gaping, glowing wounds and cutting its tail off entirely.

Norway does very little in retaliation: she lifts her head up, opens her mouth wide and lets out a harsh grating sound. Gohma winces just slightly as the sound assaults her ears but quickly shakes it off; then, in a similar move to last round, tiny little leaves tear themselves from her bulb, though these are outlined in a bright pink aura. They aim directly towards the clone, though upon striking these have more of a bludgeoning effect than the previous ones' cutting edge. Small comfort to the Substitute, though; with its previous wounds, it cannot stand up to the assault, and the leaves punch straight through. The clone collapses as though made of water, the resulting energy-puddle quickly fading away.

Norway remains immobile, despite the destruction of her only protection; Gohma prepares to shoot yet another attack from her bulb - this time, a large brown seed emerges to the top of the bulb, similar to the earlier Leech Seeds. It launches towards Norway, and upon impact it bursts open and begins burrowing yet more vines into her skin. Almost immediately, her mind fills with dark thoughts and horrible worries, though she can't identify the source; she figures it's as likely to be the new seed as anything else. She growls.

Suddenly, a large, golden tree bursts out of the ground, as has happened once before; it quickly flowers and grows fruit, which both Pokémon recognize as the refreshing, magical fruit from before. Both dart towards the tree, each siezing a fruit and quickly consuming it; as they move to take another, the fruit turn black and wither away, the tree doing something very similar. At the same time, though the Pokémon don't notice it, Norway's pink aura fades away, and the vines begin to open their flowers once again. Soon enough, they will likely begin pumping out energy once again.

Round 11 End!

Team Jack_the_Pumpkinking

Queen Gohma (Female)
Ability: Overgrow
Health: 52%
Energy: 62%
Status: Please don't try to be nice to me. Tongue burned, cannot talk well; Giga Drain forgotten; special defense +3, defense -1, accuracy +2.
Attacks Used: Razor Leaf ~ Magical Leaf ~ Worry Seed
Healings: 1/1

Team Kratos Aurion

Norway (Female)
Ability: Guts
Health: 51%
Energy: 90%
Status: My head... Attack -2, speed +1, special defense +1, Focus Energy in effect, Seeded.
Attacks Used: Chill ~ Screech ~ Chill
Healings: 0/1
Item: Lucky Egg

Damage / Energy Calculations
Chill - restored 10% energy (Norway)
Razor Leaf - 5% damage, 5% energy (accuracy roll 87, needed 100 to miss)
Screech - 2% energy (accuracy roll 96, needed 85 or above to miss - missed)
Magical Leaf - 6% damage, 5% energy
Chill - restored 10% energy (Norway)
Worry Seed - 4% energy (accuracy roll 13, needed 100 to miss)

- >:/ You both failed to identify the Guide reference. It refers to the doors on the Heart of Gold, which have a sensor field - visible in darkness as a very faint pink glow - that tells them there is someone there to whom there should be nice. It comes from Life, the Universe and Everything, while Zaphod is trying to go unnoticed by the Krikkit robots.
- Depending on Negrek's answer to my question, Norway's energy total may well fall by up to 10% (if it turns out Insomnia blocks Chills completely), so watch out for that.

Arena Notes
- This round, both Pokémon regained 40% energy.
- There is a tree with a Squornshellous-Beta-shaped hole in the side growing just outside the limits of the battlefield.
- Many of the trees at the outskirts of the field have various marks carved into them by Norway's teeth.

Next Round
- Pumpkinhead Attacks
- Kratos Aurion Attacks
- I ref
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(I would have looked for it but I didn't have time to read the reffing carefully because I was busy! Not that I remember the book all that well anyway... actually I was just going to be facetious and guess your username, though.)
- >:/ You both failed to identify the Guide reference. It refers to the doors on the Heart of Gold, which have a sensor field - visible in darkness as a very faint pink glow - that tells them there is someone there to whom there should be nice. It comes from Life, the Universe and Everything, while Zaphod is trying to go unnoticed by the Krikkit robots.

I totally missed that, but I haven't read H2G2 in like four years. And the last three books all kind of jumbled together in my brain anyway. :(

*cough* End-of-round stats still say Guts for Norway's ability. Unless Worry Seed replaced Magic Guard for some reason, then faded?

Okay, Gohma. Your primary objective is to hit her with Toxic. If she does something (like Protect) to prevent any of your attacks from hitting, then Chill. If she does something to block herself from being status'ed, or otherwise blocks Toxic but not attacking moves (Substitute comes to mind), Razor Leaf. Also Razor Leaf repeatedly if you've already successfully Toxic'ed her.

Toxic/Chill/Razor Leaf x3
If "Squornshellous-Beta-shaped hole" being in the endnotes is good enough for me then it should be good enough for everyone! >|

Well. I wasn't counting on that energy boost, so that's just icing on the proverbial cake--I think we're done here, or at least very close to it depending on whatever's going on with that leech seed (is it gone as you said it would be, Squorn? I'm a little confused by whatever's going on with the vines...). Super fang to cut her health down to 26%, then double-edge twice to finish her off. If super fang misses, keep trying until you've done it once and then pick up the double-edges.

Super Fang ~ Double-Edge/Super Fang ~ Double-Edge/Super Fang
1vs1 single
Style: Set
DQ: Standard week
Damage cap: 60%
Banned moves: OHKO's; each Pokemon limited to one direct-healing move
Arena: Witches' Province

A magical corner of the world, inhabited primarily by witches and warlocks. The arena itself is in the center of a typical forest, with your standard-issue witch's cottage just on the arena's outskirts. Puffs of multicolored smoke have a habit of escaping the cottage's chimney, and can cause hallucinogenic effects on Pokemon that inhale them (which will be primarily or solely Flyers, since the smoke isn't heavier than air). This causes them to be moderately Confused but have random stat boosts to any combination of Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, and Accuracy which are cumulatively equal to +6.

The arena itself, being so infused by magic, has some odd effects on Pokemon battling within it. At the end of each round, one of the following effects will occur:
18% chance that one Pokemon will receive a +2 boost to one stat (either Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, and Accuracy) (3% each stat)
18% chance that one Pokemon will receive a -2 penalty to one stat (3% each stat)
12% chance that both Pokemon will receive a +1 boost to one stat (2% each stat)
12% chance that both Pokemon will receive a -1 penalty to one stat (2% each stat)
5% chance that one Pokemon will be given the effects of Magic Coat
5% chance that one Pokemon will receive Magic Guard in addition to its normal ability (this lasts for one round)
5% chance that Magic Room will go into effect (this is a Trick Room-like Gen V effect that removes all effects of items)
5% chance that one Pokemon will receive Magic Mirror in addition to its normal ability (all stat-lowering moves are reflected back to the user) (this lasts for one round)
5% chance that both Pokemon will recover 40% Health
5% chance that both Pokemon will recover 40% Energy
10% chance that nothing will happen
Team Jack_the_Pumpkinking

Queen Gohma (Female)
Ability: Overgrow
Health: 52%
Energy: 62%
Status: Please don't try to be nice to me. Tongue burned, cannot talk well; Giga Drain forgotten; special defense +3, defense -1, accuracy +2, tormented (one more round).
Attacks Used: Toxic / Chill / Razor Leaf ~ Toxic / Chill / Razor Leaf ~ Toxic / Chill / Razor Leaf
Healings: 1/1

Team Kratos Aurion

Norway (Female)
Ability: Insomnia
Health: 51%
Energy: 90%
Status: My head... Attack -2, speed +1, special defense +1, Focus Energy in effect, Seeded.
Attacks Used: Super Fang ~ Double-Edge / Super Fang ~ Double-Edge / Super Fang
Healings: 0/1
Item: Lucky Egg

Round 12 Begin!

Getting up from her resting position almost painfully, Norway looks as though she's somewhat unsure on her feet; then she suddenly regains her bearings, and begins running towards Gohma. She opens her mouth wide, and her fangs lengthen and glow incredibly brightly as she forces a massive amount of energy into them. She reaches her opponent and bites down hard, the energy discharging into her body and triggering just about every pain receptor in her nervous system. She twitches and shivers from her foetal position (into which she instinctively curled), then reluctantly unfurls herself, and spits a large glob of purple goo onto the back of the retreating Norway, who flinches. The substance soaks through her skin almost immediately, the foul poisons entering her bloodstream. By this time, the vines on Norway's back have once again begun belching out energy, though the foul venom kills off a significant portion of them.

Turning around, Norway gives Gohma a death-glare before launching into an extremely fast run, white energy streaking behind her; Gohma, stunned by the sudden burst of speed, is unable to do anything but stare helplessly until the Rattata collides with her in a massive impact, throwing both of them backwards a considerable distance. Gohma lands on her feet and quickly retaliates, launching a volley of sharp-edged leaves at the dazed Rattata, which slice into her skin.

Norway, finally picking herself up and shaking away her dizziness, launches into another run; Gohma has learned her lesson the first time, though, and sidesteps slightly at the last second. The massive inertia of the tiny rat prevents her from changing her course, and so she sails onwards, quickly stopping the attack before she can crash into a tree. As she does, she is treated to a volley of leaves in the back, launched once again by Gohma.

Suddenly, a large, odd machine bursts out of the ground. It appears to have a large bowl inside it, which it quickly fills with a brown fluid, then ejects it; another bowl pops up, and the process repeats once more. Each Pokémon takes a bowl and begins tenatively drinking the fluid - it tastes almost, but not entirely, unlike tea, and is strangely refreshing - while the trainers and referee come up for undrinkable cups of their own.

"Share and enjoy," says the machine before sinking back into the ground.

Round 12 End!

Team Jack_the_Pumpkinking

Queen Gohma (Female)
Ability: Overgrow
Health: 56%
Energy: 46%
Status: Foul. Tongue burned, cannot talk well; Giga Drain forgotten; special defense +3, defense -1, accuracy +2.
Attacks Used: Toxic ~ Razor Leaf ~ Razor Leaf
Healings: 1/1

Team Kratos Aurion

Norway (Female)
Ability: Insomnia
Health: 75%
Energy: 61%
Status: Disgusting. Attack -2, speed +1, special defense +1, Focus Energy in effect, Seeded, badly poisoned (2% this round, 3% next)
Attacks Used: Super Fang ~ Double-Edge ~ Double-Edge
Healings: 0/1
Item: Lucky Egg

Damage / Energy Calculations
Super Fang - 26% damage, 19% energy (accuracy roll 54, needed 90 or above to miss)
Toxic - 6% energy (accuracy roll 18, needed 100 to miss)
Double-Edge - 13% damage, 3% recoil damage, 5% energy (accuracy roll 34, needed 100 to miss)
Razor Leaf - 5% damage, 5% energy (accuracy roll 88, needed 100 to miss)
Double-Edge - 5% energy (accuracy roll 100, needed 100 to miss - missed)
Razor Leaf - 5% damage, 5% energy (accuracy roll 33, needed 100 to miss)

- That's been there forever, it doesn't count. And it means a me-shaped hole, not a planet-shaped (aka "round") hole.
- I said Leech Seed wouldn't be gone. Remember that Magic Guard stopped it for that round.
- That's the third time, I think, that a 100-accuracy move missed. Have you angered the RNGgods, Kratos?
- Okay, I trust you can find that one. If you can't, I will seriously doubt that you have ever read the books.

Arena Notes
- This round, both Pokémon regained 40% health. Seriously.
- There is a tree with a Squornshellous-Beta-shaped hole in the side growing just outside the limits of the battlefield.
- Many of the trees at the outskirts of the field have various marks carved into them by Norway's teeth.

Next Round
- Kratos Aurion Attacks
- Pumpkinhead Attacks
- I ref
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Oh, stop trying to argue logic against what was clearly stated as an attempt to be facetious. You're no fun. (And anyway, why did you assume we'd even read it in the first place the first time? Sure, we've told you now, but...?)

Anyway! Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck I am sick of being haxxed out of winning all the time. I am currently a little too pissed off at the rather unfortunate combination of this + about twenty other unrelated annoying things all hitting at the same time to strategize, but I will say that you forgot to add Norway's poison to her ending status.

Also, there is a point when "random number god" jokes cease to be funny. I don't really mean to snap at you (again, kind of mad about rather a lot of other stuff), but just saying. I also don't understand why everyone here seems to prefer "RNG God" over just "random number god" when the second sounds so much less aesthetically clunky, but that's neither here nor there.

I am never battling on any fields with random effects ever again this happens every time.
You, uh, forgot to order any attacks..?

Eh, I won't take offense from anger that's caused by other things. Wouldn't see the point.
Sorry about the jokes if they're not amusing you, though; I'm not an excellent judge of whether or not something's funny. And I only use "RNGgod" because that's what I've seen everyone else use.

EDIT: Oh and poison issue also fixed.
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