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Johto Mew Mew Power: Chimera Rising

@DarkAura: You can add Raichu to your EV forms if you want, you know? Otherwise just add a bit more to your bio because it doesn't really give enough foundation for your character. Also, sadly Fly isn't an attack a Pikachu can learn so pick from these level up moves.

@Byzantine's.Sapphire: Everything is fine but like DarkAura's, your bio needs more work.

@SunkernShip: Add effect to Giga Impact and you're done.
Fly is a move that Pikachu can learn, it's just an event move. And I like Pikachu over Raichu. =)
Ohmigosh, I forgot about the Pikachu on balloons. Okay then, just make sure you attack that brief bio a little.

Name: Theodore B. Kristofferson
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Personality: It takes a certain kind of person to have the name Theodore Bernard Kristofferson, and Theo likes to think he lives up to it pretty well. Theo is the kind of person who dances through life, laughing the whole way. He has a deep-set optimism that confounds most people, and is physically able to be downhearted for around five minutes before he picks himself up and begins to look on the brighter side of things. An impish boy, Theo enjoys cracking corny jokes, making smart comments, and playing harmless tricks. He hates a serious, tense atmosphere, and gets restless in such an environment, attempting to break it up with a laughing joke. Theo can actually be considered too relaxed, as even facing a serious threat he still stays loose and smiling. He is always full of energy, and tends to go off on rambling tangents, having a bad habit of using his hands to illustrate everything he says. He has little to no tact and is almost annoyingly bright-eyed in any situation. The upshot is, when Theo walks into a room, the room lights up with his huge, friendly grin, and he will always do his very best to make an upset person feel better (even if he thinks the best way to cheer someone up is by showing them his juggling skills).
Grade Level: 9th
Trainer Class: Juggler
Region: Johto
Appearance: Theo's black hair falls to his ears, and he has light brown eyes and a pale complexion. He usually wears vivid colors in a jester-like manner, making his daily wardrobe a pathwork doll of striking colors - a ragtag style that he only manages to pull off with pure confidence and sincere obliviousness to what other people think. Even in his work uniform, he adds things like an unprofessional scarf, or bright, fake glasses that give indication of his playful manner. He wears a multicolored scarf-like necklace set with a round, red ball not unlike those found on the chest of a Mime Jr.
Brief Bio: Theodore B. Kristofferson was born in the summer, which was why his life didn't end before it began. Theo, being born of a house which found it did not need the extra mouth, was left by the side of the street in a seedier part of Goldenrod City, Johto. Luckily enough, a rather drunk couple from a traveling circus found him whilst stumbling home from a long night of drinking. The finding of Theo solved a problem for the pair - their circus was severely lacking in apprentices as the old generation of preformers grew older. It was nothing for the rather large and successful group of preformers to provide for another, and so Theo began his life as a circus preformer.

The trope was very close-knit and welcoming, swallowing up the new baby immiediately with cheers. They were all like a huge family to Theo - so, although he moved constantly from place to place, with no other home than a tent, he was always well-loved. He was raised in turn by all of the trope, in one way or another. From the cook, he learned which berries are best for which status condition, and which make the best soups, and which to should be fed only to pokemon. From the tightrope walker, he learned the importance of focus and persistance. Even his name was a group desicion, hotly debated for three full days.

When he turned seven, Theo was told he had to seek a mentor, to learn from him or her all the tricks of their trade, so that he would be able to replace them in the trope when the time came. He chose an old man named Adam, the juggler in the trope. In his prime, he was the lead acrobat of the group, but in his age his daughter had refused to let him do any tricks more complicated than juggling - though Adam always insisted he was just as spry as he always was, much to the delight of Theo. By age eight, he could handle six juggling balls easily, and so Adam judged him ready for the next stage - preforming with a pokemon. So, for his ninth birthday, Theo recieved his Kecleon - now his trusted partner pokemon.

For the next two years, Theo recieved intensive training, until he and Kecleon could preform in perfect sync, bonded with a strong friendship. The year after, Theo and the trope found themselves in Mauville, Hoenn. Theo was walking by himself, content in the knowledge that he had nothing really to do, when a pokemon scurried out in front of him. It turned out to be a Plusle, and - charmed by its cuteness and thinking it might be trained to be a part of his act - raced it back to its owner. After finding out that it and its corrosponding pokemon, Minun, could be found in the nearby fields, Theo happily went out to catch the twin pokemon. He had just managed to catch the two pokemon he was looking for and had been happily introducing himself to his new pokemon when he got hit by something hard. He never felt the needle slide into his arm, only passed out. He awoke to his pokemon growling protectively around him, and realized he'd been lying in the grass for quite a while, and that his pokemon were the only things standing between him and being mauled by wild pokemon.

Shortly after that, Theo began acting...strange. He started to mimic others, finding enjoyment with how perfectly he could copy them. Then he could not control it, the ability coming out even when he was supposed to be preforming. He would mimick an audience member perfectly, much to the confusion of the audience and trope. It got so bad that Theo's act was nearly taken over by Plusle and Minun, as he would have to be played off the stage night after night by the two pokemon - who would share his juggling balls while Theo, still attempting to mimic, would be led off the stage.

It got to the point where Adam and the others judged the circus life to be too much for Theo. Collaborating, the group looked for a proper school to send Theo to, hoping that a normal education would bring an end to this strange behavior. Now attending school and having found a proper place of employment, Theo can only try his very best to fit in and try not to miss his big family too much while he is away.

Key talents/hobbies: Juggling, acrobatics, and he is very flexible.
Pokemon: Kecleon, Plusle, and Minun.

***Additional info. if a Mew Mew***

Mew Mew
Pokemon Specie: Mime Jr.
Color Code: Pink and Dark Blue
Mew Mew Appearance: His hair is a shade of dark blue and is in a swirl at the top of his head. The tip of the swirl itself is white. The strangest thing about his transformation, however, is that his irises are black, and his pupils are white. His scarf-like necklace stays.

Weapon: Balls
Appearance: The juggling balls are roughly baseball sized and come in a variety of colors, though Theo primarily uses the red, yellow, and blue ones.
Form of attack: The balls are surrounded by psychic energy, making them as hard as metal, and 'thrown' at the enemy using psychic power.
Sig. Move: Theo throwing the balls in the air (typically the three primary balls, but more if the enemy is more serious), making the balls go in a brief circle in front of him, before making them fly at high speeds towards the enemy, usually focused on the chest area.


Attack: Doubleslap
Type: Normal
Class: Physical
Limit: Two
Power: 15
Accuracy: 85
-Effect: By launching himself up and slapping his enemy

Attack: Psybeam
Type: Psychic
Class: Special
Limit: Four
Power: 65
Accuracy: 100
-Effect: Theo's body glows before a multicolored beam is emitted from his hands, towards the enemy.

Attack: Recycle
Type: Normal
Class: Non-damaging
Limit: Two
Power: 0
Accuracy: 0
-Effect: If his balls are destroyed or lost, Theo can use recycle, and the juggling balls re-appear in his hands.

Attack: Substitute
Type: Normal
Class: Non-damaging
Limit: Two
Power: 0
Accuracy: 0
-Effect: Theo temporarily makes several copies of himself, usually as a precusor to a major attack where he uses his signature move, the effectiveness of which is multiplied by how many copies he manages to make. After using this, he is severely weakened, and therefore is an absolute last resort.

***Mew Mew EV***

Mew Mew EV
Pokemon Specie: Mr. Mime
Color Code: Pink and dark blue
Mew Mew Appearance: His dark blue hair spikes off in two opposite directions on his head, and his eyes become pure black. Gloves, which have pink fingerprints, and dark blue shoes the points of which curl like a jester's appear on his person.

Attack: Magical Leaf
Type: Grass
Class: Special
Limit: Four
Power: 60
Accuracy: 0 (it will always hit)
-Effect: Theo scatters leaves surrounded by psychic power, which follow the target.

I hope it's alright this time~~ *initially misunderstood what was meant by 'brief bio'* ^_^;; I thought that meant you wanted a summarized personality - my bad~!
Yay, Approved. Alrighty, I'll start up the thread and we can start the RP finally :D

EDIT: Pick one for Riku, HOWEVER he is only capable of turning into the Pokemon, not a Mew Mew thus his evolving is permanent!

Choose 1--> Bonsly or Igglybuff o___o
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Bonsly it is! ^^ Okay the thread is up, yay. And now Mew is stealing everyones identity so Riku can come and find your characters.

On a side note, I'm going to make a post holding small profiles of the NPC's like Riku, Kaen, the cyniclons, etc. :D
Aaand done. :D That form was huge.

Name: Marcus Alavaro
Age: 10
Gender: Male, derp
Personality: He is a daydreamer, and he tries his best to always be optimistic but sometimes it doesn't work. He is quite brave and stands up for his friends and himself in a fight. He is clever for his age, and has a strong mind.
Grade Level: 7th
Trainer Class: Ace Trainer
Region: Unova
Appearance: He has dark brown hair and pale skin. He prefers to wear dark, comfortable clothes that don't make him stand out in a crowd. His pupils in his eyes are black.
Brief Bio: Marcus grew up in the city, and didn't tend to have many friends. He just played on his own when he was smaller. His parents were neglecting him so he ran away from home. It was on his birthday when the DNA was released onto him.

Key talents/hobbies: Very agile.
Pokemon: Servine, Fraxure

***Additional info. if a Mew Mew***

Mew Mew
Pokemon Specie: Cubone
Color Code: White and light brown
Mew Mew Appearance: Has Cubone's skull on his head, but that doesn't alter his agility. Has little claws like a Cubone on his feet and hands.

Ability: Rock Head
Effects: Stops him taking direct physical damage to the head - any physical attack aimed at his head just bounces off.

Weapon: Bone
Appearance: ...a normal bone. Quite long.
Form of attack: Whacks the opponent very hard with it.
Sig. Move: Bone Thrust - with a lot of effort he holds the bone in one hand and thrusts his arm forwards so it hits the opponent hard.


Attack: Bonemerang
Type: Ground
Class: Physical
Limit: 2 (!?)
Power: 50 (hits twice)
Accuracy: 90
Effect: Marcus holds the bone, one hand at each end, and throws it at the opponent in a spinning motion. It spins twice (hits opponent twice) and then comes back to him.

Attack: Brick Break
Type: Fight
Class: Physical
Limit: 3
Power: 75
Accuracy: 100
-Effect: He does a hard karate chop with his right hand.

Attack: Protect
Type: Normal
Class: Non-damaging
Limit: 1 (!?)
Power: --
Accuracy: --
-Effect: He creates a huge shell of bone around him.

Attack: Flamethrower
Type: Fire
Class: Special
Limit: 3
Power: 95
Accuracy: 100
-Effect: A huge tongue of fire comes out of his Cubone skull and incinerates the opponent.

***Mew Mew EV***

Mew Mew EV
Pokemon Specie: Marowak
Color Code: Brown and white
Mew Mew Appearance: The same as the pre-evolved form, except for the skull. It is now a Marowak skull.

Attack: Giga Impact o_o
Type: Normal
Class: Physical
Limit: 1 ;_; goshdarnit
Power: 150
Accuracy: 90
-Effect: Charges at the opponent with full power. Is very tired afterwards.
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Looks good Luxcario. However, your bio is too brief. Fix that first, and then your form would be good.
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