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Join pokemonCraft

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sorry for double posting here are some details about pokemoncraft it is and will be a free forever mmorpg Massive Multi-player Online Role Playing Game you also don't need 2 download anything for it it also has all of the pokemon on the Pokedex and it shows where 2 catch them how many people have them etc. it also has a chat where u could speak almost any native language but you have 2 speak that language in that specific chat. it also has 2 different kinds of forums Turkey and English the game also has it where you can see who's on the top 100 who is online how many people have registered for the game. it also has a market where you can buy items in a shop sell them buy items in the bazzar sell items buy pokemon sell pokemon trade oh and when some pokemon evolve by trading you don't need 2 trade u need 2 just go 2 ur team and click evolve pokemon by its image k. oh and u can also change stuff on your profile for example the avatar pokemon the character image your email password etc. oh and you can see which maps are done for ex. we have some maps of kanto and sinnoh done. oh and it also has a message box for your pms also k. here are some screenshots of the game.
here are some screenshots

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th difference is best the best MMORPG out there and so far it is remember it's not anything like PWO you don't have to download anything it's free!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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you want more detail then fine check it out for yourself ill have you know it's ranked #148,779 on alexa toolbar and over 80,000 people play pokemoncraft

so it's your lost buckko when pokemoncraft is #1 don't come crying to me saying you missed out on all the fun.
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