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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Just Plain Mafia


Uh, I didn't do it.
Yep, this is mafia. Just mafia. Nothing special. Just basic mafia roles with a little 'zest' thrown in to make things interesting.

This game is going to rely, as usual, on flavortext and info given to players. Expects roles like aliens, millers, terrorists, and even serial killers and vigilantes given enough people join. Hell I might even toss in a town crier.

See the thing is... roles will not be randomised. If I think you'll do well in a certain role, or maybe that it will provide you a challenge, you'll get it. I feel this will add a more personal flair to the game as your very personality may attribute to how you are lynched, rather than what role you are playing... if that makes sense.

Because of the lack of randomization and the personalization I would prefer experienced players. Meaning finished or participated in at least two mafia games prior, and when they did participate they really participated rather than hop on bandwagons or 'post to say I'm here'. I will remove players who I feel are inexperienced or would not fit very will into the game.

I will also remove players who have histories, get this, of joining games but being mostly inactive for the game. This is a effort to keep the game active and to keep the players engaged for the entire game, rather than just inactive lynching their way through the game. I will actually research people's playing styles and confirm who would do well in what role. You can even PM me a request, though you may or may not receive it.

(Please take no offense if you are indeed removed, it is not personal in any way, shape, or form, it's just business. If you feel you were removed and think that you shouldn't have please PM me, the GM, pertaining to why you were removed and whether or not you can rejoin.)

I will modkill inactives. If you haven't posted for two dayphases or don't send in two night actions if you have one you will die a horrible death. If you are going to be absent for a time post either in thread or PM me with how long you might be gone. If you claim absent on your night action, if you have one, will be randomised unless you specify otherwise.

You will have 3 abstains depending on how many members join.

I hope for at least 8-10 players, but if it's less than that the number of abstains may change.
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For further members, please post here to see if you're accepted, Sweetie Belle/DarkAura, you're in, welcome. Any one else please post before joining the playerlist.
wait so do we pick our roles?

Not quite. It's really based off what you've done before. You can 'request' but that doesn't mean that you're going to get the basic role you mentioned, it may be the opposite.

Wargle, you're in.
I'd like to be in. It's been a while since I was in one of these that got off the ground, much less that finished.
Oh god I hope that I don't get Mafia this time :o(

I'm Anti-Town in like 90% of my games or something :\


I'd like to be in. It's been a while since I was in one of these that got off the ground, much less that finished.


Protip: It's a good idea to join the playerlist at the top when joining a game.

People were told not to unless they got the ok.

Do I count? I think I've been in two games but neither of them ever really finished or anything I think so idk.


Mr. Moon has been removed.
I feel stupid too. And a little left out. ;_;
Why was I removed?

(Please take no offense if you are indeed removed, it is not personal in any way, shape, or form, it's just business. If you feel you were removed and think that you shouldn't have please PM me, the GM, pertaining to why you were removed and whether or not you can rejoin.)

Anyway, yay, we'll finally have an active Mafia game with active mafia players unless the legendaries destroy Asber first and then destroys Mafia.
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