• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?



formerly known as Jaketiger1116
Not sure what to say. Um, hi. I'm jaketiger, or you can call me Ike. I like Pokémon. Duh. My first pokémon game was Ruby, back when I was like 5 or 6 (I'm 14 at the time of writing this). My favorite game I own to date is SoulSilver.

Umm, my favorite region is Hoenn. Probably due to Ruby being my first game, but I do dearly love the pokémon in that region. I also love the region itself, and Advanced Battle had my favorite theme song AND my favorite female sidekick (May, of course). Some of my favorite pokémon are Hoenn.
Examples: Blaziken, Flygon, Metagross (Happen to be my 3 strongest guys on Ruby, coincidence, huh? >.>)...Absol! I love Absol too...oh and my favorite legendary EVER is Rayquaza! So obviously, I love Hoenn.

My three favorite pokémon: Cyndaquil, Raichu, and Throh.

As for my non-pokémon life...

I go to a regular ol' High School, right now as a freshman. I like to read, play minecraft, watch TV, and talk to my friends on IRC. And talk to my girlfriend, of course. She's really amazing, and I love her so much <3

I really don't know what else to say. I may have said too much, actually. I haven't checked the other introductions, so whatever. I don't know. Hope you have a better idea of who I am now.
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies! There is a bunch of various games you can try here, like Animé-Style Battling, RPG, Safari Zone and Mafia to name a couple, so I recommend you giving a shot at these and see if you like it.

People here are mostly kind to newbies, so I have no doubt you'll easily fit in!
Hi! Nice to meet you! I'm Superbird, the resident bird enthusiast around these parts. I'm also here to warn you about the carnivorous welcome mats (if it says 'welcome' on it, don't step on it. It WILL eat you.) and offer you some refreshments. Can I get you some tea and cod? Coffee and Salmon? Hot Chocolate and...what was it? Bass?

Anyway, to finish things off, if you'll look to your left you'll see the Animé-Style Battling section. You will definitely want to check that out, trust me.

Well, I hope to see you around!
(I always thought it was hot chocolate and halibut...)

Hi! I'm Ever, the resident I-Don't-Even-Know-What-Anymore. It's great to see another Hoenn/Absol/Minecraft lover here! Enjoy your stay and um...stuff.
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