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Kindling Queen vs. Kai


blame telegram

3 vs. 3 Single
Switch Enabled
(Switching one Pokemon to the other will not count as a KO)
(A pokemon may be switched out once every 2 rounds)
DQ: 1 week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, weather moves
Arena: Haunted Cemetary

It is a dark and gloomy setting. The full moon lights the dark sky and shines it's rays on the tomb stones. Many of the stones are damaged and none are fresh. The markings are old and withered away and out of some rise ghosts. There are small pools of water stretched out from rain but its thick and green like marsh muk making it hard to swim in. The air is cold but still and they ground is grassy and full of small pebbles. The souls that linger in the cemetary yearn for the thrill of battle and can temporarily fuse themslves with an active Pokemon before they pass into the light.

-Stones from the graves can be used for rock based attacks such as Rock throw, etc.
->When this happens, there is a 10% chance that the soul of the grave will possess its victim. If the Pokemon is possessed than...
It can only use Faint Attack, Astonish, Flash and Night Shade
It will be possessed for a 1 Round/ 3 actions
It will return to normal after the 1 Round/ 3 actions but its Health and Energy of while it was possessed will remain

Water Type moves are reduced by 1/4 their total damage due to the strange pool of water they have to use as a resource unless the Water can come naturally like Water Gun (out the mouth).

Kindling Queen's Active Squad:

Charmeleon [M] <Blaze>
Growlithe [F] <Flash Fire>
[Fafneer] Houndoom [M] <Flash Fire> <Body Mod: Big Bones> <Sig. Move: Ashy Equalizer>
Numel [F] <Simple>
Ponyta [F] <Flash Fire>
Vulpix [F] <Flash Fire>

Body Mod: Big Bones
-Fafneer's body is taller and longer than the average Houndoom as well as meager and old. His legs are lean and long as is his neck, tail and horns. In height he is 5'4.3 and he is 87.6lbs. which is underweight.

Effects: With his meager body his Defense is permanently down by 3 points and his Sp. Defense is down by 2. His Speed on the other hand is maxed out by the additional 6 points due to his light body and long legs. These stat modifications cannot be lost or transferred by any means. His overgrown horns prove good defense to physical attacks only when used to block by reducing damage by 1/2 for attacks with base power of 6 and down before applying weakness, resistance etc. Blocking base power of 7 and higher will only prevent 1/4 of the damage. Blocking comes only under command.

Sig. Move: Ashy Equalizer
-Having once been trained to fight and kill Pokemon after Pokemon, Fafneer had to practice endurance. Having won every battle, he'd have to remain fighting others in weaker conditions. To make up for it, Fafneer tried to find a way to make an advantage for himself. He already was able to concentrate fire energy within him in large quantities but could not release it in as great a power it was through moves like Fire Blast. Instead of his mouth, he released it through his body but not in a concentrated wave of heat, a wave of dark flames. The darkness of it originates from being a Dark Type. To trigger it he had to think darkly and force a devious pressure upon the flames that would carry his status and conditions to his opponents like injecting infected DNA. This would allow new fighters to start as roughly as he.

Fafneer concentrates on darker thoughts as he begins to store up energy before he bucks aimlessly releasing a nasty snarl as well as a rush of fire reaching outwards 360 degrees around him not including Pokemon currently elevated or underground. The fire is so dark it is nearly black. Upon contact the Pokemon's stats are matched with every single one of Fafneer's including health, energy, increased or decreased stats not including his pemanent ones, and severe conditions like paralysis. Fafneer is then forced to execute his next 3 actions last.

The move will only work if his health is 50% or lower and is an energy consuming technique used rarely in battle to avoid instant fatigue. Fafneer cannot use it more than once in a battle unless he is withdrawn and sent back into battle at least 5 Rounds later.

Fire Type|Special|100% Accuracy|Power: varies|Stats: varies|Target: Multi|Energy Cost: 99-76% drop in Health=28% Energy, 75-51% drop in Health=23% Energy, 50-26% drop in Health=18% Energy, 25-1% drop in Health=13% Energy|Usage Gap: Once for every time sent out of Pokeball

Kai's Active Squad:

[Lunos] Eevee [M] <Adaptability>
[Karin] Feebas [F] <Swift Swim>
[Kinomi] Shroomish [M] <Effect Spore>
[Chi] Abra [M] <Synchronize>

Attack order:

Kindling Queen sends out
Kai sends out and attacks
Kindling Queen attacks
Sending out Chi.

Lets start things off then. Use a combo of Calm Mind and Psychic. Afterwards, chill. If Charmeleon tries to attack first, Teleport elsewhere and then use Calm Mind + Psychic.

Calm Mind + Psychic ~ Chill / Teleport ~ Calm Mind + Psychic.
Sending out Chi.

Lets start things off then. Use a combo of Calm Mind and Psychic. Afterwards, chill. If Charmeleon tries to attack first, Teleport elsewhere and then use Calm Mind + Psychic.

Calm Mind + Psychic ~ Chill / Teleport ~ Calm Mind + Psychic.

Umm, sorry Kai, but if I understand combo rules right each of the combo moves count for one of the three actions (even though the combo is delivered as a single action). A quote from the ASB rules:

ASB Rules said:
It is also possible to chain attacks together to create unique and powerful effects. For example, Horn Attack stabs the opponent for moderate damage, but what if you used Quick Attack to put more speed and force behind the attack? When two actions are performed simultaneously or in extremely rapid succession, the result is a combo. Combos can be tricky to pull off, as not all attacks can be used together, and they cost a little more energy than normal due to how difficult they are to perform, but when used properly, the effects can be spectacular. When ordering a combo, the tilde (~) that ordinarily separates actions is traditionally replaced with a plus sign to indicate which actions are being combined, like so:

Thunderpunch + Comet Punch ~ Light Screen

The pokémon performing this set of commands will perform only two actions, with the first having elements of both comet punch and thunderpunch and the second being light screen, which may correspond to its opponent's second or third action, depending on how the combo goes off. Note that it is also possible to chain all three actions together to form one stupendous combo attack. However, it is important to remember that not all attacks can logically combined. For example, it is rarely possible to combine hyper beam and, for example, ice beam, because hyper beam would usually be charged and fired from the same place as an ice beam, such that a pokémon wouldn't be able to power up and shoot both beams at once.
So I suppose you can either recommand real quick before Kindling Queen gets here, or you can have Chi use the first combo and then the Chill or Teleport but not the second combo.
Ah right, thanks for that. So instead, Calm Mind + Psychic combo first, and then Teleport if Charmeleon tries to attack. Calm Mind + Psychic ~ Teleport
Okies Charmeleon! Brace yourself for the first beat down but we'll counter with an Aerial Ace. Since Psychic throws you around, the fall can help power up your move as you dive in to deliver the blow. Then we'll wrap up this round using Swords Dance twice.

Aerial Ace~Swords Dance~Swords Dance
Kindling Queen vs. Kai: Round One

Arena: Haunted Cemetery

It is a dark and gloomy setting. The full moon lights the dark sky and shines its rays on the tombstones. Many of the stones are damaged and none are fresh. The markings on the stones are old and withered away and out of some rise ghosts. There are small pools of water scattered around from rain, but they are thick and green like marsh muck, making them hard to swim in. The air is cold but still, and the ground is grassy and full of small pebbles. The souls that linger in the cemetery yearn for the thrill of battle and can temporarily fuse themselves with an active Pokemon before they pass into the light.

The two Trainers and their referee meet in this spooky graveyard for their battle. First comes the referee, Jack, having picked up this challenge after months of languishing tacked to a wooden board in the middle of nowhere (the challenge, not the referee). Not long afterward, Kindling Queen arrives; just the sheer number of Pokeballs on her belt would look a bit imposing if her opponent was here! Soon, though, Kai arrives at the boneyard, muttering something about a holiday, or perhaps cetaceans or something. In any case, all three are now present, so the two battlers shake hands and send out their first Pokemon.

From Kindling Queen’s Pokeball emerges an intimidating red reptile, roaring and swiping at the air with his claws. For added (and slightly unnecessary) effect, Charmeleon breathes a ten-foot-high tongue of flame into the air above, narrowly missing a looming willow tree.

On the other side of the arena, Kai releases a little, fox-like Pokemon, which promptly crawls behind a gravestone and sits down cross-legged behind it. The Abra’s eyes stay tightly shut the whole time, even though everyone around - even Charmeleon - knows that Chi is really awake.

Team Kindling Queen (Ooo)
Charmeleon (M) <Blaze>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Excited for the fight!
Commands: Aerial Ace ~ Swords Dance ~ Swords Dance

Team Kai (Ooo)
[Chi] Abra (M) <Synchronize>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Ready to battle!
Commands: Calm Mind + Psychic ~ Teleport​

With both Pokemon out and ready to battle, the referee gives a nod to the Trainers, and pronounces carefully:

“Round One: begin!”

Opening the round, Chi takes a second to think about his commands. Calm Mind and Psychic? There must be a way to make that work... As the little fox mulls over his commands, Charmeleon sees an opening. With a burst of incredible speed, the lizard leaps over the headstone Chi is hidden behind, striking the Abra from above with a clawed foot. Landing with a somersault, Charmeleon returns to the earthen path running through the center of the boneyard, pleased with the result of his Aerial Ace attack.

Meanwhile, despite the distraction of having more than forty pounds land on his head, Chi thinks he’s figured out how to perform his attack. In a show of mental multitasking, he simultaneously focuses his psychic energy toward the hormone centers of both Charmeleon’s and his own mind, trying to induce pain in his opponent and strength in himself. The psychic barrage on Charmeleon’s mind is quite apparent by the lizard’s writhing, and Chi can feel his mind calming as the hormones take their effect. As Chi stops the mental onslaught, Charmeleon, too, feels his mind able to work quicker despite his pain; perhaps, he muses, the fox botched the attack a little? In any case, both battlers feel pretty good.

<Charmeleon: -10H, -5E / Sp. Atk +1 / feeling strong, in an odd way>
<Chi: -5H, -11E / Sp. Atk +1, Sp. Def +1 / calm and focused>

With no complex combo to worry about now, Chi is determined not to let the Charmeleon attack him this time. If the lizard got too close, he would just teleport away! Easy as that. Oddly enough, though, (at least from Chi’s perspective) Charmeleon isn’t even trying to attack - he’s dancing! A step here, a step there, and soon he’s done. No need to teleport away. On the other hand, after that dance, for some reason the lizard’s claws look as sharp as swords...

<Charmeleon: -0H, -3E / Atk +2, Sp. Atk +1 / pumped up>
<Chi: -0H, -0E / Sp. Atk +1, Sp. Def +1 / slightly intimidated>

Not worried about whatever the Abra had to throw at him, Charmeleon begins to repeat his dance. After all, with how good it made him feel, why not do it a second time to add to the effects? Ending with a spin and sticking the landing perfectly, Charmeleon feels mightier than a warrior’s sword.

<Charmeleon: -0H, -3E / Atk +4, Sp. Atk +1 / incredibly strong>
<Chi: -0H, -0E / Sp. Atk +1, Sp. Def +1 / fearful for his very life>

Round One over!

Team Kindling Queen (Ooo)
Charmeleon (M) <Blaze>
Health: 90%
Energy: 89%
Status: Incredibly strong.
Commands used: Aerial Ace ~ Swords Dance ~ Swords Dance
Atk +4, Sp. Atk +1

Team Kai (Ooo)
[Chi] Abra (M) <Synchronize>
Health: 95%
Energy: 89%
Status: Fearful for his very life.
Commands used: Calm Mind + Psychic ~ (nothing)
Sp. Atk +1, Sp. Def +1​

Arena status:

Ref’s notes:
1. Pokedex used: Veekun @ http://veekun.com/
2. Random number generator used: @ http://javascript.internet.com/games/dice-roller.html
3. Chi had to think for a moment on how exactly to do a combo like Calm Mind + Psychic, allowing Charmeleon to slightly outspeed him for that action only.
4. Chi’s attempts to break into Charmeleon’s mind and increase his own stats at the same time accidentally resulted in a slight (+1) sharing of stat increase to Charmeleon; this was randomly awarded to Sp. Atk. This also slightly increased Chi’s energy use.
5. Calm Mind increased Chi’s Sp. Atk and Sp. Def each by 1.
6. Swords Dance increased Charmeleon’s Atk by 2 each time it was used, resulting in a total increase of 4.
7. Chi decided not to act on the second action since Charmeleon did not appear to be attacking offensively.
8. Kindling Queen will attack first next round.
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Very good Charmeleon! Time for some crafty demands my flaming friend. We'll begin with Smokescreen. I want you to stay on your toes and keep moving without a consistent pattern of movement. Then we'll have you perform our own combo. Execute a Dig and for the blow combine the natural thrust of force with a Shadow Punch and conceal yourself afterwards back in the smoke hidden hole but save the imapct for action 3.

Smokescreen~Dig+Shadow Punch
Okay, you've got more health but Charmeleon has a high attack, so stay on your toes. Start off by making a Barrier to raise your defence to counter Charmelion's attack. Then, illuminate Charmeleon's smokescreen with a Flash. Finally, use Protect, since we can't attack after Charmelion's combo.

Kindling Queen vs. Kai: Round Two

Arena: Haunted Cemetery

It is a dark and gloomy setting. The full moon lights the dark sky and shines its rays on the tombstones. Many of the stones are damaged and none are fresh. The markings on the stones are old and withered away and out of some rise ghosts. There are small pools of water scattered around from rain, but they are thick and green like marsh muck, making them hard to swim in. The air is cold but still, and the ground is grassy and full of small pebbles. The souls that linger in the cemetery yearn for the thrill of battle and can temporarily fuse themselves with an active Pokemon before they pass into the light.

Team Kindling Queen (Ooo)
Charmeleon (M) <Blaze>
Health: 90%
Energy: 89%
Status: Incredibly strong.
Commands: Smokescreen ~ Dig + Shadow Punch
Atk +4, Sp. Atk +1

Team Kai (Ooo)
[Chi] Abra (M) <Synchronize>
Health: 95%
Energy: 89%
Status: Fearful for his very life.
Commands: Barrier ~ Flash ~ Protect
Sp. Atk +1, Sp. Def +1

Round Two: begin!

Still a little shaken up by Charmeleon’s incredibly sharpened claws (not to mention that weird intimidating dance...), Chi agrees with his Trainer that the best thing to do would be to counteract the lizard’s boosted offense with some defense. Barely trembling, he waves a claw, and a nearly-transparent blue spherical barrier appears around him. With this defensive measure in place, Chi feels a little more confident.

Charmeleon, on the other hand, feels intimidation is his greatest weapon against the little fox. How better to frighten the Abra than by blotting out the moon? At that thought, he heats the fire on his tail to a neon blue flare, giving off a thick black smoke that spreads out over the graveyard, blocking both Pokemons’ sight in a screen of dark haze.

<Charmeleon: -0H, -3E / Atk +4, Sp. Atk +1 / satisfied and hidden>
<Chi: -0H, -2E / Def +2, Sp. Atk +1, Sp. Def +1, Acc -1 / choking>

Forcing himself not to be distressed by the onslaught of darkness, Chi takes a few deep breaths. Calm and focused, that’s how he needs to remain. Channeling energy throughout his body, the fox begins to glow slightly in an attempt to see past the smoke. As the seconds pass, his body glows brighter and brighter; the light flashes across the field, mystically unhindered by the smoke. The glow momentarily blinds Charmeleon, and as the glow subsides, a bright afterimage remains imprinted on the back of the lizard’s retinas. Unfortunately for Chi, on the other hand, once the glow is gone the smoke once again blocks his visibility, masking the Charmeleon from view. If he’s not mistaken, though, the fox believes he hears the faint scratch of claws digging into the ground.

<Charmeleon: -0H, -2E / Atk +4, Sp. Atk +1, Acc -1 / still blinking away the light>
<Chi: -0H, -3E / Def +2, Sp. Atk +1, Sp. Def +1, Acc -1 / well, that wasn’t very useful>

While underground, Charmeleon realizes something: perhaps it’s a little after the fact, but he isn’t quite sure he knows a move called Shadow Punch. He knows something else with shadows, and a few other punches, but he can’t recall ever knowing a combination of the two. Bewildered, he decides to just finish off his Dig attack - after all, that’s what was called for. Claws flying, he barrels straight up through the soil toward Chi, ready to strike with all his 42 pounds of might. Or at least, he intends to. Instead, he finds himself knocked back to the floor of his tunnel. He peeks out of the other end of the tunnel to see a shimmer of energy dissipate through the smoke; the Abra must have put up a protective shield. Well, Charmeleon muses as he drops back down into his hole, perhaps it was a good thing he hadn’t put any extra effort into a failed attack. And at least he hadn’t accidentally dug into any corpses. That would not have been fun.

<Charmeleon: -0H, -5E / Atk +4, Sp. Atk +1, Acc -1 / irritated>
<Chi: -0H, -6E / Def +2, Sp. Atk +1, Sp. Def +1, Acc -1 / thankful for his safety>

Round Two over!

Team Kindling Queen (Ooo)
Charmeleon (M) <Blaze>
Health: 90%
Energy: 79%
Status: Irritated.
Commands used: Smokescreen ~ Dig
Atk +4, Sp. Atk +1, Acc -1

Team Kai (Ooo)
[Chi] Abra (M) <Synchronize>
Health: 95%
Energy: 78%
Status: Thankful for his safety.
Commands used: Barrier ~ Flash ~ Protect
Def +2, Sp. Atk +1, Sp. Def +1, Acc -1​

Arena status:
The battlers are surrounded by a nasty, thick, black smoke that hangs low to the ground, making it difficult to see anything. There is not enough to fill the whole graveyard, but its area is enough to encloak both battlers, their Trainers, and the ref. The cloud of smoke lingers over the center of the graveyard. (7 actions remaining.)

Not far off the path, near the center of the graveyard, there is a very obvious hole which has been dug deep into the soil. A few meters down, it sharply angles parallel to the ground, crossing beneath the path before returning to a near-vertical angle. The tunnel stops just before the surface, though. A strong force at that point would probably cause a cave-in.

Ref’s notes:
1. Pokedex used: Veekun @ http://veekun.com/
2. Random number generator used: @ http://javascript.internet.com/games/dice-roller.html
3. Barrier increased Chi’s Defense by 2.
4. Smokescreen and Flash reduced Chi’s and Charmeleon’s, respectively, Accuracy by 1.
5. According to Veekun, Serebii, Psypokes, Bulbapedia, and every other Pokedex I could find, Charmeleon cannot learn Shadow Punch, so he decided to just use Dig alone instead.
6. Charmeleon’s energy usage was spread over actions 2 and 3, but in total it was the same as if he had used the one-action version.
7. Protect prevented Dig’s damage to Chi. It would have dealt 9% damage had it struck.
8. OMG so many stat modifiers...
9. So so so sorry for the long wait; my week’s been kind of hectic. Luckily next week I only have night shifts, so I’ll have the mornings free to write.
10. Kai will attack first next round.
Okay, let's go on the offence this time, starting off with Double Team (5 copies), followed by Charge Beam and Psychic.
Double Team (5) ~ Charge Beam ~ Psychic.
It's a good thing I named the wrong attack. I did meanShadow Claw...O_O;

Anyway...You can get passed this no sweat. ^^ Start by peaking out of your hidden hole and use Swift to eliminate the clones and get in a minor hit at least. Then duck back in and wait for Chi to use Chargebeam before using Aerial Ace+Shadow Claw. Upon striking him, keep yourself on him in a tight hold maintaining the hold with your claws used for the second attack of the combo. That'll be all.

Swift~Aerial Ace+Shadow Claw
Kindling Queen vs. Kai: Round Three

Arena: Haunted Cemetery

It is a dark and gloomy setting. The full moon lights the dark sky and shines its rays on the tombstones. Many of the stones are damaged and none are fresh. The markings on the stones are old and withered away and out of some rise ghosts. There are small pools of water scattered around from rain, but they are thick and green like marsh muck, making them hard to swim in. The air is cold but still, and the ground is grassy and full of small pebbles. The souls that linger in the cemetery yearn for the thrill of battle and can temporarily fuse themselves with an active Pokemon before they pass into the light.

Team Kindling Queen (Ooo)
Charmeleon (M) <Blaze>
Health: 90%
Energy: 79%
Status: Irritated.
Commands: Swift ~ Aerial Ace + Shadow Claw
Atk +4, Sp. Atk +1, Acc -1

Team Kai (Ooo)
[Chi] Abra (M) <Synchronize>
Health: 95%
Energy: 78%
Status: Thankful for his safety.
Commands: Double Team + Charge Beam + Psychic
Def +2, Sp. Atk +1, Sp. Def +1, Acc -1

Round Three: begin!

Chi, excited to have blocked the lizard’s underground attack, is eager to go on the offensive and finally take a chunk out of Charmeleon’s health. With that in mind, how better to attack than six times at once? The fox finally cracks open an eyelid with anticipation before beginning to move. Surprisingly, the little Abra is so fast that the Trainers can’t even tell whether he is running or teleporting. When Chi finally stops, Kai’s team has not doubled, but sextupled - there are six identical Chis sitting in a circle in the blue barrier, each facing toward Charmeleon’s hole.

Charmeleon, waiting at the bottom of his hole, has seen none of this, and only has his Trainer’s commands to go by. With a deep breath, he breathes out several star-shaped rays, which fly swiftly up out of the hole and, like heat-seeking missiles, somehow manage to turn on a dime and fly straight toward every single Chi. Unable to withstand the rays’ energy, the clones dissipate into the smoke that still clouds the graveyard.

<Charmeleon: -0H, -5E / Atk +4, Sp. Atk +1, Acc -1 / unaware>
<Chi: -5H, -5E / Def +2, Sp. Atk +1, Sp. Def +1, Acc -1 / frustrated>

Angrier at the loss of his clones than at the small damage he took, Chi ambles out of the safety of his barrier and approaches Charmeleon’s hole. Gathering energy into his claws, he peeks down into the hole to see the lizard climbing up, already halfway to the top. With a toothy grin, the fox releases the energy he’d been charging into an electric beam that coruscates down the tunnel straight into Charmeleon, who barely manages to avoid being knocked down to the bottom. Although the beam doesn’t seem to have been particularly harming, Chi still feels a wonderful afterfeeling from the charge he had built up.

Before Chi has time to think (much less return to his barrier), Charmeleon launches himself out of his hole in an aerial attack of amazing speed. His claws glow a sickly purple with shadowy energy as he knocks Chi to the ground, clinging to the Abra tightly. The force with which Charmeleon hits Chi is so great that the two actually roll all the way inside Chi’s barrier.

<Charmeleon: -4H, -9E / Atk +4, Def +2, Sp. Atk +1, Acc -1 / take that!>
<Chi: -22H, -6E / Def +2, Sp. Atk +2, Sp. Def +1, Acc -1 / incredibly hurt>

Chi does not like how things are going, not one bit. That last attack left cuts and gashes that he’s worried won’t heal properly - they might even leave scars! And on top of that, the stupid lizard is still clinging to him. Without any semblance of an attempt at grace, the irritated Chi uses his psychic powers to break into Charmeleon’s mind and triggers his pain receptors before going to work on manipulating his muscles. The fox cracks a weak grin as Charmeleon springs, against his own will, away from Chi, landing on the ground and spasming in front of a tombstone several meters away. Chi’s grin grows even wider when he realizes that the lizard is lying in the opposite direction from Chi as his hole is - no more ducking away underground!

<Charmeleon: -12H, -0E / Atk +4, Sp. Atk +1, Acc -1 / mentally exhausted>
<Chi: -0H, -7E / Def +2, Sp. Atk +2, Sp. Def +1, Acc -1 / a little satisfied>

Round Three over!

Team Kindling Queen (Ooo)
Charmeleon (M) <Blaze>
Health: 74%
Energy: 65%
Status: Mentally exhausted.
Commands used: Swift ~ Aerial Ace + Shadow Claw
Atk +4, Sp. Atk +1, Acc -1

Team Kai (Ooo)
[Chi] Abra (M) <Synchronize>
Health: 68%
Energy: 60%
Status: A little satisfied.
Commands used: Double Team + Charge Beam + Psychic
Def +2, Sp. Atk +2, Sp. Def +1, Acc -1​

Arena status:
The battlers are surrounded by a nasty, thick, black smoke that hangs low to the ground, making it difficult to see anything. There is not enough to fill the whole graveyard, but its area is enough to encloak both Pokemon, their Trainers, and the ref. The cloud of smoke lingers over the center of the graveyard. It seems to be thinning a little. (4 actions remaining.)

Not far off the path, near the center of the graveyard, there is a very obvious hole which has been dug deep into the soil. A few meters down, it sharply angles parallel to the ground, crossing beneath the path before returning to a near-vertical angle. The tunnel stops just before the surface, though. The ground there is starting to feel a little unstable, and any force applied to the ground at that point would probably cause a cave-in. An almost-transparent blue sphere rests on the surface above where the tunnel stops; it’s big enough to hold a few Abra, but not much more.

Ref’s notes:
1. Pokedex used: Veekun @ http://veekun.com/
2. Random number generator used: @ http://javascript.internet.com/games/dice-roller.html
3. Chi’s Charge Beam raised his Sp. Atk by 1.
4. Chi had to step outside his Barrier to fire Charge Beam into the hole, so he lost his Defense boost on Kindling Queen’s combo. (That raised the damage to 22 instead of 20.)
5. Briefly at the end of action 2, Charmeleon ended up inside Chi’s barrier, and therefore shared the +2 Def rewarded by it. When he was ejected, he lost the boost.
6. Um, again, sorry for the wait. I don’t know how I keep taking a week to ref, but somehow I do. Maybe that’s just my default writing speed. I’m gonna be in trouble when NaNo starts...
7. Kindling Queen will attack first next round.

Wait, is it legal for KQ to be going back into dig after every move? It seems unfair.

Based on my instincts and Negrek's advice, I would say: she can use the hole, but not abuse it. In this round it didn't raise much of a problem with the commands she gave because (1) Swift can be fired from the bottom and (2) Aerial Ace's description involves quickness, so that could be interpreted (as I tried to do) as quickly climbing. In future rounds, anyone who wants to come up out of the hole and fire off an attack (and possibly return) should think about either allowing an action's time to climb or else using something like Aerial Ace, Quick Attack, Extremespeed, Fly, etc (those are off the top of my head, BTW) that will let them get out of the hole faster than usual; otherwise, the Pokemon might have to sacrifice one of their commands in order to have time to get up.

EDIT: And because I don't feel like going to bed yet, I've drawn a picture of what I kind of visualize this battle as looking like. Red indicates starting positions and yellow indicates present, as of the end of Round Three, positions. Ignore the distortion, I forgot not to save it as a .bmp.
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Very good my lovely! Now...

Let's kick things off hard! Use Mimic to drag Chi towards you and greet with a Shadow Claw. Then propel yourself up off of a tombstone before dropping down with a Mega Kick.

If at any time Chi is commanded to defend use Chill, otherwise be very weary of any incoming offensive and try ducking and dodging at the opportune moment to avoid serious damage. If you get struck by a severe stat induction such as Paralysis, Poison, etc. switch the action to Facade.

Mimic-Psychic/Chill/Facade~Shadow Claw/Chill/Facade~Mega Kick/Chill/Facade
Okay, that round's going to be hard to counter, but lets see if this works. Use Power Trick to remove the large threat of Charmelion's attack. Let it pull you in with Mimic, then Teleport behind and above it to get out of the way just in time. With any luck, it should be thrown off enough for you to Chill for that move. If it doesn't and manages to propel itsself off of a tombstone, use Thunder Wave to paralyse it mid-air.

Power Trick ~ Teleport ~ Chill / Thunder Wave.
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Kindling Queen vs. Kai: Round Four

Arena: Haunted Cemetery

It is a dark and gloomy setting. The full moon lights the dark sky and shines its rays on the tombstones. Many of the stones are damaged and none are fresh. The markings on the stones are old and withered away and out of some rise ghosts. There are small pools of water scattered around from rain, but they are thick and green like marsh muck, making them hard to swim in. The air is cold but still, and the ground is grassy and full of small pebbles. The souls that linger in the cemetery yearn for the thrill of battle and can temporarily fuse themselves with an active Pokemon before they pass into the light.

Team Kindling Queen (Ooo)
Charmeleon (M) <Blaze>
Health: 74%
Energy: 65%
Status: Mentally exhausted.
Commands: Mimic/Chill/Facade~Shadow Claw/Chill/Facade~Mega Kick/Chill/Facade
Atk +4, Sp. Atk +1, Acc -1

Team Kai (Ooo)
[Chi] Abra (M) <Synchronize>
Health: 68%
Energy: 60%
Status: A little satisfied.
Commands: Power Trick ~ Teleport ~ Chill / Thunder Wave.
Def +2, Sp. Atk +2, Sp. Def +1, Acc -1

Round Four: begin!

With a faint echo of Chi’s grin lining his face, Charmeleon stumbles to his feet, less concerned with his legs than with his mind at the moment. Combing through his memory, he carefully recalls the exact feeling of being hit by the psychic attack he’d just endured, the exact expression on Chi’s face, everything about it. After a few moments of this memory observation, the gears in Charmeleon’s mind click into place - he realizes how Chi had managed to perform that attack! He isn’t quite sure how it would go if he tried to mimic it, but he’s fairly certain he could give it a good go.

Chi, meanwhile, is also looking inward. Observing his own psychic energy, he makes a quick detection of everything altering his powers, both for the positive and the negative. There’s the smoke everywhere (which is even now starting to dissipate), a little built-up static electricity, some calming hormones - and the blue energy field around him. Yes, that’s the one he wants. He focuses on the barrier and, with his psychic powers, performs a handy little trick - he inverts the barrier’s power enhancements, making everything inside, including the fox, a little more vulnerable but a little more powerful as well. With a shimmer, the sphere begins to shine red instead of blue.

<Charmeleon: -0H, -4E / Atk +4, Sp. Atk +1, Acc -1 / learning is fun!>
<Chi: -0H, -4E / Atk +2, Sp. Atk +2, Sp. Def +1, Acc -1 / powerful>

Signalled by the sphere’s change of color, Charmeleon decides that their little games are over. He begins to run toward the fox, but as he enters the sphere he realizes that his target is nowhere to be found! Startled, he takes a look around and spots the Abra several yards away. He charges towards Chi, preparing caustic shadow energy in his claw, but the fox disappears from his sight again. Frustrated with the teleporting cheater, Charmeleon takes a halfhearted swipe at nothing.

<Charmeleon: -0H, -6E / Atk +4, Sp. Atk +1, Acc -1 / This is unfair!>
<Chi: -0H, -6E / Sp. Atk +2, Sp. Def +1, Acc -1 / hidden away satisfactorily>

Satisfied that he’s thrown off the enemy lizard, Chi takes a moment to relax. There isn’t much in the way of calming things to look at - the thin black smoke hanging over the cemetery doesn’t help, but gravestones and weeping willows have never been very relaxing to start with - but Chi does his best to chill out and stop worrying for a moment.

Meanwhile, Charmeleon is stalking back and forth through the tombstones, trying to find what one Chi is hiding behind. After passing four rows of grave markers, he finally spots Chi several yards down the row, minding his own business. With a snort of rage, he takes a running jump, preparing a kick of mega-power... but accidentally flies too far, going completely over the top of Chi’s head and landing in a barely-graceful somersault. Dusting himself off and beginning to pant, he glares daggers at Chi.

<Charmeleon: -0H, -9E / Atk +4, Sp. Atk +1, Acc -1 / incredibly outraged>
<Chi: -0H, +15E / Sp. Atk +2, Sp. Def +1, Acc -1 / a little freaked>

Round Four over!

Team Kindling Queen (Ooo)
Charmeleon (M) <Blaze>
Health: 74%
Energy: 46%
Status: Incredibly outraged.
Commands used: Mimic ~ Shadow Claw ~ Mega Kick
Atk +4, Sp. Atk +1, Acc -1
Mimicked: Psychic

Team Kai (Ooo)
[Chi] Abra (M) <Synchronize>
Health: 68%
Energy: 65%
Status: A little freaked.
Commands used: Power Trick ~ Teleport ~ Chill
Sp. Atk +2, Sp. Def +1, Acc -1​

Arena status:
The battlers are surrounded by a nasty, thick, black smoke that hangs low to the ground, making it difficult to see anything. There is not enough to fill the whole graveyard, but its area is enough to encloak both Pokemon, their Trainers, and the ref. The cloud of smoke lingers over the center of the graveyard. It is getting quite thin. (1 actions remaining.)

Not far off the path, near the center of the graveyard, there is a very obvious hole which has been dug deep into the soil. A few meters down, it sharply angles parallel to the ground, crossing beneath the path before returning to a near-vertical angle. The tunnel stops just before the surface, though. The ground there is starting to feel a little unstable, and any force applied to the ground at that point would probably cause a cave-in. An almost-transparent red sphere rests on the surface above where the tunnel stops; it’s big enough to hold a few Abra, but not much more.

Ref’s notes:
1. Pokedex used: Veekun @ http://veekun.com/
2. Random number generator used: @ http://javascript.internet.com/games/dice-roller.html
3. Charmeleon went first in the first action because Chi decided that Kai wanted him to let Charmeleon mimic Psychic. (“Let it pull you in with Mimic...”)
4. I’m something like 85% certain that using Mimic just copies the move but doesn’t use it at the same time (correct me if I’m wrong, somebody, please) so Charmeleon figured out how to use Psychic, but didn’t use it outright since he wasn’t commanded to.
5. Power Trick switched Chi’s Atk and Def. It didn’t sound like what you wanted to do, but that’s what the attack does, so that’s what it did.
6. Shadow Claw and Mega Kick both missed, the former because Charmeleon was surprised by Teleport and the latter just because of a bad dice roll. Charmeleon being surprised by Teleport also stopped him from having enough time to get up on a gravestone because, well, he was too busy looking for Chi.
7. Chi doesn’t get the +2 Def-turned-Atk bonus because he teleported out of the bubble. He’ll get it back if he returns to the bubble.
8. Kai will attack first next round.
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