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Open Kingdom Hearts


New member
***You MUST have full understanding of the Kingdom Hearts universe to join, as it's way too complex for me to explain without a really long post***

Long before the events of the games, Kingdom Hearts and the many worlds were protected by the Knights of Heart, an organization of keyblade wielders. However, one Knight was corrupted by the darkness in her heart; she wanted to take the power of the Kingdom Hearts and use it to conquer the universe. Several other Knights decided to follow her, and they soon formed the Lords of Darkness, with the original going by the title of Dark Empress. The Lords began to forget the powers of Light, and instead they began mastering Darkness, which attracted the Heartless and Nobodies. Using them as her armies, the Dark Empress and her Lords defeated the Knights of Heart, slaying nearly all of them in one titanic battle at the End of the World. But just as she was about to absorb Kingdom Hearts to boost her darkness to omnipotence, a single Knight activated an emergency trick that the Empress had not foreseen: a special bomb which destroyed Kingdom Hearts. Years later, a small, secret group of Knights are planning to destroy the dreaded Lords of Darkness. However, they must be careful, for the Dark Empress and the Lords of Darkness have spread their reign across the worlds, attempting to capture the worlds' Hearts to help restore Kingdom Hearts. In fact, many worlds that are still in existence have come to know her by a new name, one more fitting for her cruelty and power: Maleficent the Witch.

-Typical (no mary sues, god-modding, etc.)
-Only 3 magic spells, all of which must be from the games, though you may have both variations, such as Fire being both a projectile from KH1 and a protective vortex from KH2.
-You may use a Keyblade from the games OR you may draw your own and post the pic (not a link to the pic, the pic itself), but you can't use the Ultima Weapon

We play as the remaining Knights, and we must all be humans. We may not meet any Final Fantasy characters from the KH games, but Disney characters will be considered ageless, so we can meet them (and Timeless River is even FARTHER back in the past, so as of now it is only accessible through the door in Disney Castle). We might end up in any officially Disney worlds on our quest, but you must tell me if you want any unofficial "Disney" worlds, such as Digimon (which is now controlled in America by Disney, just like it was originally with FOX) or Narnia (which have been made into movies by Disney). Put "qwerty" in your post if you read this entire first post.

Forum Name:
RP Name: (Last name not necessary)
Age: (Don't be too young, please; we ARE trained warriors)
Keyblade: (No two people can have the same one; if from games, post name and game it's from)
Magic Skills:
Personality: (Optional, as it will obviously end up being shown through the RP)

Forum Name: Eeveeon25
RP Name: Zak
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Appearance: Short, black hair with green goggles on his forehead, a green t-shirt, a black jacket, black pants, and black shoes.
Keyblade: Bond of Flames (KH2)
Magic Skills: Fire, Thunder, Aero
Personality: Zak is pretty lazy, as he procrastinates almost anything he doesn't want to do. However, he will still get the job done eventually. He prefers comedy over tragedy, sometimes joking about things that others find serious and/or depressing, but he doesn't actually try to be insensitive--he just doesn't like people being depressed, and he doesn't always think of how his "cheerfulness" may actually be insulting.
Other: None

Forum Name:Black Yoshi 99
RP Name: Xigbar
Age: 16.5
Appearance: This, but without the sword.
Keyblade: Oblivion(KHII)
Magic Skills: Cure, Fire, Thunder
Personality:Somewhat anti-social and uncaring, Xigbar is set on doing what he wants to, taking most things seriously, ignoring all the fun in everything. He has almost no sens of humor, but he'll occasionally laugh. Fighting is his greatest passion.
Other:While he is somewhat skilled, he's still learning, but won't accept help from anyone but a true master.

Forum Name:Silver
RP Name: Kairi(>:})
Age: 16
Appearance:Tall for her age,Her hair is a dark brunette and has sevarl pink strands in her hair,alway has her hair in a braid
Keyblade: Star Seeker(KH2)
Magic Skills: Thunder, Blizzard, Fire
Other: THIS WILL BE SO FUN SINCE I LOVE KINGDOM HEARTS!!! and today is my last day before SCHOOL!!

Forum Name: Zangoose
RP Name: Sapphire
Age: 15
Appearance: See organiazation, but with blue coat. Dosnt wear hood.
Keyblade: Lionheart (KH1)
Magic Skills: Gravity, Areo, Blizzard
Other: Sorry If I am to late to join.
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Forum Name:Black Yoshi 99
RP Name: Xigbar
Age: 16.5
Appearance:Slightly tanned skin, with shaggy black hair. He wears a white vest over a grey t-shirt, and some brown cargo-type pants that are slightly baggy.
Keyblade: Oblivion(KHII)
Magic Skills:Curaga, Fira, Thundra(I think tose are the lighting, cure and fire spell names.)
Personality:Somewhat anti-social and uncaring, Xigbar is set on doing what he wants to, taking most things seriously, ignoring all the fun in everything. He has almost no sens of humor, but he'll occasionally laugh. Fighting is his greatest passion.
Other:While he is somewhat skilled, he's still learning, but won't accept help from anyone but a true master.
Your post is missing something...

And as for the spells, those are actually levels: for example, Fire-Fira-Firaga, Thunder-Thundra-Thundaga, and Cure-Cura-Curaga. Hmmm..... do you think we should all just have level 3, since we'll only know 3 spells each?
Forum Name:Silver
RP Name: Kairi(>:})
Age: 16
Appearance:Tall for her age,Her hair is a dark brunette and has sevarl pink strands in her hair,alway has her hair in a braid
Keyblade: Star Seeker(KH2)
Magic Skills:Thunder,Blizzard,Fire
Other: THIS WILL BE SO FUN SINCE I LOVE KINGDOM HEARTS!!! and today is my last day before SCHOOL!!
Other2: What th heck is a qwerty?!?!!?!?!?!?!?
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1. "Qwerty" is the nickname sometimes given to the type of keyboard that has q w e r t y as the first six letters.
2. I don't even really care, Black Yoshi 99 and Silver both accepted.
3. What about magic? Should we have the different power levels (__, __a, and __ga), or should we just use the same spells the whole time?
While I'm not so sure if I'm actually going to join this, I think I might be able to help you with this spell situation. Players are allotted a certain number of "spell points", say 5, when they join. At the start, each spell requires a certain amount of SP in order to be selected, and those that are stronger will require more points. And now, a handy list (feel free to change it if you so wish).

Fire 1
Blizzard 1
Thunder 1
Gravity 1
Stop 2
Aero 2
Magnet 2
Reflect 2
Cure 3
(Add 1 or 2 for 2nd and 3rd level spells respectively)

For example: Thunder(1)+Gravira(2)+Stop(2)=5 SP

Obviously, these levels will not be set permanently throughout the entire storyline; this is simply so that there can a little balance early on.
Cool idea! I'll try it; hope you decide to join eventually!

So, according to this chart, Black Yoshi 99 would currently be maxed (Cure=3, Fire=1, Thunder=1), I'd upgrade my Fire (Fira=2, Thunder=1, Aero=2), and Silver, you can have 2 more points worth of spells, so you could have 2 more 1s, 1 more 2, 2 upgrades, or whatever.

However, I won't use this unless you guys (Black Yoshi 99 and Silver) would prefer it over "start with 3 level 1s and work your way up." So, tell me which system you want, and if you want Leviathan's system, say which 5-points worth of spells you'd like to start with.
... Hm..... Tough decision(Not really.). Okay. Um...


So I want to be skilled in healing. So what? And I know I'm not maxed out, but I don't feel like being maxed out.:p
Forum Name: Celestial Blade
RP Name: ClavisAngemon
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Appearance: http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexclavisange.shtml (all the info in the link to the left)
Keyblade: "The Key" (which is in the picture in the above link)
Magic Skills: Fire, Aerora, Curaga
Personality: will be played out
Other: Comes from the Digital World, which has been recently restored to its original self by its god, Yggdrasil.
Is it okay if I edit my form a little? If it's not, ignore this post.

Forum Name:Black Yoshi 99
RP Name: Xigbar
Age: 16.5
Appearance:This. Except with his keyblade instead of the sword.
Keyblade: Oblivion(KHII)
Magic Skills:Curaga, Fira, Thundra(I think tose are the lighting, cure and fire spell names.)
Personality:Somewhat anti-social and uncaring, Xigbar is set on doing what he wants to, taking most things seriously, ignoring all the fun in everything. He has almost no sense of humor, but he'll occasionally laugh. Fighting is his greatest passion. The rest will be played out.
Other:While he is somewhat skilled, he's still learning, but won't accept help from anyone but a true master.
Black Yoshi 99: 0_o Did you make that up? Cause if so, you're extremely awesome at drawing. Sure, you can look like that.

Celestial Blade: You may not be a digimon, end of story. While we may eventually go to the Digital World, since the show is now Disney property in America, this is not a Digimon RP; it's a Kingdom Hearts RP. And a Mega level IS uber when we're all humans. If you want a Digimon RP, why don't you start that one you made a while back that I joined? You kinda just let people join and then left it there...
Alright, since no one seems interested, I'll just start tomorrow.

Hmmm... a lazy yet happy boy, an exceptionally dark boy, and a girl named Kairi. This sounds oddly familiar for some reason.......
... I just wanted to make my character that way. I've been in a craze with that lately. I didn't even think of this being like the games with Sora Riku and Kairi.
BTW Black Yoshi 99, I noticed that several of your RP characters, including this one, are named Xigbar... Did you take that name from the KHII Organization member, or did you get it somewhere else?
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