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Kitty Needs A Name!

Aww, she's adorable. You could call her Feli - short for Felicity, as in happiness or luck. Or feline. Although it's very close to Felix.

EDIT: oh, you've narrowed it down. I think Morrigan is a pretty cute name, actually. Also, I sometimes call my cat Meow-Mix too. I only know about that brand because my mum sometimes sings the song from an old advert for it. Not that I think that should be a permanent name! Although it's kind of sweet.
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You've never seen Meow Mix commercials? *GASP*

Well since I completely forgot about this thread (oops) and someone bumped it...

Gallifreya was the name picked, the vet looked at me funny when we went in. We call her Alli, but my mother refuses and calls her Mollie. Of which I cutely call her "Maul" when she goes crazy and starts running around the house pouncing on things.

She is a Doctor Who cat! The other night she found my replica fob watch and brought it to me to play, it was really cute...
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