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Kitty Needs A Name!

Doctor Professor Jim Junior.

There needs to be one really stupid name the cat will just happen to pick and I will have ruined it forever.
Hmm...maybe Cuddles? Swipe, possibly. You know--How cats swipe their paws? :D
SHUSH! Can you not see that I am busy being dead? D:<

Naow, if you'll excuse me...

*gets up and falls again* D:
Ok, Caprica has been added! As well as Starbuck.

Well, I had my parents and my boyfriend lower it down to ten.

1. Morrigan
2. Molly
3. Gallifrey/a
4. Starbuck
5. Ace
6. Leela
7. Mew
8. Rose
9. Tala
10. LSD (Boyfriend thought it was funny)
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tallulah. (with 3 l's and an h.)
or matha
or donna,
or romma,
or rose,
or river som (river 4 short.) ^__________________^
Ok we are at five, after five throws of the ten names, we got,

1. Gallifreya
2. Morrigan
3. Mew
4. Rose
5. LSD..... (WHY?)


Ready to play

Final two:

1. Morrigan
2. Gallifreya/ Freya/Alli

Which should it be?
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I'll be honest, LSD has to be the most original name I've heard in ever and you should totally go with it (but Morrigan is okay too).
Awwwww! She is such a cutie. o3o I love the picture of her cuddling up to your dog <3

I vote Gallifrey/Gallifreya/Freya! Seems to suit her and dorkiness is always good.
I'm saying Gallifreya/Freya because it reminds me of Final Fantasy IX :p
Assuming "Gallifreya/Freya" means "Gallifreya or Freya for short", but if not then Freya.

Also I'm sorry for trying to ruin your kitty :c
She didn't pick LSD, I threw the final five twice and those are the one's she picked. She almost ate "Morrigan" though....
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