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Klutzershy vs. Espeon


Since I have one more slot I may as well try filling it.

2vs2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 days
Damage Cap: 99%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, direct recovery, chills, Substitute, evasion modifiers
Arena: Dream Smoke Café

Saffron City is known for having something for everyone, including a very active nightlife. There's the well-known Trainer House in Viridian, but Saffron has fight clubs of its own, too. A particularly popular meet-up is held weekly at the Dream Smoke Café, an underground poetry lounge. Battles take place on a reinforced wooden platform stage, about 20 meters long and wide, while trainers and artisans alike watch from all sides. Pokémon that purposefully leave the stage are disqualified. Special lighting is used during battles: each round, the lights turn a different colour (in rainbow order) and provide different bonuses to the battling Pokémon.

Red: Fire damage +25%, FRZ Pokémon are defrosted
Orange: Physical damage +15%, Special energy cost -25%
Yellow: Electric damage +25%, Base accuracy +5%
Green: Poison energy cost -50%, PSN damage (for the round) x2
Blue: Water energy cost -25%, water buckets are refilled
Violet: Special damage +15%, Physical energy cost -25%

Also prepared for the Pokémon is a large bucket of water, placed on their respective sides of the stage. This provides the Pokémon with enough water to use multiple weaker water attacks or one strong water attack. The buckets are refilled during blue lights.

Other rules: First-stage evolving Pokémon only, no Fakémon, no signature attributes

Klutzershy's active squad:
Mudkip Tallgeese the female Mudkip <Torrent>
Mienfoo Shenlong the female Mienfoo <Inner Focus>
Vulpix Altron the female Vulpix <Flash Fire> @Fire Stone
Minccino Heavy Arms the female Minccino <Technician> @Shiny Stone
Ralts Sandrock the female Ralts <Trace>

Espeon's active squad:
Charmander Mars the male Charmander <Blaze>
Lapras Valeria the female Lapras <Water Absorb>
Horsea Elric the male Horsea <Swift Swim> @Dragon Scale
Staryu Pisaster the unknown Staryu <Natural Cure> @ Water Stone
Trapinch Sandragon the female Trapinch <Arena Trap>
Cleffa Ursula the female Cleffa <Magic Guard> @Oval Stone
Bronzor Copperplate the unknown Bronzor <Levitate>

Espeon sends out first, then Klutzershy sends out and posts commands, then Espeon posts commands.
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Re: Alvyren vs. Espeon

Shenlong, I call upon you once more!

Prepare yourself for battle with a swords dance. Then, establish your motive with a couple of deft hi jump kicks. Should Ursula assume a protective stance that would hinder your ability to land a kick, feint instead.

Swords Dance ~ Hi Jump Kick/Feint ~ Hi Jump Kick/Feint
Re: Alvyren vs. Espeon

I suppose the best thing to do now would be to use Gravity to prevent those hi-jump kicks of being any use. Following that use Amnesia followed by Work Up.

Gravity ~ Amnesia ~ Work Up
Re: Alvyren vs. Espeon

Alvyren vs Espeon

Shenlong (2/2 left)
Mienfoo ♀ - Inner Focus
A little bit nervous.
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Actions: Swords Dance ~ Hi Jump Kick/Feint ~ Hi Jump Kick/Feint
Other: n/a

Ursula (2/2 left)
Ursula ♀ - Magic Guard
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Actions: Gravity ~ Amnesia ~ Work Up
Other: n/a


- Round Start -

Shenlong flew out of her Pokeball in a burst of white light, already forming potential strategies even as she formed physically on the glowing stage, and found herself face to face with what appeared to be a bouncing pink star - a Cleffa. She took a quick step back - then shook her head. It was only a Cleffa. Hardly one of the toughest Pokemon around, and besides, she had a type advantage! Shenlong idly licked one paw and groomed her whiskers with it to show the Cleffa she wasn't afraid - it didn't seem to notice, though, too busy bouncing - and then turned elegantly on the spot, punching the air as she did a series of intricate spins. The tips of her paws glowed with power. She felt tougher already! Shenlong turned to see what the Cleffa's plan was, and saw it spreading its tiny hands in the air. Cleffa's eyes glowed a deep black for a moment, and a few sparkles appeared in front of the Pokemon. They spun in rapid circles above its head for a few seconds, and Shenlong started to back away again, but then they vanished. Was that all? She supposed the stars could have made it tougher, but even if they had, they hadn't done anything to interrupt her plans!

She waited a split-second for a shield to appear around the Cleffa and when it didn't, Shenlong dashed across the stage, feeling strangely heavy, and leapt up - and came quickly back to earth before she could even get partway through her leap, her feet landing back on stage harder than they should have. She looked back up, wondering if Cleffa was laughing at her. But it was just glancing forgetfully around itself, its fur glistening and shining as it did so. Had the stars actually done something useful...? Shelong carefully made another little hop into the air, and came down again much too quickly, and much too hard. It wasn't natural for a small hop. Had that been what the sparkles had done, make it so that she would fall? Well, she wasn't going to crash into the stage again. With no other orders - the Cleffa was just struggling to bounce, apparently fighting against the same force that had pulled Shelong down, so she didn't think she should use Feint - Shelong backed up a bit in case the Cleffa had decided to actually do something offensive now, and watched as instead it simply flexed its non-existent muscles, mumbling Cleffa-noises under its breath as its whole body glowed again. It looked tougher, but the Cleffa still had just stood there all round, and she hadn't been able to hurt it at all! She turned with frustration toward the side of the stage where her trainer stood, hoping Alvyren knew better than she did what had just happened.

- Round End -


Shenlong (2/2 left)
Mienfoo ♀ - Inner Focus
"This isn't working!"
Health: 100%
Energy: 96%
Actions: Swords Dance ~ nothing ~ nothing
Other: +2 Attack

Ursula (2/2 left)
Ursula ♀ - Magic Guard
Bouncing around.
Health: 100%
Energy: 91%
Actions: Gravity ~ Amnesia ~ Work Up
Other: +1 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +2 Special Defense
does not know Endeavor


Arena Notes:
  • Red lights were on this round, next round will be orange lights.
  • Gravity (3 more actions)
  • +2 accuracy from Gravity for every Pokemon on the field

  • Gravity prevents flight or leap moves entirely unless the Pokemon is specifically trying to resist it (which might just make Hi Jump Kick crash instead of nothing, anyway).
  • Stats raise 2% each!
  • Espeon posts commands first next round.

Action Synopsis:
  • Swords Dance - 2% energy, +2 Attack
  • Gravity - 5% energy, Gravity for 5 actions, +2 accuracy for 5 actions
  • Attempting Hi Jump Kick and hopping around - 2% energy
  • Amnesia - 2% energy, +2 Special Defense, forgets Endeavor (rolled 20/89)
  • Nothing - n/a
  • Work Up - 2% energy, +1 Attack, +1 Special Attack

Energy and Damage
  • Shenlong's health: n/a
  • Shenlong's energy: 100% - Swords Dance (2%), Hi Jump Kick attempt (2%) = 96%
  • Ursula's health: n/a
  • Ursula's energy: 100% - Gravity (5%), Amnesia (2%), Work Up (2%) = 91%
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Re: Alvyren vs. Espeon

Since physical moves are powered up, I imagine that Shenlong will want to use that to their advantage. Should they make an advance with a physical move, use Counter.

Firstly, set up a Light Screen - we don't want any special attacks catching us unaware.

If you get the opportunity then use Work Up.

Light Screen/Counter ~ Light Screen/Work Up/Counter ~ Light Screen/Work Up/Counter
Re: Alvyren vs. Espeon

Shenlong, we will have to delay our direct assault momentarily! You should be able to get in an aura sphere before the light screen takes effect, so do so. Then, you should tell the little Cleffa what a horrible job she did with the light screen and taunt her into not caring. Lastly, batter her up with a solid force palm.

Aura Sphere ~ Taunt ~ Force Palm
Klutzershy vs Espeon

Klutzershy (2/2 left)
Shenlong ♀ - Inner Focus
"This isn't working!"
Health: 100%
Energy: 96%
Actions: Aura Sphere ~ Taunt ~ Force Palm
Other: +2 Attack

Espeon (2/2 left)
Ursula ♀ - Magic Guard
Bouncing around.
Health: 100%
Energy: 91%
Actions: Light Screen/Counter ~ Light Screen/Work Up/Counter ~ Light Screen/Work Up/Counter
Other: +1 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +2 Special Defense
has forgotten Endeavor


- Round Start -

Ursula stared curiously at her opponent, wondering why it was just standing there on the other side of the stage. The Mienfoo had seemed so eager to attack her just a few minutes ago! Well, maybe it had changed its mind - that would make sense, there were lots of things more fun than fighting. Like... bouncing! Ursula bounced happily into the air - or, attempted to. She still found herself being pulled down, and instead she ended up performing a kind of weird spin, losing her balance and falling down onto the stage. As she was returning to her feet, what looked like a ball of blue fire hurled her painfully backward and she let out a high-pitched yelp. Apparently the Mienfoo had been preparing an attack while she wasn't looking. That wasn't fair! All she had wanted to do was bounce! "Hey!" she shouted. "How mean! That's not fair, that really hurt!" Her opponent just grinned. Frustrated with the Mienfoo, Ursula spread her hands, and a bright yellow screen appeared in front of them and stretched into a kind of glowing bubble all around her. It shimmered in place, guarding her from another scary attack. There! she thought. That should keep that from happening again.

"Is that all?" Mienfoo asked her in an unconcerned, velvety voice. It looked amused. "A Light Screen? How can you be mad at me for hurting you when you don't even try - all you do is bounce and make bubbles!" Ursula found herself fuming. There was nothing wrong with bouncing! And she was only following her orders making the bubble, which she thought was a perfectly good idea, anyway! "Maybe you should try actually fighting back sometime - although I'm not sure you could do anything at all to me. I mean, all you've done so far is just stand there..." Ursula lowered her ears, giving the Mienfoo her most menacing look and growing even more annoyed when it just looked even more amused. She would show that conceited kitty that she was just as good at it was! Ursula racked her brains for a powerful move that would wipe that cocky look off its face, and... absolutely nothing came to mind. She stomped her foot on the stage as an expression of her feelings instead. That Mienfoo! So mean! She just couldn't stand it!

Shenlong smiled to herself. It never took very much to rile up other Pokemon, though she always felt a little bad about it. How had she ever been even a tiny bit intimidated by this silly bouncy star? If it hadn't done anything but stomp its foot at her after that, Shenlong wasn't sure there was anything it could do. Was the whole point of it to bounce? She tapped her foot experimentally on the ground, and while she still felt a little heavy, the attack she had in mind now didn't require any jumping, and the Cleffa would have the same problem if it tried to dodge. Shenlong rushed forward across the stage and rammed her paw into the Cleffa's forehead, firing a shockwave out of it into her opponent. She started to pull away, ready to back up again - and felt the Cleffa's tiny hand take hold of her wrist. Her eyes went wide. What was it doing?! She struggled against its grip, but it held on tight, raising its other hand, and unleashed the same burst of electric energy back at her. Shenlong flew backward through the air and crashed hard into the wall, only just missing the bucket of water on the other side of the stage. She got quickly to her feet and stumbled as she felt suddenly very light - and dizzy. Had it just done something useful again?! Shenlong whimpered. She had thought maybe the first time could have been a fluke, but twice in a row? What was she supposed to do to an opponent like that?

- Round End -


Klutzershy (2/2 left)
Shenlong ♀ - Inner Focus
Health: 72%
Energy: 86%
Actions: Aura Sphere ~ Taunt ~ Force Palm
Other: +2 Attack

Espeon (2/2 left)
Ursula ♀ - Magic Guard
Health: 74%
Energy: 74%
Actions: Light Screen ~ nothing ~ Counter
Other: +1 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +2 Special Defense
Taunted (3 more actions), Light Screen (3 more actions)
has forgotten Endeavor


Arena Notes:
  • Orange lights were on this round (Physical damage +15%, Special energy cost -25%), next round will be yellow lights (Electric damage +25%, Base accuracy +5%).
  • Gravity wore off after the third action.
  • +2 accuracy from Gravity for every Pokemon on the field wore off after the third action.

  • Klutzershy posts commands first next round.

Action Synopsis:
  • Aura Sphere - (9% * 1.25 STAB * 1.5 type) -4% stats = 12% damage
    (5%/1.25 lights) - 1% STAB + = 3% energy
    rolled 78 (needed <6) for critical
  • Light Screen - 1% for use, +2% upkeep = 3% energy (5 actions)
  • Taunt - 4% (5 actions)
  • nothing - n/a
  • Force Palm - (6% * 1.25 STAB * 1.5 type * 1.15 lights) + 4% stats - 2% Counter = 14% damage
    3% - 1% STAB +1% effect = 3% energy
    rolled 38 (needed <6) for critical
    rolled 45 for paralysis (needed <31)
  • Counter - (16% - 2% Counter) * 2 = 28% damage
    energy 14%

Energy and Damage
  • Shenlong's health: 100% - Counter (28%) = 72%
  • Shenlong's energy: 96% - Aura Sphere (3%), Taunt (4%), Force Palm (3%) = 86%
  • Ursula's health: 100% - Aura Sphere (12%), Force Palm (14%) = 74%
  • Ursula's energy: 91% - Light Screen (3%), Counter (14%) = 74%
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I know that hurt, Shenlong, but we're still slightly ahead, if you ask me. Let's rid of the pesky light screen with a firm brick break. Then, capitalise on the yellow lights with a dose of focus blast after a quick meditation to calm your mind and nerves.

Brick Break ~ Calm Mind ~ Focus Blast
Let's go for an Icy Wind before that pesky Mienfoo can even think about raising its special defense. Follow it up with two Double Edge attacks.

Icy Wind ~ Double Edge ~ Double Edge
Klutzershy vs Espeon

Klutzershy (2/2 left)
Shenlong ♀ - Inner Focus
Health: 72%
Energy: 86%
Actions: Brick Break ~ Calm Mind ~ Focus Blast
Other: +2 Attack

Espeon (2/2 left)
Ursula ♀ - Magic Guard
Health: 74%
Energy: 74%
Actions: Icy Wind ~ Double Edge ~ Double Edge
Other: +1 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +2 Special Defense
[~] Taunted (3 more actions), Light Screen (3 more actions)
[~] has forgotten Endeavor


- Round Start -

Shenlong stared warily at her opponent, folding her ears back against her head. This was a lot more than she had bargained for when she'd first seen her opponent. It was so tiny! How had it hit her like that? She really, really didn't want to try attacking it again and risk finding out what else this Pokemon could do to her, but orders were orders, and she had to trust that her trainer knew best. Trying to repress her sense of dread, Shenlong dashed forward again, her whole paw glowing white as she smashed it into the Cleffa's face through the glimmering bubble, which shattered and dissipated in a shower of sparkles. Shenlong watched wide-eyed it went tumbling backward, not daring to believe that had just happened - had she hit the Cleffa without it doing anything impossible?! Then the pink star stood up and spread its limbs again, looking almost uncharacteristically upset. Maybe she had gone a little overboard with the taunting... Before Shenlong could do more than back a few steps away, a flurry of snowflakes shot out of the Cleffa's fur in a gust of cold wind that had Shenlong's teeth chattering as she was pushed backward. She could even feel icicles forming in her own fur, slowing her down as she tried to stay upright against the wind. Forcing herself to ignore the lingering cold as the wind disappeared, Shenlong held her paws to her head and closed her eyes, trying to clear her mind. She would never beat this Cleffa if she couldn't think straight!

That looked really cold! Ursula thought to herself as she watched the Mienfoo, who was still shivering quietly. For a moment, she felt kind of like apologizing, and then remembered that she was really, really mad at the Mienfoo. It was only fair that it feel a little cold! If it had just accepted that bouncing was a perfectly valid form of expression, they could have been good friends! But no, instead it just had to be mean to her! Her fury rekindled, Cleffa bounced her way across the stage - that would show it that there was nothing wrong with bouncing! - and slammed herself against the Mienfoo, causing them both to crash painfully down into the stage, Ursula on top. The Mienfoo's eyes flashed as it tugged its paws out from under her, and a blue orb of energy appeared between them, shooting forward right into Ursula's face again - no fair, no fair! - and knocking her onto her back. She scrambled quickly upward, slamming herself into Mienfoo again before it could get away. They both bounced backward and Ursula ached all over as she stood up once more, but she didn't mind. That would show that mean cat! As she regained her bearings, though, it felt like her head cleared of something. Why had she been so angry, again? She glanced around for the source of the feelings and saw her sparring partner struggling to its feet. Oh! she thought. If the mean Mienfoo was too busy with that to pay attention to her, that meant that she could do whatever she wanted! Ursula bounced happily into the air to celebrate. It couldn't look down on her for bouncing after she had done that!

- Round End -


Klutzershy (2/2 left)
Shenlong ♀ - Inner Focus
'Maybe I won't make it...'
Health: 24%
Energy: 74%
Actions: Brick Break ~ Calm Mind ~ Focus Blast
Other: +2 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense, -1 Speed

Espeon (2/2 left)
Ursula ♀ - Magic Guard
"So there! Meanie!"
Health: 37%
Energy: 58%
Actions: Icy Wind (critical) ~ Double Edge ~ Double Edge
Other: +1 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +2 Special Defense
[~] has forgotten Endeavor


Arena Notes:
  • Yellow lights were on this round (Electric damage +25%, accuracy +5%), next round will be green lights (Poison energy -50%, PSN damage x2)

  • Icy Wind scored a critical hit.
  • Ursula lost Light Screen at the beginning of the first action.
  • The Taunt on Ursula wore off after the third action.
  • Espeon posts commands first next round.

Action Synopsis:
  • Brick Break - (7% * 1.25 STAB * 1.5 type) + 4% stats = 17% damage
    [~] 4% - 1% STAB= 3% energy
    [~] rolled 97 (needed <6) for critical
    [~] Ursula's Light Screen destroyed
  • Icy Wind - 5% + 4% stats + 5% critical = 14% damage
    [~] 3% + 1% = 4% energy
    [~] +5% accuracy from lights = 100% accuracy
    [~] rolled 4 (needed <6) for critical, scores critical
    [~] -1 Speed to Shenlong (65 to 55 speed)
  • Calm Mind - 2% energy
    [~] +1 Special Attack to Shenlong, +1 Special Defense to Shenlong
  • Double Edge - (12% * 1.25% STAB) + 2% stats = 17% damage (6% recoil Magic Guard)
    [~] 7% - 1% STAB = 6% energy
    [~] rolled 71 (needed <6) for critical
  • Focus Blast - (12% * 1.25 STAB * 1.5 type) +2% stats - 4% stats= 20% damage
    [~] 7% energy - 1% STAB = 6% energy
    [~] rolled 56 (needed <26) for accuracy (70% +5% accuracy from lights)
    [~] rolled 68 (needed <11) for effect
    [~] rolled 98 (needed <6) for critical
  • Double Edge - (12% * 1.25% STAB) + 2% stats = 17% damage (6% recoil Magic Guard)
    [~] 7% - 1% STAB = 6% energy
    [~] rolled 51 (needed <6) for critical

Energy and Damage:
  • Shenlong's health: 72% - Icy Wind (14%), Double-Edge (17%), Double-Edge (17%) = 24%
  • Shenlong's energy: 86% - Brick Break (4%), Calm Mind (2%), Focus Blast (6%) = 74%
  • Ursula's health: 74% - Brick Break (17%), Focus Blast (20%) = 37%
  • Ursula's energy: 74% - Icy Wind (4%), Double-Edge (6%), Double-Edge (6%) = 58%
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I guess we're going to have to start out the round with another Gravity attack; follow it up with Sing until Shenlong is asleep. After that, feel free to Dream Eater (energy) away. If they attempt to taunt you again, then use Psychic.

Gravity/Psychic ~ Sing/Psychic ~ Sing/Dream Eater (energy)/Psychic
Even with the speed drop, you're still faster, so get in a hi jump kick before Gravity comes into effect. With a connection, Ursula should be in very critical condition — enough to be finished off with a drain punch. If not, then twice for good measure, yes?

Hi Jump Kick ~ Drain Punch ~ Drain Punch
Klutzershy vs Espeon

Klutzershy (2/2 left)
Shenlong ♀ - Inner Focus
'Maybe I won't make it...'
Health: 24%
Energy: 74%
Actions: Hi Jump Kick ~ Drain Punch ~ Drain Punch
Other: +2 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense, -1 Speed

Espeon (2/2 left)
Ursula ♀ - Magic Guard
"So there! Meanie!"
Health: 37%
Energy: 58%
Actions: Gravity/Psychic ~ Sing/Psychic ~ Sing/Dream Eater (energy)/Psychic
Other: +1 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +2 Special Defense
[~] has forgotten Endeavor


- Round Start -

Panting with exhaustion, Shenlong evaluated her bouncing opponent. The Cleffa's little hops and jumps looked a lot less effortless than they had when it had first come out of its ball. It put up a strong face - well, it still looked cheerful, anyway - but it was clear that they were both getting close to their last legs. One way or the other, this round would be over soon enough. She hesitated briefly before following her trainer's commands; another Hi Jump Kick? After the last one had just failed... But she didn't feel the heaviness that had come with the last failure, and she had to try. Shenlong watched for a half-second to determine the flow of the bouncing before sprinting across the stage, this time with a successful leap into the air. The Cleffa's eyes went wide as it finally took notice of her and stepped backward, but it was too late - Shenlong's foot came down hard right in her opponent's face, knocking it onto its back. Then she quickly scurried away to assess the damage from a safer distance, wary of being grabbed and hit again.

Ursula rocked unsteadily on her feet, dizzy from the blow. What was happening? She'd been winning only a moment ago! Shaking her head to clear it of dizziness, Ursula spread her hands and let the sparkles appear twirling in front of her again. They spun up and up as she watched, and Ursula felt suddenly much heavier. She attempted a feeble bounce into the air, and couldn't get her feet off the ground for heaviness and tiredness. It had worked. That would stop it from jumping again, but from the looks of it, it was racing back toward her, its arm stretched in preparation for a punch. Ursula only just managed to move to the side, but not quickly enough to avoid the Mienfoo's fist. It was over...

Was it over? Shenlong's arm glowed briefly with the energy she had taken as she moved back again, still wary. But the Cleffa had fallen back to the stage, and this time, it did not get up. It had had so many tricks up its sleeve to thwart her all this time - could she really have defeated it? Or was this another trick? Tense with caution, Shenlong crept forward and jabbed the Cleffa with a paw before darting away. Her opponent remained still. Then it vanished in a flash of white light, leaving her staring at the spot where it had been. She had done it...? She had done it! Shenlong leapt into the air with a cry of glee - coming down much too fast, but she didn't mind anymore - spinning in circles all around the stage. She felt oddly light despite the heaviness of the air. Cleffa was down!

- Round End -


Klutzershy (2/2 left)
Shenlong ♀ - Inner Focus
"Yay, yay, yay, yay, yay~!" Proud of herself for winning the round.
Health: 28%
Energy: 65%
Actions: Hi Jump Kick ~ Drain Punch ~ n/a
Other: +2 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense, -1 Speed

Espeon (1/2 left)
Ursula ♀ - Magic Guard
Knocked out.
Health: 0%
Energy: 53%
Actions: Gravity ~ n/a ~ n/a
Other: +1 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +2 Special Defense
[~] has forgotten Endeavor


Arena Notes:
  • Green lights were on this round (Poison energy -50%, PSN damage x2), next round will be blue lights (Water energy cost -25%, water buckets are refilled).
  • Gravity is in effect for 4 more actions, giving each Pokemon +2 accuracy.

  • Espeon sends out, then Klutzershy posts commands, then Espeon posts commands.

Action Synopsis:
  • Hi Jump Kick - (13 * 1.25 STAB * 1.5 type) + 4% stats = 28% damage
    [~] 8 - 1% STAB = 7%
    [~] rolled 35 (needed <11) for accuracy
    [~] rolled 82 (needed <6) for critical
  • Gravity - 5% energy
    [~] Gravity for 5 actions
    [~] +2 accuracy for 5 actions
  • Drain Punch - (7 * 1.25 STAB * 1.5 type) + 4% stats = 17% damage
    [~] 4% - 1% STAB = 3% energy
    [~] 17/2 = 8%, down to 4% as Ursula only had 9% health left = 4% health to Shenlong
    [~] rolled 43 (needed <6) for critical
  • Sing - N/A
  • Drain Punch - N/A

Energy and Damage:
  • Shenlong's health: 24% + Drain Punch (4%) = 28%
  • Shenlong's energy: 74% - Hi Jump Kick (7%), Drain Punch (2%) = 65%
  • Ursula's health: 37% - Hi Jump Kick (28%), Drain Punch (17%) = -8% FAINTED
  • Ursula's energy: 58% - Gravity (5%) = 53%
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Hum, hum. I know you're getting tired, Shenlong, so let's try making the best of what we've got to work with. Try a low sweep to trip Pisaster up, then slam it with a force palm. Reversal for your finale.

Low Sweep ~ Force Palm ~ Reversal
Well, I know it's a lot to ask of you on the first go but since there's a strong benefit to using water-type attacks with boosted accuracy, let's go with Hydro Pump as our opening manouver! Since it likely won't have fainted and you do have a method of generating your own water supply (I think) then use Bubblebeam. If the Mienfoo refuses to kick the bucket still, then use Water Gun. If there's no target then feel free to use Cosmic Power.

Hydro Pump ~ Bubblebeam/Cosmic Power ~ Water Gun/Cosmic Power
Klutzershy vs Espeon

Klutzershy (2/2 left)
Shenlong ♀ - Inner Focus
"Yay, yay, yay, yay, yay~!" Proud of herself for winning the round.
Health: 28%
Energy: 65%
Actions: Low Sweep ~ Force Palm ~ Reversal
Other: +2 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense, -1 Speed

Espeon (1/2 left)
Pisaster - Natural Cure @ Water Stone
Another battle already?
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Actions: Hydro Pump ~ Bubblebeam/Cosmic Power ~ Water Gun/Cosmic Power
Other: N/A


- Round Start -

Another battle already? The last one had taken enough effort; Pisaster wasn't sure that it could keep up this time. The Staryu shook itself off as it slowly turned to look at its opponent, its limbs drooping with the effort of remaining upright - but it wouldn't do to just fall to the ground and lay there like it wanted to. It had to appear to particularly care about fighting. The other Pokemon was trying, even as it struggled to stay on its feet. This Pokemon wouldn't win, Pisaster was certain, even if the Staryu didn't particularly care about the battle. Why, then, did it look so determined? Pisaster always admired Pokemon who could stand up and fight with passion even as they were nearing their last breath. It never could have mustered up that kind of emotion itself. But it would fight, even if not passionately.

Gritting her teeth, Shenlong forced herself to focus on her new opponent. She couldn't possibly beat this Staryu - although for some reason it already looked very tired, its center blinking red and blue as if it were injured - but she could do her very best to help out the next Pokemon before she was recalled! Her friends were counting on her! With that thought, Shenlong made to move forward, but the gem in the Staryu's middle had started radiating with white light. She hesitated, remembering what had happened the last time her opponent had started glowing, and in that moment it unleashed torrent of water straight into her chest. The force of the impact sent Shenlong flying backward, but she managed to right herself and dive across the stage - she wasn't ready to go down just yet! - lashing her claws out. Her opponent tripped over her outstretched paw, staggering as a dark bruise appeared on its leg - or, well, limb? A Staryu's anatomy wasn't nearly as clear-cut as other Pokemon's were. One of the limbs it was now hobbling around on, anyway.

Shenlong spun around to face it again, but the Staryu shot a stream of bubbles right into her face, blinding her for a half-second. Her head spinning, Shenlong mustered her strength and leapt at her opponent again, smashing her fist right into its center with a sort of crack- although nothing broke - before tumbling down onto the stage. Without giving her a chance to so much as close her eyes against her painful dizziness, the Staryu another blast of cold water into her face. It wouldn't have been that much normally, but she was so tired... Shenlong silently wished the next Pokemon luck as her vision faded into darkness.

- Round End -


Klutzershy (1/2 left)
Shenlong ♀ - Inner Focus
Knocked out.
Health: 0%
Energy: 60%
Actions: Low Sweep ~ Force Palm ~ n/a
Other: +2 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense, -1 Speed

Espeon (1/2 left)
Pisaster - Natural Cure @ Water Stone
Health: 72%
Energy: 94%
Actions: Hydro Pump (critical) ~ Bubblebeam ~ Water Gun
Other: -1 Speed


Arena Notes:
  • Blue lights were on this round (Water energy cost -25%, water buckets are refilled), next round will be violet lights (Special damage +15%, Physical energy cost -25%).
  • Both buckets are still 100% full.
  • Gravity is in effect for 1 more action, giving each Pokemon +2 accuracy.

  • Hydro Pump scored a critical hit.
  • Hydro Pump comes from an internal water source!
  • Klutzershy sends out and posts commands, then Espeon commands.

Action Synopsis:
  • Hydro Pump - (12 * 1.25 STAB) +1% item - 2% stats + 7% critical = 21%
    [~] 7% - 1% lights - 1% STAB - 1% item = 4% energy
    [~] 80 accuracy + Gravity = 100% accuracy
    [~] rolled 3 (needed <6) for critical, scores critical
  • Low Sweep - (6 * 1.25 STAB) + 4% stats = 14%
    [~] 3% - 1% STAB = 2%
    [~] rolled 33 (needed <6) for critical
    [~] -1 to Pisaster's Speed.
  • Bubble Beam - (6 * 1.25 STAB) +1% item - 2% stats = 6%
    [~] 4% -1% lights - 1% STAB - 1% item = 1%
    [~] rolled 12 (needed <6) for critical
    [~] rolled 37 (needed <11) for effect
  • Force Palm - (6 * 1.25 STAB) + 4% stats = 14%
    [~] 3% - 1% STAB +1% effect = 3%
    [~] rolled 73 (needed <6) for critical
    [~] rolled 85 (needed <31) for effect
  • Water Gun - (4% * 1.25% STAB) +1% item - 2% stats = 4%
    [~] 2% - 1% STAB - 1% item = 1%
    [~] rolled 56 (needed <6) for critical
  • Reversal - N/A

Energy and Damage:
  • Shenlong's health: 28% - Hydro Pump (21%), BubbleBeam (6%), Water Gun (4%) = -3% FAINTED
  • Shenlong's energy: 65% - Low Sweep (2%), Force Palm (3%) = 60%
  • Pisaster's health: 100% - Low Sweep (14%), Force Palm (14%) = 72%
  • Pisaster's energy: 100% - Hydro Pump (4%), BubbleBeam (1%), Water Gun (1%) = 94%
... what happened to my post there was a post here I know there was a post. Sigh. Hopefully I can remember what I said then. I know I sent out Heavy Arms. So Heavy Arms, you're up. Let's start with a calm mind to simultaneously boost offence and defence. It'd probably be a good idea to capitalise on the damage bonus, as well, with a couple of thunderbolts. Should Pisaster try to protect itself, you should put up a safeguard. If you already have a safeguard up, calm mind instead.

Calm Mind ~ Thunderbolt/Safeguard ~ Thunderbolt/Safeguard/Calm Mind
Since I believe we're slower due to that pesky low sweep attack, we should begin by using a Psych Up attack to reap the benefits of their Calm Mind attack. Since we should now be faster, I believe, use a Cosmic Power. Following that use Disable once they've used thunderbolt to disable it.
Psych Up ~ Cosmic Power ~ Disable
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