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knives alley hydra mafia

There are probably 2 packwolves if there are 2-3 decent town power roles, and 2 wolves with some sort of communication-divide (e.g. one of them being a lost wolf) if there's not that many town power roles
just from my limited knowledge of setup design

We likely have a COP-type or a VIG-type in the setup.
What I am afraid of is that we ABSTAIN, and then someone like QUETZAL dies and flips Villager, and nothing much else happens.

Honestly what I'm most afraid of is that we haven't seen any bastard mechanics yet when rari specifically said it was going to be a bastard game. But we can't really plan for that.

There are probably 2 packwolves if there are 2-3 decent town power roles, and 2 wolves with some sort of communication-divide (e.g. one of them being a lost wolf) if there's not that many town power roles
just from my limited knowledge of setup design

How likely do you think 2 packwolves + 1 outgroup would be? From how rari's been talking about this game for the past few months, I get the impression that she thinks vanilla townies are boring, so I would be surprised if there aren't many PRs.

feh the owl - I can see why one might want to go for them. They're probably going to be among the trickiest to read, given sande doesn't play much and most of us don't really know Ephemera. So I don't think voting for them would be a terrible decision. But I confess it feels a bit mean to immediately vote someone out in their first day phase on the forum, haha... Maybe I should be quashing that impulse, it's not exactly helpful to the game.
please don't (vote for me because i'll be hard to read, or don't vote for me because you'd feel bad)
both of those are bad mindsets to have

i'm good at getting myself out there as town
i am having difficulty doing my vibe check since in the last game i played, the person i read strongly as town on vibe and tone was mafia
i was coming around to them being mafia before i died but whatever
either way i am now paranoid and that is not good
some random vibes (tm)
read through is up to page 4

despicable meme can be town for the minion meme because that's the exact train of thought i had when getting our role card
mindmelds are absolutely guaranteed to be correct 50% of the time


i am pocketed easily by early game analysis, so i want to say alma mater town. of course this is a bad trait to have as town. i don't know how to deal with it. please send help i am dyin-


everyone who posted but is not in the game is obvious third party idk how y'all don't see it

anyway (this is getting repetitive but i decided to keep doing it... anyway)

feel like quetzalcoatl (i am gonna need a nickname for this hydra i refuse to type this out every time because i am lazy) might be town for asking questions early? again. i am pocketed easily by early game productivity it will kill me in my sleep help m-


will probably continue read through and vibe check after i get food because food is good and you need it to live
wow if i didn't get pocketed by mafia last game i played i think my vibes would be a lot more certain
curse you, mafia, for pocketing me
*shakes fist at sky*

back to the regularly scheduled vibe check
Thanks for the links, Ephemera! Fun reading, I like the way you think. And yeah, haha, the volume of posts in MU games is quite something. I hope you find TCoD more to your liking.
i am now fully pocketed
you actually read my games
who actually does that lol
this is effort in solving on a whole new level
Thanks for the links, Ephemera! Fun reading, I like the way you think. And yeah, haha, the volume of posts in MU games is quite something. I hope you find TCoD more to your liking.
i am now fully pocketed
you actually read my games
who actually does that lol
this is effort in solving on a whole new level
Haha, all I did was skim quickly through your ISOs! But thank you, you're very kind.

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