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knives alley hydra mafia

b/c associatives are weh

anyhow i have food now but it is not meant to be consumed while playing mafia
i know, because the person at the counter told me so

will be back with more vibes i hope
ok cool looks like i didn't miss much

or maybe i did miss a lot and it went over my head as i hastily skimmed through

either way it's nice to be in a mafia game again

This all assumes we want to yeet someone today at all tbh, which is an argument we've had many times before and I expect that when VM gets here he's going to say we should abstain (and he's not altogether wrong imo, it's a valid opinion).

your call, you've had more time to think about this game than I have

i didn't really notice anything that indicates anyone's alignment
i think abstaining here isn't good, because we'll go from odd to even
odd >>>>> even
if we assume a 2 person maf team, the ratio rn is 5-2, if we miselim here it's 3-2 tomorrow, and it's lylo, but we get one elim before lylo
if we abstain here it becomes 4-2 tomorrow, mylo and we have to abstain again to get to 3-2, which means we don't get any elims before lylo
i think abstaining here isn't good, because we'll go from odd to even
odd >>>>> even
if we assume a 2 person maf team, the ratio rn is 5-2, if we miselim here it's 3-2 tomorrow, and it's lylo, but we get one elim before lylo
if we abstain here it becomes 4-2 tomorrow, mylo and we have to abstain again to get to 3-2, which means we don't get any elims before lylo
fair point, I'll vote not to abstain

oh god, the phase ends today. I should maybe spend less entire days being nerd sniped by other shit. alright, post from mobile with no minion meme it is (so yeah, this is mf)

read by read, I think it's difficult to read hydras, it's especially difficult to read new hydras, and it's extraordinarily difficult to pull reads off a day that was like 75% memeing. I would like to do anything besides just attempting pull a read out of the ass end, if it is possible, and I do have an idea!

(I do, fwiw, believe that some people do the "oh crap this isnt scumchat" entrance pretty consistently when they are mafia, because they think they're real clever and no one's going to think about it-; this definitely includes Eifie, who did it this game, and one of you two in the feh hydra, but I don't know either of you to be the type that does this. also, Zori skipped doing it despite being a big fan of it, so that might be a point-for)

anyways, the idea -- why don't we, in fact, fuck around and find out what happens when you vote off an individual member of a hydra? I know, some of you will be reaching for the pitchforks because I'm suggesting setup investigation over direct solving, but hear me out -- remember the whole "bastard game" thing? not only are we treading on unpredictable ground where learning something about the hidden rules would be a great use of D0, but also, this being rari's big fancy setup designed specifically for hydras, I do not believe it'd be designed like your usual 7-player setup, passible of ending in two mislynches and a nightkill. so yeah, I think we should definitely investigate for the possibility that individual hydraheads have hidden powers

so naturally, I'm going to advocate lynching Eifie, less because of the above listed microread than for the simple pleasure of lynching Eifie, but I'm definitely open to better ideas if you guys are on board with this experiment
meh. i don’t really like this. i kinda doubt that individual members of a hydra have different alignments, so being able to kill individuals would mean that you just like... have an extra guy hanging out whose alignment you know. that seems pretty weird and not terribly likely to me. it’s a thought but i feel like it’ll just be a waste of time and would rather try to solve the game.

also our vote wasn’t random fwiw. staying there.
ok cool looks like i didn't miss much

or maybe i did miss a lot and it went over my head as i hastily skimmed through

either way it's nice to be in a mafia game again

Hi VM!!! Excited for you to be here.

Also nice theme choice. Celebi good.

so yeah, I think we should definitely investigate for the possibility that individual hydraheads have hidden powers
adding one more thought — wouldn’t this theory all hinge upon the setup incorporating hydra heads working against one another / having hidden information (or alignments) from each other to some extent? neither can actually be true considering that all role info goes to the shared account ... unless i’m misunderstanding
- m
Trying to vote out a single head is interesting. I'm with Skylar in that I think it's unlikely to be mechanically possible, but if we can decide on a hydra we want to vote out, maybe it's at least worth seeing what happens if we cast votes for one of the heads rather than the hydra itself?

Still dunno who it would be though. Like I said earlier, I don't really like the idea of voting out alma mater/Eifie.

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